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Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 1 Presented by Cobra

Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 1 

Presented by Cobra


Noted by Nogi

Nov 11, 2023 (Sat) 

Disclaimer before viewing

  • Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. 
  • The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the note taking process. 
  • Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be answered.

Table of Contents
  • Nov 11, 2023 (Sat) Opening
  • Introductions
  • Greetings
  • Galactic Network of Light Meditation
  • Purpose of this conference
  • Cobra Beyond the Veil
  • Cosmic Reset
  • New Cosmic Cycle
  • False Vacuum Theory
  • Key to Change
  • Cintamani Stone as Secret Code
  • Galactic Cintamani
  • Reorganization of Light Forces
  • 11:11 Doorway
  • Galactic Super Wave and Solar Micro Nova
  • Galactic Polar Shift
  • Galactic Equator Alignment
  • Past Micro Nova Events
  • Solar Flash
  • Magnetic Polar Shift
  • Solar Flare
  • Solar cycles
  • The Event Timing
  • Dyson Sphere
  • Old Atlantic Equator
  • Q and A session 1
  • Dynamics of the Portal 2025
  • Disclosure and First Contact
  • Financial System Collapsing
  • Astrological Predictions
  • Q and A session 2
  • Q and A session 3
  • Physics of Quarantine
  • Sub-Quantum and Quantum Anomaly
  • Birth of Lurker and the Duality
  • End of the Darkness
  • Q and A session 4
  • Q and A session 5
  • Physical Scalar Matrix
  • Q and A session 6
  • Q and A session 7
  • False Vacuum and Metastability Event
  • End of First Day of Conference

Nov 11, 2023 (Sat) Opening



Terry: Good morning everyone, I am Terry from Japan, an organizer of this conference. Here is Jedi from Taiwan, and Chatchai from Light Mandalas, Thailand. Here is Please take a seat, everyone. Never switch on your mobile phone in this room. No pictures, no photographs, and no recordings in this room. If we found someone is taking picture, unfortunately we need to remove this person permanently. No food inside the room, except a bottle of water. You can eat outside this room. Basically, you are not allowed to go out of this room during the conference except emergency. But there will be tachyon products and light mandalas sales during the coffee break. I will give you specific instructions how to purchase them. There will be Q and A sessions, so please raise your hand and there will be staff with microphones will rush to you. Please use the microphones when asking questions so that everyone can hear you. Ok, thank you very much. Let’s welcome Cobra!



Everybody, welcome to the Ascension conference.

We will be having some very strong energy works during the conference. I will also release some intel that will be quite interesting experience for all of us. I hope all of you have turn off the cellphones. During the conference, you are allowed to take notes and share the notes with anyone, but please write that “this is my own interpretation of what Cobra said”.

Since we are from different environment, energies and conditions, first, please make yourself comfortable.

Close your eyes, and watch your breath coming in and out. By doing so, relax.

Galactic Network of Light Meditation

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your physical body. As you breath out, you release from your physical body everything you don’t need anymore. All blocks and physical pain and all, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now, as you breath in, breath in brilliant white light into your physical body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body. Permeate all your plasma body with that light. As you breath out, you release from your plasma body everything you don’t need anymore. All anomaly and all distortion, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

As you breath in, you breath in that brilliant white light into your etheric body, or energy body. As you breath out, you release from your etheric body everything you don’t need anymore. All blockage in chakras and meridians, just let it all go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your etheric body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your astral body, or your emotional body. As you breath out, you release from your emotional body everything you don’t need anymore. All sadness, anger, guilt, depression, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your astral body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your mental body. As you breath out, you release from your mental body everything you don’t need anymore. All doubts, worries, belief system, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your mental body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, breath in that brilliant white light to the totality of your being. And as you breath out, radiate that light to all direction. Keep breathing like that.

As you breath like that, you begin to realize that you are a being of light. You are a being of light. I AM Being of Light. And we are confirming the fact by singing together the sacred OM three times. We start. OM OM OM.

As a being of light, we are connecting to other beings of light in this group. We are creating one big being of light. We are a being of light. We recognize our group as a big point of light. One being of light. We are confirming that fact by singing the sacred OM three times. OM OM OM.

As a group of being of light, we are connecting with all other groups, couples and individuals throughout the planet. We are creating a planetary network of light. We can visualize, feel and experience this planetary network of light growing and expanding throughout the planet. You can visualize the light growing and the darkness ending. All the wars ending, all the sufferings ending, until the whole planet becoming a one big point of light. we are confirming the fact by singing sacred OM three times. We start. OM OM OM.

You can feel, visualize, or experience our galaxy is a double spiral with billions of billions of stars. And each of the star are the galactic points of light. You can see the galactic network of light are sending a ray of light toward the solar system and the planet earth. So the planet earth is the last planet to be accepted in the galactic network. That is the fulfilment of the old galactic prophecy: There will a time all the darkness will disappear. And the time is now.

We are confirming that fact, we are singing the sacred OM three times.

And we start. OM OM OM

Now visualize a pillar of brilliant Blue colored light coming from the sky going through our group to the center of the earth. We ask the pillar of light is aligning us to the purpose of this conference, and is protecting this group. You can visualize that this light is protecting us as a group and individuals. Visualize all the stars and many beings of light blessing and supporting us in this process.

Now visualize, feel, and experience that there is the Violet Flame rotating anticlockwise coming from the sky, going through our group, to the center of the earth, and unifying our group, releasing everything that need to be released. We just surrender to this process for few moments.

Slowly you become aware of your physical body. You are becoming aware of the surrounding. And when you are ready, please open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you are completely present in Here and Now.

Everybody, welcome to the Ascension Conference!

Purpose of this conference


The purpose of this conference is to assist planetary ascension process, and to assist the final Victory of the Light.

You have all come here from various environment. You have been subjected to various experiences while you reincarnated in this planet. You might take all the reincarnations until now have been a training for this life time.

In your various past lives, you have developed different skills and certain powers because it was known that this life time is the end of the cycle. The important things will happen. In this life time, we are all in the process of making the breakthrough where about the quarantine state of this planet.

And the process requires certain, enormous amount of energies. It requires extreme dedications, skills. Many beings are called to participate in this process.

But only a few responded. Therefore, the task of yours are more challenging. You have to do the works thousand times more for the people.

So this reason, all the trainings we have received in the past lifetimes are useful right now.

During these lifetimes, we have been subjected by various form of programming. Everybody who has come to this planet had to accept a certain condition, contracts and agreements as the dark forces control the planet. They have to be subject of implants and mind programmings. Those belief systems are the basic of the current society on the surface of the planet. They are the foundation of the false reality that are constantly created on the planet. Upon that false layer of the programming, we have received additional layers of the programmings.

1.      Emotional layer of programing from the parents. We have accepted all the fears and worries from mother and father who have imprinted in their energy field.

2.      Education system. Vast majority of people on this planet unquestioningly subject themselves in that process. There are few who question that are not presented.

The main psychological reason is that they want to be Liked by the people around. That conformity is the main reason why the quarantine status was able to be maintained for 26,000 years. Many who questioned could manage to ascend in their life times. There are people who chose to remain until the final process, which is now.

All those layers of programing are narrowing perspectives of mind. Each person can see small narrow tiny aspect of reality. And of course, the interpretation of reality is not what it really is. If the reality is an elephant, there would be only few people can see the elephant. I’m speaking metaphorically, of course. People may see different perspective of the elephant, and they interpret what it is according to their own reality.

But in that reality, everything you can see, everything you can see with your naked eyes is inside of this small circle in our galaxy. So everything you can perceive with your senses is just tiny fraction of the entire universe. The development of the science in the last few centuries have allowed people to expand of that reality a little bit. But even the scientific perspective is a limited. Because the controls of the quarantine have guided the science into their direction not to discover many facts beyond the veil.

Cobra Beyond the Veil

(Photo of Cobra flying in near-space on a military aircraft.)

I was able to experience beyond the veil when I was flying Russian military aircraft years ago. I have seen few things that were there. The most obvious thing was the earth is NOT flat because some people are still believing that the earth is flat. The other reality is that energy field out there is much more beautiful and much less distorted. It’s sure that we are living in a dark cave. When we will come out of that cave, we will discover that there is beautiful universe out there. So what we are doing is that we are creating the Prison Break. we are breaking that prison which were artificially created. Later this conference, I will explain about how this prison was created, and how this will be dissolved as well.


Cosmic Reset

what is happening is that there is a universal change going on. There is a various strong restructuring of the universe taking place. This restructuring will reset some of the fundamental facts of this universe. As the result of this, condition of life on this planet will be reset as well.

New Cosmic Cycle

We are entering a new cosmic cycle. This is more accurate picture of the universe. The universe is a rotating torus. The universe is a 3D torus of space/time continuum which constantly rotates and moves. You might want to say that the space/time is membrane which rotates as an torus. This torus expands and contracts during cosmic cycles. We have reached a certain point of this cosmic cycle where the universe reached a maximum expansion, and it is beginning to contract again. Even the main stream science began to realize that it almost reach the end of cosmic expansion so it is getting a general knowledge. This is an end of expansion and beginning of contraction, that is a very special moment in the evolution of the universe. It is the moment where energy of the source can begin to come into the universe to rearrange the whole universe. Later today, I will explain the fascinating facts about it.


False Vacuum Theory


There is a certain theory in the quantum physics that this universe has not reached the final stage of the equilibrium, meaning that this universe is in a metastable state. The official scientific explanation of this is very pessimistic but our intel is more optimistic. The scientists believe this will happen at the point of the universe disappearing because the basic physical laws will change. That is not the truth. The truth is, when this false vacuum state collapses, there will be a change in quantum level which will rearrange certain physical laws, and also remove all the darkness from the universe, because the darkness is from the past cosmic cycle. We will remove all the darkness in the quantum level.

As you can see, we are now in the end of this entropic universe which is reaching the point of the maximum change, and this will birth the new Universe of the Light. The scientific theory of the false vacuum has a hard core Scientific evidence.

Scientists have measured the mass of top quark. The top quark is responsible for the infamous toplet bombs. They have realized that the mass of the top quark is not in the stable region nor instable region. It is in the meta-stable region, which means we are in a very delicate state which is arriving the false vacuum change. The universe is not stable nor instable. We are in somewhere in between. We are arriving in the moment of drastic change, cosmically speaking. What will happen is a Quantum Leap. Enormous quantum leap of whole universe which will push the universe into a new quantum state, the True Vacuum State. This will happen at the moment of the maximum expansion and the beginning of the contraction. When the earth became quarantine state 26,000 years ago, it was known that this change will happen around the year 2000. That was a rough estimate.

Key to Change

The total solar eclipse 11th august in 1999 was known as a marker to trigger the cosmic change. When at the moment this universe received the key from the Source how to dissolve the darkness. So that solar eclipse started the process of massive cosmic purification of all the darkness. That is why this planet has entered an extreme drastic purification which is quite challenging. Nobody was expecting that so much darkness is in here on the surface of the planet. But they were cleared layer by layer until this point where we are now, quite near the breakthrough. There are many advanced civilizations participating in this process because this planet was chosen as a central portal point of the transformation. Most of the focus is here. In the year of 1996, the dark forces have chosen to trigger all the hidden darkness, and then open the dark portals of the Orion star system being transferred to the planet earth. The orion was known as the home of the Dark Forces for many many years, but they chose to move everything in here. They have chosen this planet as a stronghold.


Cintamani Stone as Secret Code

So the Light forces have to begin to clear layer by layer of all the darkness from here to insure Victory of the Light. The Light forces began to activate the Secret Code. I will speak about this right now.

Million of years ago, it was known that this planet will become a focal point of the very important process in the galactic history. This solar system is located in one focal point in the galaxy. It is very close to the galactic highway, I would say. It is located in a plasma filament which opens the stargate. So there are many galactic traffic around this solar system. So the planet earth is considered to be a prime real estate of the galaxy. Most prized planet in the galaxy. Many galactic races have their own agendas for this planet. When the galactic light forces realized that and they have sent a secret code to this planet for the time where the final act will take place. They have sent special stones which are planned to be activated when the time is right.

The first one is Cintamani Stones. Cintamani Stones were sent to this planet from the Sirius star system. They are to be activated when the time is right to transmit the energy of the Event. We have started the missions to plant the cintamani stones in a planetary grid many many years ago. This is a part of a big project of Ascended being St. Germain. He is a being that is overseeing the process of building and creating the planetary network of light. Under the codename of “New Atlantis”, he contacted me years ago to continue building this network of Light to prepare for the Event and coming polar shift. This network is of many ley lines and vortexes of plasma, etheric, astral and mental planes. It transmits light coming from various star systems and also from the galactic central sun. This light will be distributed around the planet to assist and heal the liberation and ascension process. It also stabilize the planet so it prevents premature polar shift. Certain countries on this planet created very strong light worker grid.

(A map was posted showing the location of the Cintamani stones buried in Japan)

For example, Japanese light workers planted many thousands of Cintamani stones all over Japan!  

(A map was posted showing the location of the Cintamani stones buried in Taiwan)

Also, island of Taiwan got strong light worker grid. They also buried many thousands of Cintamani stones all over the island.

There are also strong grids in China, Europe, everywhere. What we have discovered when there are many cintamani stones, those areas are protected against typhoons, hurricanes. There is air condition getting better, and more peace and stability in those areas. Each cintamani anchors light. But the most interesting fact that I have never said before is that these Cintamani stones are not activated yet. All the cintamanis you have are not activated yet. When the time is right, the energy will increase dramatically. They will be activated by ATVOR technology. This will happen when the conditions of planetary network of light are correct. Your cintamani stones will be activated and become much more powerful. Also, cosmic race Sirians begin to transmit certain energies to your stones.


Galactic Cintamani

(An image of a glowing stone is presented in the palm of one’s hand)

Last year, I have introduced Galactic Cintamani Stones. Their origins are galactic center so they are even more powerful. I had to introduce these gradually because the energy is simply too strong. Whenever I mentioned this stone, crazy things began to happen so I had to be very careful and decided to release slowly. But now I can release next level of information about galactic cintamani stones. They will have a very important role in the Event. They will intercept the pressure of the energy coming from the central sun. So they will stabilize the energy grid of the planet, so that the polar shift will not happen too soon. Later today, I will speak about Ascension plan and you will understand more how these are all connected.

The Light Forces have communicated that now is time to also plant galactic cintamani stones in the planetary grid, especially the region of Old Equator.

It was the old equator before the last polar shift in the time of Atlantis. This was also the main goddess ley line. Among that old equator, the goddess energy was entering this planet. The Light forces have had the galactic cintamani stones to be additions to this goddess ley line. Galactic central sun will start to emit very strong goddess energy when the enough amount of anomaly removed. This energy will smooths the transition because the transition itself will be very intense, quite drastic, and can be also quite violent. So the galactic goddess energy stabilize the transition itself.

Galactic cintamani stones are connected to Galactic Central Race. It is connected to Goddess IONA. The Galactic Central Race are sometimes called “Builder Race”. It is the race that built the galactic network of Light. They built Galactic Confederation. They brought Light to the galaxy. There are other races which are participating the Liberation process.

Each cosmic race has sent millions of stones to the surface of planet millions of years ago for these stones to be activated in proper condition. Pleiadians have brought Moldavite stones millions of years ago. The people who have moldavites can connect to Pleiadians. That connection will be stronger as the time passes by.


Reorganization of Light Forces

As I have written in my blog few weeks ago

(https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2023/10/situation-update.html), there was a strong reorganization of the Light forces. St.Germain has taken control of surface and sub-surface activities, and also the activities in solar system and space for the liberation process. Many races who participated in Light forces for the process have been completely worn out and received too much war trauma. They were in the forces to fight against the huge Spiders in the underground bases. Many of them were traumatized by those battles. They were rescuing children and captured humans. I would say 80% of them have left the solar system to receive healing. Only the most qualified light forces and cosmic races remain in the solar system. We are in the declared war zone. This is a place where military operation is taking place to remove all the darkness from the planet. Those of you who are connected to “Command 1221 team” may have discovered that many of those beings who are connected with you are no longer here. They are reduced in size, but they are more efficient. All of those beings who got too much war trauma and too much fear had to go. Only qualified being with challenging spirit remained. They are so-called “Pleiadian (I could not catch) forces”

There are few of them remain, not as many as before. They are one part of Command 1221 team assisting Light workers. There is another team assisting Tachyon Chambers. There is another team assisting planetary network of light. There is another team assisting military operations on the surface together with the Resistance Movement. So they are less members but more efficient.

There are also other races who have brought many stones to the surface of the planet. They are called Tektites. Some tektites fell in Tibet which is a very special area with a various, different stones from various races millions of years ago. At this point, I can only mention few of them. It is still classified. There are also other special stones which remain in secret till they are discovered on the surface of the planet. When the time is right, they are also activated.


11:11 Doorway

 As it is at 11:11 now, we close our eyes just for a moment to receive the energy of 11:11. I will speak about 11:11 later also.

…Okay, you can open your eyes again.

11:11 is the code of the transition from Duality into Oneness. Today is 11th November. This date 11/11 is not chosen randomly. We have chosen this date for a part of 11:11 process. We are opening not only 11:11 doorway but even greater doorway, which I will be speaking about later. 

But before we will have a short break, I will mention one more thing. The Pleiadians have contacted me years ago and gave me instructions to build the Tachyon Chamber. It collects tachyons which were originated from the galactic central sun to the surface of the planet. The dark forces built the quarantine so that blocks natural tachyons to enter. They are kept intercepted in the ionosphere. Tachyon usually travels together with cosmic rays, and as most cosmic rays are getting intercepted in the ionosphere, tachyons are as well. They do not reach the surface of the planet.

So we have built tachyon chambers which are connected with the orbited space stations, which is high above the ionosphere. The crystals in the stations are quantumly entangled with the crystals in the chambers, so they can transmit the tachyons to the chambers. These chambers were built for the humanity to receive the tachyon energy.

I have brought many tachyon products for people to use and receive the energy. Lately I have focused on tachyonizing crystals, such as cintamani, Galactic cintamani, and other tektites to bring the special energies. During breaks, you can buy those products. Terry will give you instructions for this.

Terry: This is a special instruction for buying the tachyon products. First, the sequence numbered cards will be given to you. Usually we call number 1 to 10, and then 11-20, and so on. If your card says number 20, you do not have to rush and make a line.

OK thank you, and we will have 20 minutes break.

Short Break



Close your eyes, breath in and out brilliant white light. Keep breathing like that…

Okay, we will continue the main program. I will be speaking about the galactic superwave.


Galactic Super Wave and Solar Micro Nova

The galaxy is a living being. Each galaxy is actually a huge living being. Each galaxy has a central sun, the heart of the galaxy. Each heart pulses in a very similar way as human body. Each time when it pulses, the galactic central sun emits huge amount of energy both physical plane and non-physical plane. Each time when the galactic pulse happens, the galactic central sun changes its magnetic polarity. So there is a magnetic polar shift of the galactic central sun.

Galactic Polar Shift

The galactic polar shift is a very powerful process. Scientists are measuring changes of the polarity of the magnetic field in certain galaxies.

They have found that the magnetic polar drastically changed in about 3 years. This is extremely fast process. When the galactic pulse happens in this galaxy, it will be also the very fast process. Whole process will take only few years.

In the very short period of time, the magnetic polar will change. When the galactic North pole and South pole will change their places. This will affect the whole galaxy. When the galactic sun pulses, a very strong wave of energy and particles spread throughout the galaxy. When that wave hits the sun, it will strongly affect, and the sun changes to a Micro Nova.

Micro nova is a star with unexpected outburst activities. In many cases, it is affected by the activities of the galactic centers. The galactic central sun changes the sun into micro nova. Micro nova also emits huge amount of energies and particles throughout the solar system. The wave will strongly affect the dynamics of this planet. I will go into details about this later.

But first, I would like to say it will not just be a physical event. This is connected to geometry of the solar system related the galaxy and huge cosmic cycles. This is the ending of the cycle and also the beginning of the new cycle.

Galactic Equator Alignment

Our physical sun aligns the galactic equator twice in every 26,000 years cycle. so roughly every 13,000 years, it aligns with the galactic equator. Such alignment was precisely 17th May 1998. So this was called “Galactic Alignment” where the solstice sun has precisely aligned with the galactic equator. When the solstice sun crosses the galactic equator, it will cross a field of an extremely powerful plasma energy which affects the sun. it prepares another micro nova. It is not that outburst happens at the moment of crossing, but the crossing triggers the process of the outburst.


Past Micro Nova Events


This works like a clock. Scientists measured geological and biological evidence of the sun’s micro nova outburst which happened regularly every 13,000 years.

The last one is called Gothenburg Excursion Event. At that moment, there was a shift of the magnetic field of the planet. There were a very drastic climate changes. The temperature dropped and there was a mass extinction event. One of the many species extinct is mammoth in Siberia. Siberia at that time was sub-tropical area. At the moment of the outburst, the temperature fell drastically for about 40 in a few minutes. So the mammoth got frozen intact. So this drastic event was the advent of an ice age as subsequence of micro nova and change of the earth’s magnetic field.

One more example “Lake Mungo Excursion” which was known also drastic. There was “Mono Lake Excursion” and you can see a subsequent event roughly in each 13,000 years. Some of them were severe, and the others were less drastic. But each time it happens regularly, there is a drastic change on the surface of the planet. Sometimes there was a complete polar shift, sometimes there was only a magnetic field excursion.


Solar Flash

The change of earth’s magnetic field can reach to physical polar shift. I will explain about this in detail.

Okay, there are many thoughts about the Solar Flash. It is actually the moment when the sun becomes a micro nova. It is a moment of the galactic central sun triggers the scalar field that triggers dynamics of magnetic field of the sun. And it affects the earth’s magnetic polars.

Scientists understand that the mechanism triggers the magnetic shift of the sun in every 11 years as a regular solar cycle. But as I explain, there is also the changes in scalar field, or etheric plane, which triggers a regular change of the magnetic field of the sun.

When the field was affected by the scalar field with the galactic super wave, the changes get much stronger. The change already is affecting the magnetic field in a whole solar system. It causes the unusual behavior of the magnetic fields of the other planets in the solar system. It is also affecting the magnetic field of this planet.


Magnetic Polar Shift


In this animation, you can see the actual measurement of the initial signs of the polar shift underway. You can see the north magnetic pole has traveled in the last few centuries from here to already here. The change is accelerating. The magnetic field’s shift is faster and faster. The north magnetic field shifts, and the new north pole will be not far from where we are now (Chiangmai, Thailand). Here is expected new north pole after the physical polar shift happens in the future.

Another important aspect of magnetic field change is weakening of the earth’s magnetic field. It happens before the Galactic central sun enters the initial phase of the galactic super wave. It will affect the etheric scalar field of all stars in the galaxy. Usually, this weakening will be triggered by strong solar flares and storms directly toward this planet.

In 1859, there was something called Carrington Event, which was a very strong solar storm that affected the electric grids on the surface of the planet at that time quite drastically. Telegraph lines were destroyed and caused fire because the storm was so strong.

That storm started the process of the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field.

Since that time, the earth’s magnetic field got weakened more and more. When the magnetic field loses too much of intensity, it will trigger the physical polar shift.

The Earth’s crust rests on the mantle. There is a certain area between the crust and mantle called Mohorovičić discontinuity. It is a area of standing liquidity. When the magnetic field is strong enough, this area is solid enough so that the mantle can support the crust and rotate together. When the magnetic field decreases too much, the area begins to melt and too soft. The crust is disconnected from the mantle as the earth rotates, the crust begins to travel around the mantle uncontrollingly. This creates the physical polar shift. The oceans stayed in the same spot moves, and this creates a Mega Tsunami, which will be 1-2 miles high that will wash most of the dry areas of the planet except very high mountains. Such tsunami is expected to happen every 13,000 years. There are many legends about the past polar shift around the world howit affected the humanity in the ancient civilizations. Usually, some human survive the polar shift and start a new civilization. 

Solar Flare

So the strength of earth’s magnetic field has lost 25% already. And each year, 1-2% of intensity is going to be lost. The weakening is accelerated.

Strong solar flares can drastically decrease the earth’s magnetic field. We have normal 11 years cycle of solar maximum which is x10 solar flare. It is quite powerful. Some of the solar maximum flare can cause x20 flare, which is even more powerful. Maybe once a century, we have x30 flare. The last one we had was in 1859. Maybe once in a millennium, we have a huge solar flare x40. Our sun becomes maximum in power in every 11 years or so. In each maximum, the strong solar flares are expected.


Solar cycles

Apparently, we are approaching the new solar maximum. This year, we already had x1 or x2 solar flares, nothing to worry about but it shows how the sun is getting stronger. x1 flare has hit the earth January of this year, but it has not affected the magnetic field at all. Maybe the chance of the collapse was 1-2% so nothing to worry about it.

The new solar cycles which are expected to start about in a year or so can produce extended solar flare, which has a potential of collapsing earth’s magnetic field maybe around 20% of probability. Then we have usual powerful solar maximum can cause the collapse and polar shift.

If we have something like Carrington Event again, this will surely create a polar shift. When that happens, the sun bombards the earth with particles, and the magnetic field of this planet collapses, and those particles reach the surface. If the particles are strong enough, they create continuous fires, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions. And when they are too strong, it can trigger the physical polar shift.

It is interesting to see how the scientists’ forecast against the actual data. As you can see it is much stronger than what they have thought. It will be a very strong solar maximum. Some people this happening in this year or next year, and the others are predicting this happening in the year 2025. And the physical polar shift is most likely to happen in the solar maximum but also most likely, the light forces will prevent it happening. So the possibility of the polar shift happening in this solar maximum is maybe 10-15%. But it is more likely to happen in next solar maximum which will be around 2036-2037. Or even much more likely in year 2049.

The final galactic pulse is most likely to happen in a later point. But the Event itself, which is about the physical removal of the cabals and the dark forces, is expected much much sooner than that.

As you can see in this graph, we are here now (just before the Phase IV). The event is here (entering point of Phase IV). And the polar shit is here (phase VI). We are at the extremely accelerated purification of all the darkness, so everything is getting crazy. All the darkness suppressed is coming to the surface. This is the purification phase. When that process is climaxing, and this is the moment of the Event (Critical Heat Flux). So this will be the craziest moment. But it is not the moment of the galactic pulse. It is not the moment of the polar shift. Not the moment of the micro nova event. It is the moment of the light forces intervening the surface of the planet, removing the dark forces, and starting the process of healing the humanity. Then humanity has some time to go through the healing process and get ready for the polar shift or coming solar maximum flares, or the galactic superwave.


The Event Timing

My educated guess about the Event that can happen in 2024 or 2025, but very unlikely in the end of 2024. It is an educated guess and is not just prediction. I don’t know when the Event will happen, and nobody knows. There is freewill involved. The freewill of key people on the surface of the planet, freewill of the dark forces, freewill of the light forces, and freewill of rest of humanity. The situation is too complex.

The freewill of the key light worker group can make a good decision and accelerate the Event. They can make it happen, yes. Some light workers made a wrong decision in 1995, and again, in a critical moment in 2019, which have delayed the Event technically.

I will describe how this will play out.

When the Event happens it is the moment of maximum flux, which is the maximum flux of energy on the surface of the planet. So this is the maximum of craziness. It is the most drastic shift. It is the shift from the old reality into the New Reality. For most people, this will be so drastic period. For most humanity, it will be the most drastic collapse of their belief system. Everything they have believed will collapse in a very short period of time. But this is unavoidable as the universe itself will transit the transformation. So we can not wait for people awakening. Whenever it happens, those who are ready are ready, and those who are not ready are not ready.

When the Event happens, the light forces will remove key dark individuals from the surface of the planet, but I will not go into the detail about this process. I will just say “they will be no longer here”. They will no longer influence the humanity.

But we have a problem here. We have roughly 400 million psychopaths on the surface of the planet. And a certain percentage of them are dangerous. When the light forces remove some of them, you will see most of the psychopaths will be just retreated. They will not go crazy but they will retreat themselves. So the Event will not remove all dark individuals like all the criminals. It is simply not possible to arrest 400 millions of people. So the main bad guys will be removed. New society will be produced. This will create a gradual transformation of humanity. “gradual” does not mean 1-2 weeks, but it takes few years.

So the next stage, after the Event, can be seen here. You can see how the pressure is released, and how much relief there will be (after Phase IV). So there will be much less social insecurity. There wil be a new guidance provided, and the social orders need to be restored. This is the period the light forces intervene to introduce new healing technologies and a new financial system. So there will be a transition of financial system. But this system is not meant to stay long, it is just a temporary system. Abundance will be given to all humanity.
In this phase, the first Island of Light will be created. The most awakened surface light workers get together and prepare for the ascension process.

Before that happens, Pleiadians will be less involved in the liberation process of this planet. Because they are a peaceful and loving race, this environment is too harsh for them. They can still contact the light workers, and some individuals, but the Pleiadians have decided collectively to retreat. So they will no longer be first, 1 race of the First Contact scenario. Another race has decided to come front. I can not say yet who those beings are. But when everything is ready, when the all darkness being removed and everything, Pleiadians will contact humanity, but they will no longer be the number 1 race for the First Contact. They have decided because humanity is not peaceful and harmonious enough for contact.

Another race which is more adjusted to human consciousness and psychology will be front men for that process.

Pleiadians will still contact those who are ready for that. They will still give guidance for new healing technologies. They will work with some individuals and groups in the Island of Light. They will give you guidance of sexual energies and their angelic connections. They will give you the instructions on ascension process. But they will not have a mass connection with mass humanity. Yes, they will be present in the first contact. They will be introduced to humanity, but they will not be the main race being introduced to humanity. They need to be respected and loved also, and the environment here is too much for them. They do not want to be involved as much.

About the another race that will be more involved will be introduced in my blog when the time is right. They will be the official race that will be firstly introduced to humanity. They have been in this planet since many thousands of years ago. They have been involved in awakening the humanity.

And for those of you who participate in the Contact Dish Protocol, you can still be contacted by Pleiadians, and some of you at that point, you can make a choice to be reintroduced as well.

So there is unstable and stable phases. When there is enough amount of light, the ascension process can begin. A very small collective group of humanity will ascend from the Island of Light as the first wave of ascension. Some of them will choose to come back to the earth, and assist and prepare a larger group to ascend later. And those larger group of people will come back here to prepare the planetary network of light, or island of light, to prepare for the final physical polar shift.

The final tsunami will wash away all the remaining anomaly. And the humanity as a race will be evacuated and escorted to a new planet in the Pleiadian star system. Humanity will not be intervened by the dark forces, and basic needs are provided, so they will begin to have more peaceful experiences and possibilities for more spiritual growth.

Only the most awakened beings will be allowed to live on this planet earth. After the polar shift, this planet is intended to be a paradise. Network of Islands of light, beautiful nature, and total harmony.

This is just an outline of the process.


Dyson Sphere

Light Forces decided to extend the time frame after the Event and before the polar shift, to allow the humanity to feel the liberation. They have built the Dyson spheres. The one is in around the Earth, another one around the Sun. they are powerful enough to prevent drastic cataclysm before everything ready.

Old Atlantic Equator

I have shown this picture before but it is an old equator before the last polar shift. Along with the equator, there can be seen many interesting spots where there are remnants of old civilizations. One of them is Ba‘labakk. There is a temple that was supposed to be built in Roman times. But the foundation of the temples are from Atlantis. There are huge box of stones I have seen, as big as the back of this conference room. No one with the modern 21st century technology can make this, it is impossible. Ba‘labakk temples were actually a goddess temple which were connected with the motherships stationed around the old equator. Those motherships sent goddess energy from the galactic central sun. And this ley line goes through stone henge, New York, to Mexico.


There is a geological evidence. You can see in this picture, there is a same goddess equator. There are micro tektites which were found in the area. Those micro tektites are all 13,000 years old. They were all created by the galactic pulse caused by the galactic polar shift, and the polar shift here that caused the change of equator. So the waves from the last micro nova created these tektites that are found in the area of the old equator 13,000 years ago.

Okay, now I can answer some of your questions.

Q and A session 1

Q. Does the equator of the Goddess include Qatar?

A. Yes, it goes close to Qatar.


Q. Are there any tachyon products that make it easier to connect to Lyra?

A. For Lyra, we have Morganite. We do not have them here, but they are to connect Lyra.


Q. Now that Lurker and Chimera are gone, is it easier for the forces of light to get in here?

A. Yes, it becomes much easier although there is still much anomaly.


Q. Lightworkers in mainland China are surviving because the lightworker community has banded together, but can the light forces help?

A. The light forces are doing whatever they can to make the situation of the light workers easier. However, this planet is still under control of the dark forces. So all the light workers should follow their inner guidance.


Q. It seems to me that there are such things as ordinary airplanes that are sometimes mistaken for spaceships, what do you think?

A. It looks like the airplanes are airplanes. The real ships from the light forces are quite different from the airplanes. They have quite different flying patterns. So it should be obvious that they are not just airplanes.

Q. But then I saw a light appear out of nowhere. It was clearly not an ordinary plane.

A. You need to go inside and question by yourself. But I can say that light ships have a capacity to materialize out of nothing. They can appear and suddenly disappear as well.


Q. What you have explained as the false vacuum sounds like Nicola Tesla and Einstein theories. Einstein talked about the blackhole and the universe itself get reborn again whereas Tesla talked about a double pulse (I could not catch)

A. this is not about the same thing but they are connected. The nature of the universe was evident to some physicists and also to the ancient people. Einstein begun to understand to a degree of what is happening in the universe but with some misconceptions. He begun to understand there is a fact far beyond Newtonian physics, but quantum universe.


Q. Are there other spiritual beings not known to humanity?

A. Yes, of course.


Q. The equator of the Goddess does not pass through Asia, but if I were to bury the Galactic Cintamani in Asia, where should it be?

A. Galactic Cintamani can be buried in other locations anywhere around the planet. The Goddess Equator is just one focus. You can bury them anywhere.


We will have 20 minutes break and continue the main program. Thank you.



Short Break



Dynamics of the Portal 2025

We are already in late 2023, and we are approaching the year 2025. I will be speaking about the energies and dynamics of the situations as we approach that point. 2025 is a very important year which things get accelerate drastically one way or the other. We don’t know exactly what and how it will happen but we have guidelines that will assist our preparations for that important period of time.


Disclosure and First Contact

The very important marker is Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius. Astrology is not a pseudo-science. It uses the geological positions of the planets in the solar system relating to the earth. So it can describe scalar field and resonance patterns, which means it can describes the energy patterns any particular moment of time. Zodiac signs are the scalar fields. They are like prisms to filter the energies of all the planets in the solar system related to the earth. All the fixed stars are also related to the earth.


Pluto enters in Aquarius is one of the most important markers of our particular reincarnation process. Most astrologists do not understand what it really means. It is not about the rise of AI. The most important thing about this is the First Contact.

As you can see in this diagram, the first time Pluto entered Aquarius was March 23rd of this year. It stayed there until June 11th, so it was there only for few months.

During that time, a very important event happened, which many were not aware of. In the beginning of June, just before Pluto exited Aquarius and entered Capricorn, a United States’ official named Grusch made an important disclosure. The US military is in contact with beings from outer space and has kept their crushed space craft with their bodies. These bodies do not belong the planet earth. This disclosure was made officially in the US and had sparked a political discussion in the congress. This was the real first moment of the disclosure. This first disclosure leads to the first contact.

We had a very important mass meditation in the beginning of May, when Pluto retrograde. It retrograded until 10th of October. As Pluto retrograded, we had a “backwards moment”. A lot of waiting, nothing happened. When Pluto was about to go direct again, there was an escalation in Gaza. It was a direct consequence of what happened in 5th October where the Resistance Movement made a first big action in the physical plane. So it was a very first physical intervention on the surface of the planet. The RM cleared the basements of Black nobilities in Gaza, and they rescued many many human children. About 100,000 children were saved from the base. Of course, the black nobilities saw this as an intrusion of their property, so they freaked out completely. This is the reason that they staged this war in Israel and Gaza. This was the moment when Pluto went direct again. Now Pluto is having a very fast direct moment. So very intense transformations are going on in the system that is controlled by the Black nobilities.

In the beginning of next year, Pluto enters Aquarius again. This time, Pluto will stand around 8 months in Aquarius. This will be much stronger than what we had in the beginning of this year. We can expect, during the time frame January-October of next year, a lot of movement towards the first contact. Various star races have certain plans that I can not describe right now. But they are related to the official disclosures and the first contact. We might expect surprises.

When Pluto exits Aquarius, it will spend a short time like 2 months in Capricorn again. That will be a time of very intense purification of financial and political systems.

And then 19th November, Pluto reenters Aquarius and stays there for decades. So after this intense purification, the real serious strong disclosure is expected after 19th November next year. 

So we are expecting much more serious and stronger disclosure next year ever happened on the surface of the planet. This can be a real dissolving of the quarantine state. General people will be much more aware the earth is not a lonely planet for life in this universe. There are other races out there. There might be quite intense changes in that area.


Financial System Collapsing

Also, the financial system as we have now can be much more unstable. The old financial system that we have for last few hundred years is showing the stress intensively. This thing can collapse in a certain moment. We are not there yet, but it is getting more and more unstable because there is too much debt. This debt-based financial system is very unstable at this point. In next year when Pluto enters Aquarius, the situation will be much more intensive. Of course Cabals can introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies and push it hard, but it will not be successful. There might be a limited success, but they cannot push it through because people are rejecting this in a massive scale. There was Cabal’s strong push of CBDCs in Nigeria, but it failed completely. They tried to eliminate cash forcefully but it did not happen.

The dark forces are realizing that the Game is Over. They are still dangerous at this point because they are not rational anymore. They are not using the strategies anymore. They are just doing whatever they wish to do. They think they can waive it. This is why everything gets so crazy.

And also, there is the energies from the galactic central sun getting more intense, so that the purification process is getting more intense. Everything that has accumulated thousands of thousands of years has to be cleared in short period of time.

There is some computer model which expect the civilization will crush next year already. One of the models were made by Martin Armstrong. This is taken from his website. He is predicting the beginning of the crush in August 2024. Of course, this is just a prediction. But I would say this is tied to several cosmic cycles. Instabilities in both financial and political systems are expected to get stronger next year. If you think the system stayed safe this year, let’s see what happens in next year.


Astrological Predictions

Another aspect of this process towards 2025 is the spiritual awakening. There are some minor and major plans that will make a very powerful aspect in 2025. This configuration in astrology is called “the finger of Yod”.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yod_(astrology) )

It is a very powerful transformation which points towards Haumea exiting libra and entering Scorpio. Haumea is a minor planet which goes through Kuiper belt, outer solar system. The energy of Haumea is New Age, or new spiritual awakening. That new spiritual awakening is combined with Neptune, Uranus, and Sedona. Spiritual awakening related to Neptune is connection subtle angelic energy of the Soul. Spiritual awakening with Uranus means far-reaching inventions or merging technologies with spirituality. New healing technologies like Light Mandalas. Haumea connected with Sedona means new spiritual awakening as the result of entering the new cosmic cycle. Sedona is exiting Taurus and entering Gemini. Sedona is a minor planet which has (I could not catch) orbit which goes far beyond Kuiper belt and outer solar system. Sedona is connected to the new cosmic cycle. Sedona will show conjunction with Pleiades, which will be a strong reactivation of Pleiadian energy expected in 2025. Both Uranus and Neptune, and Sedona are harmonious with Pluto. That will be a basis of the huge transformation happening in 2025.

Such harmonious wave pattern once every 500 years. Last time this happened was during the Renaissance, during the late 15th-early 16th centuries. We know how the renaissance changed the course of history. It was a new start, the beginning of the modern era. So this time it will reintroduce the New Renaissance. There will be a huge spiritual awakening, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

They stay very close to each other before and after 2025. This is the most harmonious and positive energy pattern we have experienced in last 500 years. The dark forces are not able to stop this because the energy is far more too powerful. So their defeat is predicted with the mathematical certainty. They have nothing to stop this, and they know it. But they try to create as much chaos as they can.

The period between now and 2025 will be the period of great potentials, and also huge challenges. With the removal of Chimera group and the toplet bombs, the most dangerous factors were removed. But we are not there yet to stay in the safe position. But those energy pattern is becoming stronger and stronger, there will be more support of light, more and more harmonious, so we are getting closer. This will culminate in 2025.

(I could not find the right image)

Here you can see another aspect of the same process. You can see here the path of Neptune which is a spiritual planet. And its meeting point with Uranus and Pluto. This is the trigger energy. As the year passes, 2023, 2024, 2025… those energies will get closer and closer, and they intersect in May or June next year. And they intersect again in October-November next year. And they again intersect around April-May in 2025. So already next year, we will have very strong triggers which will activate the spiritual awakening and a total shift of perspective.

For those who still have a doubt for astrology, the day that war started in Ukraine, the US was having a very powerful Pluto transition in its horoscope, which could be read as the defeat of the United States. As everybody knows, the US is indirectly involving itself in the war between Ukraine and Russia. However, the war is weakening US, not Russia. So, sometimes this kind of insight can be very precise.

Another example, on the day of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction 11th January 2020, the first mention of corona virus was happening. The real reason for the pandemic was to engineer the global financial crush. Actually the crush was expected on 11th January 2020. The only way the dark forces could prevent the crush was to engineer the virus. They released the package of corona virus and borrow more money, in order to extend the financial crush few more years.

So the astrology is working like a clock-work. We still have freewill. But there is much stronger energy pattern. It is getting super stronger from next year to 2025.

Another aspect of this process is Sirius star system. It is the Home for Cintamani stones. Sirius is actually a triple-stars. But the two of them are most important: Sirius A is the main star, and Sirius B is a smaller one orbiting around Sirius A precisely in 49-50 years.

The maximum distance between those two stars will be in 2025. When there is a maximum distance, Sirius A can send a maximum amount of light to the neighboring stars. Sirius was only the star which was not affected by the war against dark forces in 1996. It was never invaded. Pleiadians were invaded from 1996 to 1999. The dark forces were never able to conquer Sirius A. Even in the darkest galactic history, Sirius A was a free star of the light. And Sirius A will send more and more light, especially in 2025. It will trigger the gradual activation of cintamani stones. Both regular cintamani stones and Columbian tektites, which is also from Sirian star systems.

So, all those aspects are in play. They are all for activation of the very powerful portal that I mentioned on my blog few weeks ago. (https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2023/10/situation-update.html)

Between 1992-2011, there was a doorway which was open. It was called the doorway of 11:11. The purpose of the doorway was completion of the Duality. It was a preparation for even larger doorway which is about to open. I can not say about this yet, but there is a huge portal energetic about to open. It is related to 2025 and everything I said. I just would like to say “something big is going to open

We are having this conference on November 11th because we utilize the energy of 11:11 to complete duality and prepare for something new. 

In the afternoon today, I will be speaking about Lurker and subquantum anomaly, and how these are tied with the duality, and how these are completed. So this will lead to the final liberation and the end of the darkness.

So before the lunch break, I can answer few of your questions.

Q and A session 2

Q. If the Pleiadians connected by Command 1221 are gone, what is the state now? is this calling other races or it is valid only for key light workers?

A. the Protocol is still effective. It is just the energy shifted. Maybe less personnel available, but those who are staying are more effective. Pleiadians work only with light workers.


Q. You said every 11 years the sun’s magnetic shift happens. Does it mean we have a spiritual awakening in every 11 years? I have seen so many people disappeared from social media. Are these things related?

A. in every solar maximum, energy is more intense and people are more dramatic. But this is a very good opportunity to activate the kundalini energy. So I would say every 11 years, there is massive kundalini awakening. If people disappeared from the social media, it is a good sign because it is not supporting anything. Maybe people need more time themselves to have a meaning connections on their own.


Q. There is an idea that a person who is completely connected with I AM presence can liberate the planet by him/herself, is it really possible?

A. Yes, one being with perfect connection with I AM presence could liberate whole planet.

Q. The ascended masters should be fully connected with I AM Presence, right? So why they cannot save us?

A. They are not here.


Q. Is this Ray I was initiated days ago from you able to deflect the attacks by scalar and directed energy weapons?

A. Yes, they can help deflecting scalar energy attacks. But there are many other protection techniques I have posted in my blog, and there are Light Mandalas “Violet Shield” which is also able to remove bad plasma from your energy field.


Okay, we will have a lunch break. We will continue the main program at 4 pm. Thank you very much!


Lunch Break



Everybody, welcome back. Before we continue the main program, I can answer few of your questions.

Q and A session 3

Q. In Chinese I-Ching, between 2023-2025 is the time frame, a massive spiritual awakening among the women aged in their 30s to 40s in our society. Do you think this matches with the horoscope you presented?

A. Women in this time frame can become leaders of Sisterhood of the Rose to bring a lot of goddess energy in next 2 years. So this can be true.


Q. Is there any good way to connect with the Key Light Workers and help their missions?

A. If they are awakened, give them supports. If they are not awakened, you can not help.


Q. The pillars of light have different colors, but are they all separate energies from different star systems?

A. Each of the color has different energy. Brilliant white light is a universal one.


Q. By looking at my horoscope, I can sometimes see my own shadows and traumas. Do you think I can analyze my horoscope to transmute my darkness?

A. This needs some guidance, but you can do energy works like violet flame and other techniques to transmute your trauma. Astrology can help only giving guidance and predicting some future.


Q. Can the Cosmic central race reverse the timelines from the future?

A. (The question could not be properly formulated in English, so the answer is withheld)


Q. I have a light worker friend who has a memory back in the spaceship. She asked for a permission and came back to the earth reincarnated. I want to know if it is real memory or not. I also want to know if light workers goes to etheric plane now, are they 100 percent awaken and know our mission, and reincarnate and come back to here again? And also, what is the difference between Earth originated soul and Starseed? Are they still subjected to Chimera from etheric plane?

A. Etheric plane is mostly cleared. There is still bit of subquantum anomaly left but that is about it. What is the other part of the question? You have to be very clear when you ask your questions.

Q. So, when light workers die and pass through etheric plane, do they still remember their mission and reincarnate again?

A. To a certain degree, yes.

Q. Oh, 100 percent?

A. To a certain degree, yes.

Q. What about a light worker remembering going back to the mothership and come back here again?

A. Who is on mothership?

Q. Light workers.

A. They are not on mothership.

Q. They say they were staying in etheric plane.

A. Nobody is on the mothership yet.


Okay, I think I had enough questions now. From now on, when you ask questions, please be very clear. Speak clearly so that we can continue the session.


Physics of Quarantine

I will speak about the structure of the quarantine physically and energetically so that we can understand what is really going on now, and how this will be dismantled. Usually people do not understand why this is taking so long, and why life is so complicated, and they wonder why there is no progress. I will explain all this.

Planet earth quarantine was created 26,000 years ago. When the dark forces have decided to have this planet as their stronghold. What they did was shutting down completely the surface of the planet and control it. They used very strong advanced technologies based on electro magnetic field and scalar field to control physical and non-physical planes. They have shut down all the inter-dimensional portals for the light forces not being able to intervene. They expelled all the real light forces away from the surface of the planet. So the light forces had to either go to underground or go up in the air. Everybody who entered the planet had to receive permissions from the dark forces, otherwise everybody who entered the spaceship could risk destruction or capture. For this reason, extraterrestrial contact has reduced dramatically in the last 26,000 years. It was still on going to a certain degree up until 5,000 years ago. In the last 5,000 years, extraterrestrial contacts were very little. There are cosmic races still influencing surface population to a certain degree, but very rarely physical contact, more often through spiritual guidance like inspiration or visions or short sightings.

This control mechanism was reinforced in 1996 when the most Orion forces came to the planet earth. They have put additional technologies based on electro magnetic and scalar field to reinforce the quarantine. Perhaps, some of you might remember that time period before 1996, like ’94-’95, we had much more extraterrestrial contacts both physically and non-physically.

As we are approaching the end of the cycle, this quarantine has to be disassembled. Most of the dark controlling technologies have been removed. Every of them beyond surface of the planet has been removed. The Solar system is liberated. Underground bases are liberated. But the most of the surface of the planet is still under control of the dark forces.

Chimera or spider people have given a mandate to black nobility 26,000 years ago to manage the affairs of the planet. The black nobility families became the administrators of the surface population. Since then, they are running the political and financial system in whatever form they existed. But now Chimera group is removed, black nobility is the main factor remaining in the physical plane preventing the liberation of the planet.

There is another factor which is more important, but is much less understood. That is sub-quantum anomaly and Lurker.

Sub-Quantum and Quantum Anomaly


Modern quantum physics is understanding that there is random fluctuations in the quantum level. These quantum oscillation in quantum field is apparently coming from nowhere. Quantum physics understand that there is minimum possible level called “Plunk”, which is this.


Very very very tiny fluctuation beyond time/space in the physical plane is actually the basics of time/space. Modern physics understand that there is nothing smaller than this. But physicists do not know that where these oscillations are coming from. There must be the origins of the oscillations beyond space and time. This is another interpretation of the random fluctuation. This is how the quantum field looks like.


This one is even better.


If you could feel those fluctuations, you would feel there is something “emerging” from nowhere, beyond space and time. They emerge from the sub-quantum space. This is something called sub-quantum anomaly. What they do is to distort the structure of the space/time.


Birth of Lurker and the Duality

There is an entity which was created at the beginning of time. In the first cosmic cycle, the first universe was born. When the time started, it was the moment when the Source began to realize there is something else apart from the Source exist. This is something called primary anomaly. The source has decided to project a part of itself into that primary anomaly to understand it and to desolve it.

So you might say one aspect of the Source was projected from the Source into the primary anomaly. This is how the first Lurker was created. you might say the first lurker was one aspect of the Source which separated from the source became the primary anomaly, and this is how the Duality was created.

This Primary Duality was a separation between the Source and Primary anomaly. This is the beginning of the story between Light and Darkness. This story is now coming to the conclusion. Since the beginning of the first cosmic cycle, the Source was learning and understanding more and more about primary anomaly. There were many Try and Error, experiences. The source has projected many parts of itself as individual beings or personalities who are experiencing various parts of the creations in various part of the universe in various cosmic cycles.

Some of those individual consciousness have decided to dissolve the sub-quantum anomaly. Those are the subsequent Lurkers which exist beyond space and time, and beyond cosmic cycles, in the shadows. It was long known that this will all be resolved in the year 2000. So in 1996, the dark forces decided to provoke and manifest all the darkness. This was the moment the Lurker came out of its shadows and show itself in the universe. The dark forces are using Lurker to full extent, to delay the liberation as long as possible.

The majority of the anomaly has dissolved and removed already. All the Lurkers except for the first one were already dissolved. What we are dealing with is a Primary Lurker. The aspect of it was originally separated from the Source itself. So we are starting to dissolve the primary duality.


The doorway of 11:11 open between 1992-2011 was an energetic preparation for this planet and whole universe to finally deal with that primary Lurker/Duality. You might want to say ending of the Duality between Light and Dark is from the Source. The source projected itself into the primary anomaly, and that part got lost in primary anomaly. So it became Evil. You might say this is the Primary Evil.

Primary Evil, or Primary Lurker, is using quantum fluctuations to influence the whole universe from the quantum plane. You might say that anomaly can not be detected within space and time that uses the quantum anomaly as our disadvantages. This is the origin of the Murphy’s law. It is not just an urban legend, but it is a actual force which tend to push the events to the negative timeline. It is the Lurker using the quantum field to distract and divert the timeline to negative way. The reason for this is that Lurker is quantumly entangled with whole universe. So Lurker is quantumly entangled with physical, etheric, astral, mental universe and everything. Concentration of the darkness is of course, is highest on the surface of the planet. It is less concentrated in the solar system and much much less in beyond the solar system. But on the surface of the planet, we can experience the quantum entanglement quite strongly. At this point, most of the life experience is from the quantum entanglement of Lurker. Most of the negative events happened on you without any apparent reason are engineered by Lurker. Most of unprocessed negative emotions which is not from trauma, is actually from Lurker because Lurker is quantumly entangled with your emotional body. Most of mental confusion and misunderstandings is not because your brain is not sharp enough or something like that. It is because the quantum entanglement with Lurker. On the surface of the planet, Lurker’s interaction is quite strong.

So lurkers can make things go wrong. I can give you many examples. One example is when Light forces wanted to take a physical action. They wanted to rescue children from the castles of the black nobility. Few days later we had war in Gaza. So this timeline was not going along with the Light forces, neither with the Dark forces. It is a mess. Because Lurker is quantumly entangled with all the military personals so they can easily go wrong direction.

The most of your experience with people with not positive nature is because their consciousness is trapped and entangled Lurker or subquantum anomaly.

What is important to understand the Event can happen when the vast majority of anomaly being removed. Or it can go all wrong. Human beings need to be free from this to a great degree. Without their interference, you can think clearly and straight, be calm enough, and do not do the stupid things when the Event happens. The cabal is just a small group. The leaders are just 200 people. The whole illuminati group is maybe 2 million people. But they are not the main problem. We have maybe a half billion people who could create troubles when the Event happens. People can go crazy and sabotage. We have seen much of crazy behaviors past years. People are freaking out for no reason. But they are freaking out because of Lurker. A lot of this anomaly cleared, the Event happens and enough people are calm, so the critical mass of the Light present, and the mass arrest happens, but we have no larger side effects.

For this reason, Light forces are waiting for the right moment for the drastic physical actions. But if they do this now, it will be a complete mess. There will not be nuclear war, but a complete mess energetically and physically. A lot of electricity will be shut down, people have to survive without electricity, water, food. It will be Gaza all over the world. It is not recommended at this point. First, enough anomaly has to be removed. If enough amount of anomaly is removed, everything can go smoothly. Maybe not everything, but Light forces can make full physical actions.

But before that happens, Light forces cannot contact any light worker because the dark forces will retaliate. If there is a light worker doesn’t have money to survive, and is expelled from the house. Let’s say the light forces contact this person and give him money, the dark forces could kill ten or more light workers. We are still in hostage situation. It is not time yet, not yet.

There will be a certain moment before the Event, light forces will begin to take physical actions in the light worker community when it is safe enough. It is simply too risky right now. When light forces tried to rescue children, few days later Gaza things happened for retaliation. Actually, what happened in Gaza is mass sacrifice ritual of children. The dark forces got very angry and took many children to underground.

So the light forces have to be very careful on the surface of the planet not to make too many consequences. The hostage situation is being resolved, but until the drastic actions will be taken, it is important to stabilize energy grid. The more stable the energy, the smoother the transition. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza was only possible because the energy grid is not stable.

If the light workers are not fighting each other, the war in Ukraine and Gaza did not happen. If the light grid was stable, the dark forces could not engineer the war. But on the other hand, we have prevented so many wars, maybe 20 or more wars. We have prevented a war in Ukraine 5 times, the war between Iran and Israel 4 or 5 times. But we can not prevent everything because it is simply too much.

So it is very important from now until the Event, to stabilize and enhance the planetary energy grid as much as possible. This is why we are planting cintamani stones and galactic cintamani, building tachyon chambers, doing mass meditations, creating SOTR, preparing goddess jewelries to bring more goddess energy. All of these are to stabilize the planetary energy grid. This is a operation “New Atlantis” under the guidance of St. Germain. He is the supreme command of the operation on the surface of the planet. He wants this grid stable so that the transitions will go smoothly, and as little suffering as possible.

What is happening in quantum level is the light forces are using the “Hammer of Thor”, of Mjölnir technology to dissolve subquantum anomaly. They are now bombarding the earth with quantum cannons. These cannons can dissolve subquantum anomalies all the time, even as I speak right now. each time anomaly get dissolved, lurker lose its power.

But Mjölnir right now is maybe at 5% in its intensity. About few weeks ago, light forces was experimenting things and they turn the volume up until 20%. So it allowed the very beautiful energy in the air for few hours. Then Lurker was completely freaking out, and they engineered drastic attacks. So it was found out that the safe range is between 5-7% in intensity. But the light forces are gradually increasing the volume of intensity to accelerate the removal of subquantum anomaly.

End of the Darkness

Even to our perspective, “very shortly” the Source can begin to intervene directly the situation because the Source has enough understanding of the primary anomaly, and begins to dissolve the primary Lurker directly.

This is the real end of the Duality. This is the very end of the separation between Light and Darkness. We are a part of Lurker, and we are a part of the Source. Lurker once was the Source, it become the Source again. The duality ceases to exist. The darkness ceases to exist anymore. I will notice you when it happens in my blog. It will be very soon.

When this process starts, we are finally, the final stage of going Home. (applause)

We have come that far. It was very tiring process. It is almost 3 decades now. it was prolonged again and again. There is more and more and more problems. But we are almost reaching the End. Because the Source integrate the Lurker into itself, there is nothing left. The Light can finally come to the planet.

Tomorrow, I will be speaking about ATVOR technology. It is individual utilization of the Mjolnir, quantum cannon. I will explain how this can affect your daily life directly. The light forces use this technology to raise your vibrational frequency. It also raises the vibration of your cintamani and other tektites. Its intensity is only 5-7 percent now, but it will be 15-20 times more intense than now in next few years. The dark energy will dissipate more and more until they are completely dissolved.


Any question about this?

Q and A session 4

Q. How this astrological manifestation influences the Lurker?

A. we have this Pluto-Neptune-Uranus aspect which is very harmonious. This will dissolve Lurker.


Q. Everytime I go back home, I am obsessed with negative thoughts. Am I being implanted or attacked by any etheric dark beings?

A. It can still be by the etheric entities since they are not all cleared. It can be scalar technology which also can transmit the thoughts or voice. And there is Lurker. So we have three possibilities for the external negative causes.


Q. How can be get abundance in the society which is collapsing gradually?

A. You are not completely connected with the collapsing society. Use manifestation process regardless of outer circumstances.


Q. Are you looking for me?

A. I am not looking for anybody, at least not on the surface of the planet. (laugh)


Q. The Resistance are making a major breakthrough in financial system. Are the light workers getting any financial help from them before the Event?

A. I just explained this now. if they help, the dark forces will kill many light workers. If you want to be contacted, that means we want to kill the others. I do not think that is what we want to do. It is simply not safe enough. We have signed the petition for divine intervention which is valid. But Light forces need to remove these interference as much as possible to help light workers directly.


Q. Can you discuss again what is the Gold and Silver connection with people against the banking system, and how to get our wealth back from the cabal?

A. I will be speaking the detail about this tomorrow.


We will have 20 minutes break now.



Short break



Everybody welcome back. Time for answering few of your questions.

Q and A session 5

Q. You have mentioned the personal use of violet flame will be introduced in future. Is it now available?

A. I will talk about it tomorrow.


Q. With the help of the Dyson Sphere that the Light Forces built around the Sun and Earth, we will have a little more time created between The Event and the Pole Shift?
A. Now it is expected about few years.


Q. If I used the power of ley lines to obtain the power of materialization, would that eliminate the Subquantum anomaly?

A. Just connect to your higher self.


Q. Is there a difference between humans and aliens in terms of IQ?

A. Beyond the quarantine, the average IQ is 140. Nobody has IQ of below 120. There are extraterrestrial races who have 160 or more because they were not subjected mind programming, negative technologies, and anomaly.


OK, we will now continue the main program.

Physical Scalar Matrix

I was speaking of the primary anomaly or Lurker who hold the quarantine. If enough of them are removed, light forces can begin to physically intervene. The physical intervention means the physical appearance of light ships in the sky. I am not speaking of a moving point of light, but spaceships visible in the sky. They will be really clearly visible like a car. When enough anomaly is removed, this is going to happen. The beginning of the end of quarantine.

One aspect of the quarantine is the physical scalar matrix. This is a network of dark technologies which are based on electromagnetic scalar fields. They can influence both earth magnetic field and the magnetic field of human brain. They are connected in a certain way to cancel each other out in the state of a dynamic equilibrium. So you have two opposite waves which cancel each other out. If you have a magnetic meter to see this, you will have 0. But in the reality, magnetic field is not really 0. This network is composed throughout the planet, together with infra and ultra sound networks. I will briefly explain some of them.

This is already old so they are not air force space command anymore, but they are now location of space command. They are locations of military bases with very powerful telescopes and radar stations. Each is monitoring the sky 24/7. They cover all electromagnetic spectrum. The purpose of those bases is to monitor the earth and sky for any kind of extraterrestrial activities in the earth orbit. The dark forces uses these to prevent the ET to enter the surface. Their names are quite interesting. “Ascension”, Thule, Clear, Moron… And this one (I missed which one) is famous because there airplanes disappear. And Maui. All those names are quite interesting. They rotate and watch Northern and Southern sky. This is one layer of control to maintain the quarantine.

The another layer of control is HAARP station. They are ionosphere heaters which are the technologies to prevent tachyons to reach the surface of the planet. The original one is in Alaska which is quite famous. This one (EISCAT) is also famous. Of course, these ones are everywhere around the world covering the whole planet. They use extremely low frequencies and radiations, or electromagnetic field to keep the vibration of the planet low.


Another aspect of control is a tracking mechanism of surface population. We have satellites which monitor whole surface of the planet all the time. The network of those satellites around the earth active all the time. They are monitoring every single individual everytime. They are constantly updating your location, movement of your hands, so they understand where you are and what you are doing. Then this information is sent to a command center which is here (4). There are supercomputers at Schriever AFB and other locations such as Utah, Israel. Then this information is sent to cell towers. Cellphone towers are located almost everywhere around the planet. They send microwave pulses directly to your brain. They also send your phones signals which also send certain frequencies to your brain. This is a general monitoring system to control whole human population. This is the system the light forces are trying to dismantle few weeks ago. It is still active, but the bombardment from them is less now. There was a question about negative thoughts. Many of negative thoughts are from Voice Scout technology, which is possible to send the mental suggestions on the microwave pulses directly into the brain, through cellphones. They are less powerful now but still active.


There is a deeper layer to control especially the awakened population. The dark forces select individuals from the list that are targeted. There are chains of command from the space command using the CIA, NSA satellites to track and monitor targeted individuals. Especially, more awakened light workers are targeted with microwave and scalar weapons, and directed energy weapons. They can stop some individuals with harassment or distracting neighbors, which surface light workers are experiencing still. Sometimes the attacks are too strong that can cause a death to the person.

All these programs have been active for decades. Many light workers are targeted by these. The RM is beginning to dismantle this since the last few weeks. The power of the control is getting less and less. The list of dark forces is shorter. Some light workers are not the target anymore. Of course, some individuals are still attacked, sometimes even more strongly than before. But this is going to be dissolved until the Event.

It is not easy to dismantle all this because certain individuals involved in this process know that they are a part of dark agenda. The government officials everywhere targeting light workers as terrorists. This is very complex problem. This targeting is very strong since 2012. But we are expecting that the most lightworkers will not be targeted next year. This needs to be stopped quickly.

Another aspect of the physical quarantine is in the energy field. There are still remnants of biochips and implants. Implants are gone, and biochips are inactive. There are no electric communications between biochips anymore. Physical biochips are still there because they have to be removed with physical surgery or advanced technologies. They are the weakest spots of human energy field and body. Lurkers are using these to send more anomalies through them. This is why many light workers are experiencing strong head aches last few months. Since the last October, the light forces are doing whatever possible to remove all those remaining programs of quarantine.


Any question regarding to these?

Q and A session 6

Q. How can Lurker affect any person who has vibration very high?

A. Until you ascend, they still can influence you. You will be completely free of this after you ascend. If you read all the biographies of Yogi, in their ascension process, you can see how their difficult moments were. This is the exactly how these influences can manifest.


Q. What is the current situation in mainland China? I have not been back there for years. Last time I went there was when I had the priestess training. Back then, I felt very heavy energies and experienced many attacks.

A. It is slightly better than years ago. It is still not OK. A lot has to be transmuted before the situation gets better.

Q. Comparing to the rest of the world, how is China?

A. It depends on which part of the world you are speaking about, but the energetic situation in China is Not Good.


Q. You said that the Source will very soon clear the Lurker, how soon is that?

A. I can not say how soon. As soon as it happens, I will post it in my blog.

Q. it is not going to be “years”?

A. I can not give a date, but it is soon, not far away from now.


Q. What is the energetic situation in Australia and New Zealand?

A. It is very similar to what happened in China. The energy of Australia 2 decades ago was good but then it deteriorated quite drastically. Now it is not good. It got a bit better even after the pandemic, but it is not really good.


Q. I would like to know the importance of Light worker grid. Is Asia considered as an optimal area to hold the light than other regions?

A. It is your own inner individual guidance. Some people in Asia hold stronger light, and the others not. But I would say both is important.


We will have a 20 minutes break and then continue with the last part of program today. Thank you very much.


Short break



OK, just few of your questions, and we will continue with the main program.

Q and A session 7

Q. How do we deal with this when Lurker can use quantum entanglement to control our emotions and thoughts?

A. Use your positive thoughts. We have freewill, and connect to the higher self.


Q. I've been seeing a lot of cloudships lately, is this a result of the Light Forces clearing?

A. Yes, they are more active in the atmosphere as there is less concentration of anomaly.


Q. Lately, I have been seeing military aircraft in the sky a lot. Can you explain what is going on?

A. The military is wary of cloudships. Because some of them are real ships.


Q. Can you name some geolocations that are energetically good?

A. Taiwan is the number 1 definitely.


We will continue the last part of the program.

False Vacuum and Metastability Event

As I said earlier, this universe is not in true stable state yet, which means it has to reach its equilibrium. The true vacuum means that the 5th dimension universe is finally descending upon the physical universe. This is like the higer universe and higherselves are emerging with the physical. Some do not wish to merge with it. Some of the dark forces, for example, are taken to the galactic center sun.

Paradigm shifts are happening in the cosmic history as well. We are entering the clear frequency of the universe. This graph shows how the evolution of the events are getting faster and faster. We are closer to the final phase, and that is why we can see the changes accelerating faster and faster. We are in 21th century and converging to the huge breakthrough point, so called “Omega Point”. This is a singularity of all the evolutions. The duality needs to end, and all the darkness will disappear. Only the Light remains in this universe. So the New Reality will be physical. By the time, the light forces will intervene directly to the surface of the planet when the time is right. We are in the final phase leading to the singularity point.

After the beginning of time, which is called “Big Bang”, the birth of galaxies and solar systems, and then there were birth of human species. There was a invention of the internet. All of these are converging to the singularity point. This is the purpose of the whole universe. The goal of Creation of the universe. This moment is now.

We are reaching to the end of today’s program. Tomorrow, I will be speaking about how to take more control of your own life, and little bit of intel about astrology so that you will understand more situation by connecting dots. Astronomers will understand more when the disclosure happens. We need to be more prepared.


The moment of the Event, the end of Matrix is getting really close.


The Resistance Movement is ready under the surface of the planet. Now they come up in surface of the planet with the wars in Gaza. When the time is right, they will initiate the Plan.

Tonight, please pay attention to your dreams because they may send you some messages.


End of First Day of Conference

We have completed today’s program! Thank you very much (applause)


Okay, One moment please. (Cobra uses PC to play music)


This is the music to bring the energy of before 1996 Archon Invasion.

Antares - Ride On A Meteorite



(After everyone in the hall begins to groove, the light source in the hall dims, and everyone steps forward to dance. Even though it was only the first day, it was like a dance party in a nightclub!)


See you tomorrow, and Victory of the Light!

Oh, one more thing to announce you. Bring your silver coins or any precious metal that we will need for an important ceremony tomorrow!


Noted by Nogi

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