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Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra

Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 2

Presented by Cobra


Click here for notes on Day 1.

Noted by Nogi

July 9, 2023

Disclaimer before viewing

  • Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. 
  • The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. 
  • Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be accepted.

Table of Contents

  • July 9, 2023 (Sun) Opening
  • General Announcement of Day 2
  • Energy Alignment
  • Dreams
  • Planetary Reset
  • Collapse of the Old Society
  • Two Timelines
  • Q and A session 8
  • Q and A session 9
  • WEF Reset versus Galactic Reset
  • CBDCs
  • The AI bugs
  • The Event
  • Abundance
  • Manifestation Process
  • The law of manifestation
  • Cancellation of Soul Contract with Archon
  • Forgiveness
  • Preparation of the Activation
  • Manifestation Vortex
  • Q and A session 10
  • A Galactic Wave of Divine Light is Approaching Us
  • Meditation of Light
  • Astrological Explanation of the Year 2023
  • Q and A session 11
  • ATVOR Expanded
  • Light Body
  • Bubble of Light Protection
  • Causal Body activation
  • Return of the Goddess
  • Sisterhood of the Rose
  • Goddess Temple

July 9, 2023 (Sun) Opening

General Announcement of Day 2

Good morning, everyone! General announcement: Regarding today’s manifestation process, I would recommend you to have some labels on your coins because in the last conference in Taipei, there were similar coins and there were confusions which one was yours. Secondly, someone used the spray in the hall and people around them coughed. Please do not do that kind of thing. Eating and drinking are basically prohibited in the venue. Please take your garbage home with you. Yesterday someone ate a cup noodle and left garbage in the hallway, please don't do that! Then, please make sure to return the receiver of Chinese translation before leaving. Finally, please be quiet in the hall as there are conferences and exams being held next door today. Okay now, welcome Cobra. Thank you very much. (applaud)

(Cobra takes the stage to activate the conference hall)

Cobra: Everybody, welcome back. (applaud)

Energy Alignment

We will start now. we will again align our energy field. So I would like to ask you to make yourself comfortable.

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out.
As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your being, and you breath out brilliant white light. Keep breathing like that.

Visualize brilliant white light coming from the sky, going through you to the center of the earth, and coming from the center of the earth, upward through you into the sky.
The pillar of light is blessing and encompassing the whole group, and it is protecting us. It aligns us to the highest purpose and the forces of light.

And when you are ready, please open your eyes.
Everybody, welcome back.


Did anybody have an interesting dream that you would like to share with the group?

  1. My mother in a past life appeared to me in a dream. My mother loved me. I felt that love in my Soul. Remembering this, my heart was filled with tears. I have reincarnated many times on this planet, but this was a vivid memory with emotions. My mother loves me with her Soul. When I remember it, I cry again. And I felt that karma will be resolved with true love. She asked me to tell everyone about it.

  2. In my dream, someone told me that something big will happen in the middle east on October this year. And I was lifted to the rooftop and was told that there would be huge shift in our timeline.

  3. I have always hoped that some of the lightworkers would interview Cobra with some scientific expertise in quantum mechanics or physics. In a dream, I was told that I was to be the bridge between Cobra and these experts.
    Cobra: please come to talk to me later about this.

  4. I dreamed of a meeting with people who seemed to be members of SOTR. Almost everyone's face was blurred and some looked like aliens. Among them, there was only one person whose face I could recall clearly. When I came to the venue today and talked to that person, I found out to my surprise that she had sent me a Central Sun Ray last night.

Cobra: Thank you very much. They are very interesting dreams. We see that we are already receiving the messages one way or the other. We are establishing the connection spiritual world and physical world that are happening this year. This connection has to be established before the physical contact begins. We need much stronger connection with the spiritual world for this planet’s transition to spiritual and harmonical place. Purpose of the light forces is to make the connection much stronger. So people can have their own connection with the higher self. More connection, less tendency of conflict, and more harmony.

So, the first topic of the second day, I will be speaking about the Planetary Reset.

Planetary Reset

This is about the Event and various changes. You need to understand the Plan is not fixed and it can change according to the circumstance. The basic ingredients of the Plan are fixed, but exactly how the Event will turn out and how it plays out, we don’t know.

Since the collapse of the alpha timeline, and especially after the beta timeline in 2018 and 2019, it began to be very clear that the society we live in now will collapse. This is unreversible. Since 2019, this society reached the point of No-Return. The collapse is unavoidable. The light forces are doing whatever possible to make this transition as smooth and harmonic as possible.

Collapse of the Old Society

As we are living in the final days of metastable universe, we are living in the metastable society. This is the surface society we live in now. The society on the surface of the planet appeared to be stable until 2019. The first sign of the collapse was the Covid situation. With all the resources the system slowly recovered in 2020, 2021, until now. Then, all of the resources are used up. We will have a gradual signs of collapse. Then the collapse starts accelerating. Actual collapse happens very very quickly.

There are pure aspects of this society which are vulnerable points.

1. Financial system. I will be speaking about this in more detail later in this conference.

2. Distribution chain. How the resources and food are being used and redistributed throughout the

3. State of human society as a whole. If the resources are used up in the surface society, all the society
begins to collapse. The current society is cut off from the spiritual world. There is more selfishness which create very unfavorable Nash equilibrium which at the certain point the society fall.

The same things happened in previous civilizations. For example the collapse of the Roman empire. The same sequence happened and it is understood how the empire collapsed. Roman empire has lasted 1,000 years, and the collapse was first gradual, and then very sudden. At that point, surface society needed 1,000 years of recovery. But, this time the situation is different because the light forces are on our side to make a breakthrough. The collapse of the surface society will be an opportunity to create the new society on the much better level.

When the society collapse, there are two options.

Two Timelines

This is the overall stage of the society as a whole (pointing to the black line). On the other hand, socieal pressure begins to increase (pointing to the red line). Pressure increases as inequality of the society increases. There are various factors contributing this unbalance and it is getting more and more unstable.

Dark forces creating New World Order society with more and more controls. When there is more controls, there is tendency of humanity to resist the control. First, humans comply the society because humans have tendency to follow the majority. When they get more pressure, they begin to offer passive resistance. When the pressure gets even stronger, at some point it begins to be unbearable, and this will be the breakthrough point (pointing to two lines intersect). This is the point where humanity can not accept the rules. There is no visible physical signs yet. But, when we reach this point, there will be explosion, very fast spreading upside down. That is the moment of collapse.

There are other things involved. First, there is increasing energy of the galactic central sun which activates the kundalini energy of the surface population that accelerate the situation. There is also an activity of our sun. when we are approaching the maximum solar cycle, it gives the tendency to resist against the oppression. There was a study made by a Russian scientist that determines that all revolutions were taking place near the solar maximum.

When we reach the critical point, with the assistance of Light forces, we get this(pointing to “Recovery”). The social recovery is much faster, but still it would be extremely chaotic because humanity have to process huge amount of information and huge amount of reality in the short period of time.

The coronavirus situation was quite stressful for human beings. But it was very valuable intel for the light forces for how to proceed the Event operation. When the Event happens and the actual mass arrest happens, there will be a worldwide lockdown for a week or two. Light forces will eliminate all the dark forces from the planet. Thus, it will be very similar to the coronavirus lockdown. You work from home and watch TV news at home, and light forces reveal the intel about the whole situation. You can not go out but to buy grocery. Those who work for the critical infrastructure will have to work. The others stay home and work remotely. The coronavirus lockdown has provided all the trainings necessary for people. So, it is very important for people who work in the infrastructure: Go to work, no freak out. Critical infrastructure workers such as electricity, food, internet, and water will be released to work.

Some of the intel released may be disturbing for some of us because the masses will realize how much they have been controlled and manipulated. Probably for some people, it would not be easy to understand. First few weeks, we will receive the general information about the structure of the Dark forces and how they continued this for millennia. People will also receive some general information about the extraterrestrial lives. This disclosure process will be gradual but as fast as humanity can accept.

The main concern of the light forces is that people do not want to go to work anymore. But, they need to go. They need to keep the society running. We have to eat, we have to sleep, we have to do many things. The current model the light forces shows that in most area, it will be fine, but in some of the local area, infrastructure will collapse. We will receive some help from military forces such as food or electricity generators. I will not go into too much detail, but the current model shows that in most cases, overall things will be fine, but some area will have difficulties.

Also, there will be psychological impact and the information people will receive is quite heavy. There has to be counselling and guidance around those people who do not understand what is going on. The information is quite shocking for some people, and they need to have some time to understand with the proper guidance. The participants of this conference are those who give the guidance to people around.

You will also go through own drama. The information you will receive still surprise you, but most of you will be fine. It will be quite an intense period, but it will be the beginning of era of light, finally.

Okay, any question?

Q and A session 8

Q. I need to show my face and talk about many things in social media. But what kind of risk should I expect?

A. Why you would like to show your face in social media?

Q. Because I have my own channel in Youtube, and a lot of people participate and would comment on me.

A. If you thought it will happen which is not guaranteed, that’s ok.

Q. on April 4, 2012, you mentioned the general mode of stargate / dimensional shift translation is changing from Antarion Conversion towards An Conversion. Antarion Conversion is defined as a nonlinear phasar thrust inversion / conversion dimensional translation system, whereas An Conversion is a linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system. So my question is: What is “linear phasar thrust”? (Translators and audience laughter)

A. AN conversion is energy controlled flow from higer plane to lower plane without interference. With AN conversion, the flow of information(energy) go through various plane directly.

Q. My question is about our gender in physical bodies. Is our physical gender decided based on the soul polarity?

A. There is no such thing as Soul polarity because the Soul has both female and male aspects and can be decided to reincarnate either side. Gender polarity does not exist above Buddhic plane. The astral body, for example, has tendency to have the same gender as the physical body.

Q. What you just said made me understand the electro-mechanical chaos that will occur at the moment of the Event, something you already talked about in your update in June. In Japan, we have a strong network of Self-Defense Forces and local government in the event of a disaster, and it seems to me that both the electrical system and food supply can make it through. However, it is those public servants who are the most exhausted by the coronavirus situation. But you said that public servants working in infrastructure need to go to work. You have already published relevant materials on this as well as the Event Support Group. I believe that the Event will succeed through the harmonious collaboration of the masculine Event Support Group and the feminine Sisterhood of the Roses. So my question is (audience laughter), am I right in this idea?

A. Yes, and both two groups will be reactivated by the time of the Event. The thing is, because they have been waiting for it so long, these groups began to dissipate, but at the time of the Event, those main groups will be reactivated. The light forces will give the guidance and people will spontaneously organize themselves. Feminine aspect of SOTR will be everywhere on the planet. ESG to bring instructions of how to fix the infrastructure, how to manage the psychology of the people, how to calm them down and organize them when the Event happens. SOTR will need to organize meditations and bring goddess energy and spirituality for humanity to calm down.

Q. In the book you recommended, "Not In His Image" by John Lamb Lash, it says that all the planets except the moon, sun and earth are imitations by the false god Demiurge. If that is true, doesn't that mean that astrology is also a counterfeit by Archon and black magic to control mankind?

A. This book is about the ancient Gnostic teachings back in 2000 years ago, describing the foredoom creation. Since that time, all planet but the Earth have been liberated. There was a very intense liberation war in our solar system in past. Now these planets are liberated, and the planet Earth is obviously needed to be liberated.

Q. What are the important dragon vortexes in Kyoto, Japan?

A. I can not answer this question right now.

Q. For the war situation ending in Libya, is there anything we foreigners can do to regain the goddess vortex, like burying morganite there?

A. if you can do this safely, and if you feel guided, yes.

Q. There are 5 books written by “Omnec Onec from Venus”. She as once ascended but came back in physical body and now lives in the US. I believe they are true stories. Can you confirm if they are real stories?

A. Use your own guidance.

Q. There is a Japanese mythology about Takaamahara (Interpreters struggle with correct pronunciation) where Izanami and Izanagi have descended from.

A. Anybody knows? (audience laughter) (translators still try to explain) Okay, I will have to check this later.

We will have 20 minutes and then we will continue.

Short Break

Before we continue, I will answer few of your questions

Q and A session 9

Q. Each time I dress feminine or more beautifully, I feel I get unlucky. So instead of being unlucky, I tend not to be dressed like that but simply. How can I get out of this belief system?

A. This is a part of the programming the Dark forces suppress the goddess energy. You can use self- protection techniques before you dress beautifully.

Q. I have a question about the subquantum anomaly. You were mentioning those beings survived the contraction of last cosmic cycle. so they tried to survive the process of becoming Oneness, but as a result, they got so traumatized. And this time, as the universe is contracting again, how will the Galactic forces will survive?

A. Those beings went through the maximum state of contraction. Now we are in the maximum expansion. So now we don’t have a problem. When we reach the point of the maximum expansion and begins to contract, it would be easier to survive. The moment of Big Bang, the beginning of the cycle of the universe, is much more difficult to survive. And those beings were not spiritually evolved enough. They did not have enough awareness of becoming the One. They were afraid of death of the soul.

We will have to continue the main program now.

WEF Reset versus Galactic Reset

I will be speaking about the financial aspect of this transition. There are two versions of Reset: We have Galactic Forces (Light Forces) version and Dark forces version.

The Dark forces are not intelligent and they tend to mimic and copy the plan of Light forces. So what they do is utilizing mass-media to create their own version of Reset. They tend to copy the wordings, too. But I was already talking about the Financial Reset more than 10 years ago, and there were other people talking about it more than 10 years ago. And not suddenly, World Economic Forum had a very bright idea of their own version of Reset. What they want to do is digitalizing the system. But, why?


There are two meanings.
First reason is, the old financial system that we have now is about to collapse. we cannot prevent the collapse. this old central banking system was created with the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, so it is now about 70 years old. The financial system now is very old and very unstable. This system was about to crash in 2020, but it was artificially prolonged with the Covid pandemic. Now the system is already verge of collapse, they want to use the Central Bank Digital Currencies, which practically means that you wil have all the money in your cellphone. You will be able to make every payment with your cellphone. The government will watch the money flow. If you are not behaving correctly, they can block your account. They can give you some bonus for good behavior. They can deduct money for not good, suspicious behaviors. Everything happens in the phone. This is the plan of the dark forces that will be forced in the coming months and years. CBDCs will be enforced in next months or so.

The problem with this digital financial system is two-folds. The dark forces take control the flow of money and the whole financial system. Second, they can block the manifestation process of people. It is much easier to manifest things with physical cashes, or printed money because physical cash is the physical manifestation of abundance. Digital cash is much more difficult to make physical abundance.

We are lucky because this financial system is hackable.

The AI bugs

The hackers of the Resistance Movement already hacked all the financial system. When the time is right, they press the button and take over the system. The dark forces try to centralize and digitalize all the financial system. The RM will take over the system and give back the money to people.

In the same time, there is another situation happens. There is Eastern Alliance preparing the Gold-backed Financial system. All the BRICKs countries such as Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa and many other countries are joining. They also have their own system already replaced with the old one.

What the light forces will do is, they will take over the system, and they use the good elements of the Eastern financial system. They also have Quantum Block-chain network. There is already network of block- chain connected to physical computers. The current financial system is run based on Windows computers. Overall, 98 percent of Bitcoin network is based on Windows operation system.

You know that the Windows were created and its advantages were stolen by Bill Gates. We know what kind of person he is. He has created a Backdoor in the Windows OS, so every Windows computer is linked to NSA. They can refer to every Bitcoin activity in the network, so Bitcoin is not anonymous. This is why the Galactic forces are inventing the system based on quantum computer. Those quantum computers have their own independent quantum block-chain network, which is not hackable. If you interfere the quantum network, it would be immediately detected because the quantum space is always changing. Every action in the quantum field, the quantum information space changes.

What the light forces will do when the Event happens is, the Resistance Movement will release the special AI bugs into the computer network of the surface of the planet. That AI bug will all the internet on the planet in about 20 minutes. The AI bugs are so intelligent that they will immediately overpower all computing systems on the surface of the planet. The Resistance Movement will access to the central computers of the central banks, and they will steal all the data of all the computers and transfer them to the quantum computers. This will make effectively transference from current financial system to the quantum financial system. Another fact is, all the values of physical assets will be respected; this will not be changed but will be transferred to the new system.

All the money that Cabals stole from the humanity will be confiscated by the Resistance, and it will be used for the Event. Most likely, the first 14 days after the Event, there is little chance the money will be return to humanity. Most cash will be released after the new society established and stable enough. After water and electricity are fully redistributed, cash will be available. Most of the liable and dept of the individuals on the surface of the planet will be canceled out.

The people will start receiving the amount of money from the Abundance Fund after the Event. At that point, various technologies will begin to be redistributed. Many medical technologies, such as the famous Medbed, will be available. But, it will take some time for all of this to be distributed throughout the planet. The overall distribution process will be watched by the light forces, so there will be no misuse of money.

The Event

When the society gets stable enough, light forces will release the information the Polar Shift and Galactic Waves. At that points, the Islands of Light will be created with the assistance and guidance of Pleiadians. Only those who are spiritually developed enough and purified enough are able to enter.

There is a plan of the Resistance Movement to invite some people to enter the underground. The certain members of the surface population might be able to be invited, but this is not the right time to disclose.

At the moment of the polar shift, motherships of Ashtar command will appear physically in the sky. They will create a levitation beams based on advanced ATVOR technology. If you step in the beam, you will be lifted and can survive the Tsunami. If you choose not to step in the levitation beam, you will probably die with tsunami, and you will be lifted to ships in the astral plane. It is up to your freewill. I have heard many nonsense about the ships. They are very afraid of the ships because these people are programmed against Ashtar command and Galactic Confederation. After the Event, people will have enough information and physical evidence about false extraterrestrial activities, and people's misconceptions about the extraterrestrials will be cleared up. Those who will not be lifted in the levitation field most likely will not survive the tsunami, maybe 1 percent will. If you wish to survive the tsunami with your physical body, I would advise to go to very high up in the mountain, 3-4,000 meters high. Most part of Tibet will not survive, but high up in Himalaya, you will survive (audience laughter). Mt. Fuji might be safe, but I’m not sure (laughter).

People who will be in the Island of Light will be protected against tsunami with the highly advanced technology. They will have an energy dome around them so that tsunami washes away everything but the inside the dome. Everybody inside the dome will be harmless because the space inside will be separated.


After all that, galactic abundance will be fully available to all humanity. All the idea of poverty is artificially created by the dark forces. There is no meanings to be poor or conflict according to the galactic society because there is no artificial limit about abundance. There is also no limit about spiritual abundance in the galactic society.

This is our bright future of humanity after we go through all of this. The planet of diamond.

There is a statistics saying more money you have more happiness you have. Why is that? Because, if you have more money, things can manifest freely and faster and easier. What is important here is that we have to put spirituality perspective when we are getting the abundance. Money itself is not a problem. The attachment to money is the problem. If we use the money for the spiritual perspective, it will bring the abundance, and we can create abundance. You can create many beautiful things for the planet.

Manifestation Process

I will be speaking little bit about the manifestation process. We will do an exercise very shortly that will assist your manifestation for yourself and for the planet.

This is the portal of the manifestation. Somebody was mentioning the AN phaser thrust, but this is about Antarion Conversion phaser thrust. The manifestation begins with spiritual thought descending into matter. This is how the manifestation work. Everything that is around you was at point just a someone’s idea. This room was an architect’s idea in the mental plane. Then he put the idea into a computer programing and make it visual art. People gathered to build these materials and make it physical. Every manifestation involves emotion with the idea, enthusiasm about the idea, and manifest that idea for the computer program.

Every thought, every emotion and action, creates ripples in space/time. When you constantly continue those steps, you can manifest anything you want. The only problem is that it will take space/time when you manifest something in the physical world. It is not an instant process. People often don’t have enough patience to wait. Manifestating a cup of coffee takes about 10 minutes. Most people do not have that patience even if it is just 5-10 minutes. If you want a car to manifested, you would need a few month. Some people are patient enough, and the others are not. If you want a house, it would take few years or even decades. If you want to manifest the Event, it would take centuries. The larger things you want to manifest, the longer time you need to take, but there is no limit. Rothchild family wanted to make the current financial system on the planet since 1775. So the original standard Rothchild dynasty knew that it would take long and they will not get the result whole their lifetime. They knew that their sons and grandsons will not experience that neither. But they had enough patience to wait for hundreds of years to manifest what they originally wanted.

We all want to manifest the Event. But we don’t need to wait for centuries more. We just need to be more contributing force than they are. For doing that correctly, follow the basic principle.

The law of manifestation

In the manifestation process, there are three steps.

1. Decision(Intention). You need to be very clear about what you want to manifest. If you want a new car, you need to know exactly which year, which color, which type of engine, and as much as possible. 
2. Emotional energy(Invocation). If you want a car, you need to visualize yourself driving the car.

3. Physical action. You need to go to the car dealers to take a look at the car you want. All those physical action will take in count.

There are three steps: Decision, Invocation, and Action. Decision is made in mental plane, Invocation is made in astral plane, and Action is in physical plane. Without the physical action, the manifestation process will stay on the astral plane.

You need to keep repeating this until you get the result. The effect is guaranteed. You need your freewill strong enough. Most people do not maintain the intent strong enough. The Dark forces want to control our freewill so the manifestation process slows down. Because most people have signed the contract with the dark forces before reincarnated to this planet, you need to cancel that contract.

Cancellation of Soul Contract with Archon

So we will cancel and erase the connection with them, and it will be gone forever. We will do this three times. I will read first, then repeat after me.

(This sentence was read three times each by everyone in the audience." Only "So be it, and so it is" was repeated three times each.)

You can do this exercise at home, anytime you want, anytime you are ready. This reinforces the cancellation process. You will be free from all the attachment and karma. I will give you some time for you to write this down.
(Illustrator HAL provided a welcome card with a cartoon for conference attendees. Patrick, the Chinese interpreter, discovered that the card also had Contract Revocation on the back, which he shared with everyone in the audience.)

Okay, we will continue.

So we have canceled the agreement we made with the dark forces very effectively. I will explain how to deliver the manifestation process in the chaotic situation.


Everything that happens is a wave form. If the situation is chaotic, if you are still attached to the wave form, that will bring the chaos to yourself. In this case, you need to retreat and drop the attachment itself. When the energy field is in right condition, you can start over the new manifestation in right way.

This is why so many light workers got involved in conflict. Because of your own chaotic energy interferes, and that chaotic energy creates the whole energy field chaotic. And in that chaotic situation, you don’t have to be involved in. You just have to release it. Let it go. Release your energy field and start New.

Please repeat the certain Mantra after me if you want.

“I decree and command to release all my conflicts with other light workers.
” (repeated 3 times)
“I decide forgiveness” (repeated 3 times)

Close your eyes.
Visualize the Violet flame coming from the sky, going thrugh you, releasing all the conflicts with other light workers. Throw every conflict into the violet flame and let it go.

Whenever you are ready, open youe eyes.

Whenever you forgive, you start a new manifestation cycle. You de-manifest all manifestation you don’t need anymore, and create a space for the new manifestation. You can de-manifestate every old thing that you don’t need in your life anymore. You can de-manifest cancer from your body. You can de-manifest the war in Ukraine as a collective if we are strong enough meditation group. We have de-manifested the war in Syria. This is the power of Forgiveness and De-manifestation.

Also, when you have a huge chaotic problem in your life, you first have to focus on a small problem that you can handle with.


If you harmonize the smaller problems, it will start harmonizing the whole wave function. And then, whole situation will be resolved.

The same thing will happen about healing the Dragon vortex in Kyoto. This will heal all the dragon vortex in Japan.

Okay, now we will have 20 minutes break and we will continue the main program. Please make sure to bring your silver and gold with you when you are back.

Short Break

(Conference staff move chairs out of the way to create space in the room. They placed a cloth-covered desk in the center of the space and placed a portrait of the Count of Saint Germain on it.)

Preparation of the Activation

Close your eyes and breath in and out the brilliant white light.

What you have to do is make a two big circle... well, two big oval in this area (the empty space the staff had made).

Outer circle, get larger. Inner circle, stand on your knees. Please hold each other's hands.
Okay, make a third circle between inner and outer circle! Shhh, Silence!
(Everyone seems to be having fun, but it's a little noisy.)

Just One outer circle! Okay, stay like this.

Close your eyes, breath in brilliant white light, and as you breath out, breath out brilliant white light.
(The noisy venue quickly regains its serenity.)

You can open your eyes again. Outer circle, keep holding your hands and sit down. Inner circle, stand up and hold your hands up in the sky.
(The audience was again in an uproar because they couldn't tell who was in the first or second row.)

Okay, we have to repeat!
Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out.
With your eyes closed, inner circle, please sit down. Outer circle stand up again with eyes closed. Outer circle, do not change your position. Keep standing up keep holding hands.
Now, second circle, stand up, hold your hands up, and everybody else, please sit down.

You have enough space, now please follow my instructions!
If this had been the Event, we would have a trouble! (laughter)

Okay, this is getting better now.

Manifestation Vortex

What we will do is to make a very powerful energy vortex of manifestation. The energy of St.Germain will help us.

I’d ask you to close your eyes. Watch your breath coming in and out. As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light. And as you breath out, you breath out the brilliant white light to your surrounding.

We are invoking Master St. Germain. You can repeat after me, it’s your choice.

“In the name of I am that I am, I invoke the presence of Saint Germain to bring abundance to me and my loves ones and for all humanity”.

Now what we will do is, you will go each, one by one, very fast because we are so many people, bring silver and gold to the table. First, inner circle go, and then second, and third circle will go. After that, you will take the things you put on the table away with you. You have to remember what you put on the table.
(Someone already starts walking to the table.) Stop, stop! You have to go back to the circle. One by one from the inner circle, starting from here!

Silence please. Breath in and out the brilliant white light. And we do it silently.
(The note taker was looking down on the Circles from above, and they all moved very beautifully and orderly, completing this process quickly.)

Now, we are going to the invoke the presence of Master St. Germain. You can visualize, feel, or experience this presence above group. You can invoke his presence in your own way.

He is going to bless all this abundance, and multiply it thousand of thousand of times.

You can repeat after me, it’s your choice.

“In the name of I AM Presence, I invoke the blessing of St.Germain to multiply all this abundance thousand of thousand of times for me and for my loved ones and for humanity. So be it, and so it is.”

“In the name of I AM that I AM, I decree and command to become the channel of this abundance and align with the divine plan. So be it, and so it is.”

Now, you can visualize, feel, or experience St. Germain standing upon us and blessing all this abundance in front of us. he multiplies it thousand of thousand of times for the benefit of me and my loved ones and all humanity.

You can start taking your items from inner circle to outer. Your items have been blessed to be multiply many many times, thousand of thousand of times in your lives. So be it, and so it is.

(The note taker was looking down on the Circles from above, and again, they all moved very beautifully, completing this process very quickly and smoothly, taking about 20 minutes.)

Now, close your eyes, say thank you to St. Germain for the support. Again, visualize this abundance multiplying thousand of thousand of times. We stay in silence and visualize it.

Thank you, and we will have a Lunch Break now, and we will come back at 4 o’clock.
During the lunch break, the tachyon products will be available. Please bring your chairs at the right position. Thank you very much! (audience applaud)

Lunch break

(Light Mandalas also had demonstrations and sales on site, drawing crowds. They were selling well, and I was told later that they had almost sold out of the stock they had brought this time.)

(after the lunch break, Cobra reactivated the conference room with the crystals)

Everybody, welcome back.
Now, close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out.
Visualize a pillar of light coming from the sky, going through the group, to the center of the earth. This pillar of light will protect us during the conference.

OK, before we start the main program, I will answer your questions.

Q and A session 10

Q. How can I connect strongly with the Resistance Movement?

A. There is no physical connection established because it is not safe, so you can connect with them through meditations. But they are not trying to connect with the people on the surface of the planet right now, so it might be difficult to connect with them, but you can still try.

Q. In China, digital payments via mobile phones are quite well developed and are approaching the world view of the Great Reset. Will Chinese people have a more challenging time after The Event if they get used to this system?

A. Unfortunately, yes. But still, the Light forces will take over the mobile network in China, and this network will be a part of the quantum financial system. (Chinese participants applauded)

Q. Recently, there are reports in China that a large amount of radioactive wastewater is being discharged from Fukushima and polluting the ocean, is this true?

A. Yes, there is a release of radioactive water, but it is not as radioactive as people are afraid of.

Q. The other day you mentioned a shrine in Kyoto where the Dragon family lives and closes at 5:00 p.m. Can you tell me which shrine that is?

A. No for sure. We don’t want everybody rushing there, this might create a problem. You can check all the shrines that opens until 5pm. (audience laughter)

Q. Can you tell me roughly where in Kyoto?

A. Kyoto area. (audience laughter)

Q. After The Event, I heard that humans can stay on the ground if they want to, and those who want to evacuate can escape, but what happens to the animals?

A. Many animals will be evacuated also. Not all of them, but many of them, but I would not believe spiders and mosquitos will be evacuated. (audience laughter)

Q. In the activation you mentioned earlier, you limited what we wanted St. Germain to increase to only gold and silver, not to put crystals. What is the reason for that?

A. Because you can not go to the store and buy something with crystals, but with the gold and silver, we can.

Q. In your recent update, you mentioned the book "Mind Clearing", isn’t this book about the technique used in Scientology community? The auther seemed to have a connection with the founder of the church of scientology.

A. Scientology haas many advanced technologies and techniques to create minds. But the higher levels(leaders) of this group misused the techniques. But Charles Berner has used some of these techniques and upgraded which is explained in the book, too. This is even more effective.

Q. Is the Phoenix a race of dragons? If so, does it signify the liberation of a planet or the reincarnation of a planet? Or are you referring to a planetary-scale operation?

A. Phoenix is not a race of dragon. They are different races. The phoenix has the strong connection with the galactic central sun.

OK, we will be back to the main program.

A Galactic Wave of Divine Light is Approaching Us

One aspect of the coming transition is the huge wave of Love and Light from the Galactic central sun coming to the surface of the planet. When enough amount of anomaly is removed, the energy will begin to be felt. It will be felt stronger and stronger. This will assist the transition smoother, the Event proceeding much easier. Our connection with light will begin stronger as well. We will now reinforcing the connection with our higher selves. That connection will ensure the energy properly grounded the planetary energy grid.

Meditation of Light

We will make this connection stronger. Your connection with your higher self reinforced, and bring that energy here. So purpose of this meditation is to make your connection with your higher self stronger. This stronger connection will make condition in next few years easier for all of us. So, we will do the meditation. Make yourself comfortable.

Watch your breath coming in and out.
As you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white light.
As you breathe out, you breathe out brilliant white light.

Now visualize a very powerful bright star full of light about 20cm above your head. Sphere star ball full of brilliant white light emanating brilliant brilliant white light. This is your Soul Star Chakra, your connection with your soul, or higher self. Visualize this brilliant star emanating brilliant white light to all direction.

Now, focus the direct attention to the crown chakra on the top of your head.
Visualize brilliant white light emanating from your crown chakra to all direction.
You as a reincarnated being, invoking the present of your soul, your higher self.
From your crown chakra, you are calling the presence of higher self by singing sacred OM.
Now, your soul, your higher self responds by singing OM to you.
And you as a reincarnated being, sing OM again from your crown chakra to your higher self. OM
Your higher self sing OM back to you
And you as a reincarnated being, sing OM again from your crown chakra to your higher self. OM
Your higher self respond and sing OM back to you

Slowly, you are aware of your physical body. You become aware of the sound surrounding you. And, whenever you are ready, open your eyes.

Would you like to share your experiences?

1. I felt both my energy body and physical body vibrating. I also saw violet light through my third eye chakra, pulsing in a special rhythm.

2. I saw a golden DNA spiral during the meditation.

3. When I was chanting OM, I heard the sound of singing bowls, though it was in the middle of the chant. I also saw a violet light from the third eye.

OK, this meditation will start connection with your higher self. It will also align chakras and meridians. This meditation is very powerful, so you can practice it 5-10 minutes maximum in a day.

This meditation is introduced now because we need to connect our body to the higher self right now. This meditation is for those who are ready for this. At some point, I will most likely post this in my blog because there needs to be as much as return of light to the surface of the planet in this year.

Astrological Explanation of the Year 2023

This is an astrological diagram of this year. (I could not find a suitable image in internet) I will just explain few things here which are quite important.

First one is Pluto which enters Aquarius in March. It was in Aquarius for 3 months, but now it has entered in Capricorn again. This was the most important astrological configuration of this year. This is assisting us entering the Age of Aquarius. We were starting the Age of Aquarius activations few years ago, and we reconnected in May of this year with the Portal of Light activation. The period between mid of June and the end of this year is an integration period. From one perspective it can be said another “delay”, but from another perspective, it can be said an intense clearing of subquantum anomaly. The preparation for this change is about to happen when the Pluto enters Aquarius again.

Actually, the forward movement will begin already in the beginning of October. There will be a strong conjunction with the lunar node in September - November. This conjunction will reactivate the Resistance Movement. It will become more active in surface operations starting from, I would say, mid-September.


This is a diagram of Pluto entering Aquarius. Pluto entered Aquarius in March of this year and stayed there for few months. Then it turned back to Capricorn and stay there rest of the year. It will be back to Aquarius in the beginning of next year. It will stay in Aquarius until middle of September next year. And then, it will stay in Capricorn again for about 2 months. Then Pluto will stay in Aquarius for decades.

Pluto in Aquarius gives practical influence that will bring the First Contact. This very short influence of Pluto in Aquarius in this year (3/23/2023-6/11/2023) already brought soft disclosures in United States. Second ingredient of Pluto Aquarius (1/20/2024-2/21/2024) will bring us stronger disclosure. And, final phase of Pluto in Aquarius (11/19/2024-12/29/2024) will bring a first contact at some point.

The energy of Pluto is very powerful. It is very deep, and it’s like whether you feel nothing or feel a lot. Pluto activation is always very rapid or unexpected. So when those disclosure event happen they will be very fast and very unexpected. This is the most energy dynamics of this year and next year.

For this process become as harmonic as possible, the mass meditation was produced before. So those soft disclosures will go smoothly.

Okay, we will make a 20 minnutes break and we will continue.

Short Break

Time of few of youe questions.

Q and A session 11

Q. Is it possible to transfer the energy of level 2 Ray to water?

A. Yes.

Q. In the previous mass meditation, I saw golden light rather than brilliant white light that we should have seen. Do you think it is my fault? How can you describe this phenomenon?

A. It’s OK, but just focus in the white light.

Q. A Chinese light worker claim that he or she is a reincarnation of Marie Antoinette, and now clearing the past trauma of previous reincarnation. Do you think Marie Antoinette has been reincarnated in China?

A. Marie Antoinette is reincarnated but not in China. She does not remember her previous reincarnation as Marie Antoinette.

Q. Are dark forces using the quantum accelerator in Switzerland to interfere with the human reincarnation process?

A. No.

Q. But are they going to be shut down?

A. It is not decided yet, maybe yes, maybe no. It can be repurposed.

Okay, we will be continuing the main program.

ATVOR Expanded


I will be speaking of the certain technology of the Light Forces. It is called ATVOR technology. This technology was first developed millions of years ago, and constantly been upgraded and redeveloped. It is basically the technology of a pillar of light that descend from motherships to the surface of the planet.

There is various purposes.
1. They can harmonize your energy field.
2. They can raise your vibration frequency.
3. The most advanced version serves as teleportation field or levitation field.

Right now, I am cooperating with Ashtar command in developing individual use of this technology. This will be individual technology to remove primary anomaly and subquantum anomaly energy field. We have been developing this in last few months and when it is ready, I will publish it in my blog.

Now we will work with the regular ATVOR technology. However, as we have worked with this many times already, we will do an upgraded version. We will now expand this technology to the next level that was not introduced yet in the past conferences.

First I would like you to repeat after me 3 times:

“I call upon the pillar of pure white light to descend upon me and to form around me. I call upon the presence of the I am that I am.
I ask the presence of I am that I am to join and merge with me.”
(repeated 3 times)

Now, close your eyes.
Visualize a pillar of pure white light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of light.

As you breath in, you breath in the brilliant white light into your heart.
As you breath out, you breath out the brilliant white light out from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breath in that light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command into your energy field. Each time you breath into your heart, be with Ashtar command.
Each time you breath out, radiate the light.
Please keep breathing like this for few moment.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes. Few of you can share your experience in the group.

1. After I called Ashtar Command I felt very strong white gold light and the presence of Ashtar. I also felt my skin and entire body vibrating with a powerful electrical sensation.

2. I felt strong energy in my heart chakra and almost burped. (laughter)

3. I saw Ashtar and members of Ashtar command in white cloth smiling at me. Motherships were inviting
me, and everything I saw was pure white light.

4. I know it's a question, but is what the previous person said really what happened?
A. Many people are restablishing the connection with Ashtar command. Now the time is right, so it is time to introduce this to you.

If you wish, you can write down this text, or you can use this (backside of the gift card). Everything is written here.

Light Body

This will happen in some point during the ascension process.

When the I AM Presence, your higher self, is fully activated in your physical body. At some point, using light body as an individual space ship because our individual light bodies after ascension, we will be able to travel in our individual bodies. We don’t need a physical space ship.


We will begin to use ascension vortex which will create a toroidal field. With that toroidal field, we can travel travel space/time.

As you can see here, this is the same shape. So, this is our light body, or an individual space ship. After our ascension, we will learn how to use it to travel the space.

We will retrained in mothership of Ashtar command. I would say that most evolved light workers will ascend when the time is right. They will ascend into mothership of Ashtar command. During the ascension process, they will be completely transmuted their personalities into the Light.

And for the rest of humanity, at the moment of the Polar shift, they will be evacuated to mothership if they wish. It will be like this.

You can also utilize the ATVOR technology for protection.

Bubble of Light Protection

The most effective protection is “Bubble of Light”. We can do this right now.
We will do it aloud. You can visualize the bubble of light around you with the eyes open. You can repeat after me:

“May a bubble of light surround me. May its light shield and protect me from all negative energy. And so it is.” (repeated 3 times)

You can use this during a day whenever you need protection. You can do it during meditation or during a day with eyes open, whenever you need protection. Just visualize the bubble of light and repeat this silently. When you have a business meeting, or if you are in a challenging situation at home, just do it.

Causal Body activation

To strengthen the light on the planet, there is one more meditation.
With this meditation, we will connect to our Causal bodies. That meditation will lift your consciousness in the causal plane. That will help a lot in the coming months and years.

So I would ask you to close your eyes.
Watch your breath coming in and out.
As you breath in, you breath in Rainbow colored light into your heart.
As you breath out, you breath out thr rainbow colored light from your heart into the surroundings. Kepp breathing like that. Breath in rainbow colored light, and breath out rainbow colored light.

As you are breathing like that, you begin to realize that your surrounded by the rainbow colored energy. That is your Rainbow body, and that rainbow colored light is your Causal body.
Keep this rainbow colored light into your heart and keep breathing your this rainbow colored light out to your field.
Keep breathing like that.

Rainbow body of light is surrounding us.
Also, we are singing the mantra to activate the Causal body:

Om mani padme hum”(we repeated 12 times at this time)

We are slowly becoming aware about surroundings, and whenever you feel right, you can open your eyes.

Is there anybody who would like to share the experience during the meditation?

1. I felt very happy and floating. That made me feel a little sick, or maybe even slightly nauseous.(laughter)

2. I could see the rainbow flowers blooming on the other side, and all the while I could hear myself and the flowers echoing each other.

3. I felt my causal body was integrating with other energy bodies. The main energy was coming from the Source, going through the crown chakra and other energy bodies. This would be a question, but is it possible for me to expand my causal body to heal others? →Yes.

OK, we will have a 20 minutes break, and we will continue.

Short Break

(Patrick reminds Chinese-speaking participants to be sure to return their interpretation devices and not take them home)

This is the last part of the conference today.

Return of the Goddess

One of the most important aspect of the coming change is the goddess energy. There is a huge imbalance between male and female in the last 5,000 years, which needs to be corrected for human society to function correctly.

There will be an impulse from galactic center that sends more and more galactic goddess energy of the Source. The energy will begin to activate pure feminine principles of this planet.

This current society has been existing since male polarity dominating female polarity for last 5,000 years. Now, caring and loving energy of the goddess will return. That will make both male and female polarities Co-Exist in harmony.

The Goddess energy will also bring the Beauty back to this planet. The energy of beauty is very much needed on this planet because the dark forces are doing whatever they could do to make this planet ugly, and they try to make the surface society ugly. They are promoting ugly architechture. And specially they promote the ugly art and music for hundreds of years. And last ten years, ugly applications.

So the purpose of the divine feminine energy is to bring back the true art to the world.

Beauty to music, dance, feminine body. All those energies start bringing a balance again to the human society.

I was speaking before about the Renaissance...

(Cobra suddenly goes silent. He says he's getting a message.)

OK, uh...
I was speaking before about the Renaissance and astrological cycles. The last cycle of Renaissance brought the appreciation of beauty. And the New Renaissance cycle which is about to start will be very similar astrological configuration. It will bring that energy again to the surface of the planet.

We will bring the energy of the beauty back to the planet.

Sisterhood of the Rose

The sisterhood of the Rose will be activated again. They were ancient group bringing that goddess energy to the planet since Atlantis, Egypt, and other civilizations. After the Venus transit in 2012, SOTR was reactivated again on the surface of the planet. There was a huge reactivation of SOTR about 5 years ago. More than 200 groups were created worldwide.

Last year, there was a lot of challenges energetically, and there was also coronavirus and others. Now maybe only about 90-100 groups are remaining. The light forces have committed to activate new SOTR again throughout the planet.

We will strengthen that energy. So, I would like to invite everybody, those of you who are leaders of SOTR groups, please come foreward. (Cobra surprised as more leaders came than expected)
Only leaders of the SOTR! Are you all leaders who organize the every week meeting?
And make sure to register your groups on the official SOTR website.

Okay, all the leaders of the SOTR, please hold hands to each other.
Now, we will receive a blessing for the each of the leader from a high priestess Isis Astara from astral plane. So, each of you will receive her blessing and assistance for your future activities as a spiritual guide.

(After the cobra does the mudra, he stamps an energetic mark with a crystal on the top of the head of each of the leaders, who join hands in a circle. Then we meditate for a few moments.)

Please open you eyes, and return to your seats.

We are all receiving the blessing from Isis Astara.
The energy will stay with you. I hope many groups will be created and these groups will spread the beautiful energy throughout the planet.

Is anybody want to say anything to the whole group?

1. There is only ONENESS that is what I got from my inner guidance. I love you. I appreciate you. No matter what it looks like, no one is removed from this circle. Each and every one of us is important. Divine life surrounds us. Thank you. (applaud)

2. I don't know anyone in this group, I found Cobra through Iruka's blog and here I am. I think you are all so beautiful here. But please don't fight. We are in a state of emergency. Let's learn to love more. I came here and I was moved and very disappointed at the same time. Your True Self should be much more beautiful. I will do my best, so let's all do our best! Thank you! (applaud)

3. (One woman stood up and let the beautiful mantra "HU" echo through the hall) Cobra “translation?” Terry “HUUU” Patrick “HUUU” (laughter)

Goddess Temple

OK, a guidance came from the light forces last year. The temples of goddess must be rebuilt again on the surface of the planet. Especially in the West, temples of the goddess were destroyed. There are few goddess temples in India, China, and little bit in Japan. In America, there is zero. So, the light forces are asking for anybody who feels guided to build or create a physical temple of goddess.

It can be a physical room that is open to public at least once a week. In the temple, you can provide some meditation session, dance, music, and manifest the goddess energy.

First announcement was in Paris conference last year, and there are already those temples that have been created. I think there are some in Japan, too. Those who built the temples, please stand up.
(more than 5 persons stood up)
Congraturations! (applaud)

There is a website that was published on my blog, you can see how these temples look like. I think the website was created by a Japanese member. There is a planetary website of all people who are creating the temple of goddess. I will be encouraging people creating goddess temples because it is much needed right now.

Goddess energy also is very much necessary for people.


People are stuck in that Matrix energy, and goddess energy can stop it and let the energy flows again. With the strong goddess energy on the surface of the planet, Matrix energy will not exist physically.

Another aspect of this project is the reactivation of old Atlantian equator, or Goddess equator. This is a part of the project of St.Germain, which is expected to reactivated very soon. When the time is right, I will publish about it in my blog.

End of Conference

So, we have slowly come to the end of our journey in this weekend.

We are almost at the end of our journey. Human society towards the Event. So, Don’t Give Up !

We will soon meet again our brother and sister.
We will create the beautiful society that all is dreaming about.
We will have a bathtub made of rose quartz crystal, or pure crystal before that one. It’s your choice! This is our future.

For those who don't know, this is my blog.

You have these websites you can write down if you do not know any of them.

Tachyon products: Tachyonis.org
Cintamani stones: Cintamani.space
SOTR activities: Sisterhoodofrose.network

In SOTR website, there are all instructions to form new groups thoughout the planet.
For some of the tachyon products, you can visit the website. There are not all but some products are on sale because some products are only available at a conference.

We are here to witness the Return of Light.
We are here to witness the Age of Aquarius.

We are here to reunite with our galactic family.
We are here to meet our galactic brother and sister.
To activate our mission.
To share light.

We are making impossible possible. We are creating impossible.
We are creating the Event!

This conference ends tonight.



And, I wish you Good Luck in your life! Thank you !

Victory of the Light ! (applaud)


And we all celebrated the great success of the Kyoto conference by singing and dancing to the music of Tonight in Babylon !

Victory of the Light 432Hz

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