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Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 1 Presented by Cobra

Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 1 

Presented by Cobra


Feb 3, 2024 (Sat) 

Noted by Nogi

Disclaimer before viewing

  • Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. 
  • The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the note taking process. 
  • Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be answered.

Table of Contents

  • Feb 3, 2024 (Sat) Opening
  • Introductions
  • Greetings
  • Galactic Network of Light Meditation
  • Purpose of The Ascension Conference
  • Cobra Beyond the Veil
  • Cosmic Reset
  • New Cosmic Cycle
  • False Vacuum Theory
  • Quantum Leap
  • False Vacuum and Metastability Event
  • St. Germain and the United States
  • Cintamani Stone
  • New Atlantis Project
  • Galactic Cintamani
  • Tachyon Chamber
  • Q and A Session 1
  • Dynamics of the Portal 2025
  • Financial System Collapsing
  • Astrological Predictions
  • Q and A session 2
  • Galactic Super Wave and Solar Micro Nova
  • Galactic Polar Shift
  • Galactic Equator Alignment
  • Past Micro Nova Events
  • Solar Flash
  • Magnetic Polar Shift
  • Solar Flare
  • Solar cycles
  • The Moment of the Event
  • Dyson Sphere
  • Old Atlantic Equator
  • Q and A session 3
  • Physics of Quarantine
  • Sub-Quantum and Quantum Anomaly
  • Birth of Lurker and the Evil
  • Conquering Fear
  • Q and A session 4
  • Primary Anomaly and Lurker
  • Physical Scalar Matrix
  • Space command Bases
  • Ionosphere Heaters
  • U.S.A.F. Tracking System
  • Targeted Individual Diagram
  • Biochips
  • Disclosure
  • Q and A session 5
  • Sedona Chamber
  • Tektites as Insertion Points
  • Pleiadians
  • Special Forces
  • End of First Day of Conference

Feb 3, 2024 (Sat) Opening


Debra: Okay, is everyone excited that he is now in the USA? (applaud) He chose Phoenix, Arizona because this is the double vortex! How many are from the US? (more than a half) And how many were traveling internationally? Thank you! And how many are intergalactically? (Almost all of us) I think we al have! My name is Debra, I am an organizer of the conference. Here is a few announcement. During breaks, there will be tachyon products and Light Mandala available for sale. The lunch break is 2 hours. The lunch buffet will be served in the terrace from 1:45. As we are in the zoo, go check the animals and feel the good vibration here. For those who are going to participate in the goddess ceremony, please come to me at 2:30. Tachyon chamber owners meeting will be at the same time tomorrow. Bathrooms are located outside in the terrace. Show your list band when you enter the room. Everyone signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement? As written on that, please refrain from taking photos. Okay, that is about it. Now welcome Cobra!


Cobra: Welcome everybody! (applaud)

We have chosen this special vortex for the ascension conference with the purpose of preparing yourself with the very special event that have never happened on this planet. We are here to be ready for the divine intervention and channel the energy of light for the process. Before starting the conference, there are some technical announcements. As NDA says no photo, no video, no recording, and no use of cell phones inside of this building. There were two people taking photos, who were deleted from the participant list. They were not aligned with the Light. We have to be very careful because it is the very challenging time. We need to respect the privacy both energetically and physically. 

Thank you for coming in everybody. You will receive some intel ad guidance for going to the next level (applaud) 

Galactic Network of Light Meditation

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your physical body. As you breath out, you release from your physical body everything you don’t need anymore. All blocks and physical pain and all, just let it go. Keep breathing like that. 

Now, as you breath in, breath in brilliant white light into your physical body, as you breath out, you breath out that light to all direction. Keep breathing like that. 

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body. Permeate all your plasma body with that light. As you breath out, you release from your plasma body everything you don’t need anymore. All anomaly and all distortion, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.  

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body, as you breath out, you breath out that brilliant white light radiate to all direction. Keep breathing like that. 

As you breath in, you breath in that brilliant white light into your etheric body, or energy body. As you breath out, you release from your etheric body everything you don’t need anymore. All blockage in chakras and meridians, just let it all go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your etheric body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that. 

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your Astral body, or your emotional body. As you breath out, you release from your emotional body everything you don’t need anymore. All sadness, anger, guilt, depression, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your astral body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light no direction from your emotional body. Keep breathing like that. 

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your Mental body. As you breath out, you release from your mental body everything you don’t need anymore. All doubts, worries, belief system, just let it go. Keep breathing like that.

Now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your mental body, as you breath out, you radiate that brilliant white light to all direction. Keep breathing like that. 

Now as you breath in, breath in that brilliant white light to the totality of your being. And as you breath out, radiate that light to all direction. Keep breathing like that. 

As you breath like that, you begin to realize that you are a being of light. You are a being of light. I AM Being of Light. And we are confirming the fact by singing together the sacred OM three times. We start. OM OM OM.

As a being of light, we are connecting to other beings of light in this group. We are creating one big being of light. We are a being of light. We recognize our group as a big point of light. One being of light. We are confirming that fact by singing the sacred OM three times. OM OM OM

As a group of being of light, we are connecting with all other groups, couples and individuals throughout the planet. We are creating a planetary network of light. We can visualize, feel and experience this planetary network of light growing and expanding throughout the planet. You can visualize the light growing and the darkness ending. All the wars ending, all the sufferings ending, until the whole planet becoming a one big point of light. we are confirming the fact by singing sacred OM three times. We start. OM OM OM

You can feel, visualize, or experience our galaxy is a double spiral with billions of billions of stars. And each of the star are the galactic points of light. You can see the galactic network of light are sending a ray of light toward the solar system and the planet earth. So the planet earth is the last planet to be accepted in the galactic network. That is the fulfilment of the old galactic prophecy: There will a time all the darkness will disappear. And the time is now. 

We are confirming that fact, we are singing the sacred OM three times. 

And we start. OM OM OM

Now visualize a pillar of brilliant Blue colored light coming from the sky going through our group to the center of the earth and coming from the earth into the sky. So, you are sitting in the pillars of light going in both directions. We ask the pillar of light is aligning us to the purpose of this conference, and is protecting this group. You can visualize that this light is protecting us as a group and individuals. Visualize all the stars and many beings of light blessing and supporting us in this process. 

Now visualize, feel, and experience that there is the Violet Flame rotating anticlockwise coming from the sky, going through our group, to the center of the earth, and unifying our group, unifying and releasing everything that need to be released. We just surrender to this process for few moments. 

Slowly you become aware of your physical body. You are becoming aware of the surrounding. And when you are ready, please open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you are completely present in Here and Now.

Everybody, welcome to the Ascension Conference! 

Purpose of The Ascension Conference

Everybody, welcome back. We will start the main program. 

If you wish, you can take notes and share them with those who understand. Do not try to awake everybody, but share with those who are open to receive the information. But do not share my personal information. 

The purpose of all Ascension Conferences is to prepare the surface population for the Event and planetary Liberation. Those who are awaken will be taking very important roles. So you are here to receive the intel to understand what is happening on the planet and the galaxy. The change will happen to the whole universe. When it happens, you will be able to understand what is happening within you and around you. You will be able to understand why the world is so crazy. You need to understand. 

Again, the purpose of the conference is the Victory of the Light. 


This is why we are here. In order to understand it, you need to release and forget everything you have learned in the past. All the skills and information you have received in the past are many layers of programming, which have started in the Atlantis as Implanting process. It is ongoing process. Before you are reincarnated, in the astral plane and etheric plane, there was the Archon and Lords of Karma. and in the physical plane, there were parents, education system, financial system. So the mind programming is very intense here. Unfortunately, the mind programming is the strongest in the United States. The reason for this is there is a great potential of breakthrough coming from the US. 

So the Dark Forces put most programing in this country. This the reason we have to understand why it is important to release our past and become more open minded. So we can use your creative mind and common sense to figure out what is really going on. One of the dark forces’ techniques is to giving you tons of tons of information that does not make any sense. Many information in media, websites, channelings are almost all fake. 95% of them are false information. Even though you read so much information anywhere in books or websites, they do not make a sense. It is truly important to develop your own discernment. Use your common sense and know what is going on the planet.

On the surface of this planet, we have a very limited perspective. If we are watching an elephant, I mean not watching a real elephant in this zoo area! (laugh) If we do not watch it from far enough to have a higher perspective, we do not see the elephant itself. 

It is very important to expand our horizon and release any attachment to it. People have too much attachment to their past because they are simply putting too much energy to their belief system. The reason they are putting so much energy is they have invested so much emotion to that fake belief system. They think “if I let it go, I will regret and feel lost”. But the situation on this planet especially will force people to release that belief system. The time is running out, and things are accelerating, we will have to face the reality to release the old system.


I give you an example; this is the reality. If you go out at night and see the sky, all those stars you would see are just in the tiny circle. Outside the circle, there are thousands of millions of galaxies. You need to understand what you believe as a reality is only a small fragment of the reality. You have to have a really clear mind to see the reality. What we see with your physical eyes in the night sky is only small portion of electromagnetic spectrum. You can not see x-ray nor ultra violet, but only little portion of the reality. So our belief system cannot be clear to figure out what is really going on.

Cobra Beyond the Veil

I was able to ride on a Russian military aviation craft. First, the Earth is not flat. If anybody in this room believed in Flat Earth, sorry the Earth is curved. And the energy out there is really beautiful! Much better than what we have here. We have been subjected to the matrix that needs to be dissolved. There is the whole universe waiting to be explored and experienced. 

Very important aspect of the planetary liberation is to go beyond the quarantine. The planet Earth is the last planet to be accepted into the galactic network. For this to happen, humanity need to go through transformation.

The transformation is in mental; we need to release the belief system. Next the transformation in emotion; we must release trauma accumulated in our emotional body. Then transformation in physical; this includes the crush in our current financial system. The dark forces have their own idea to hijack the system in the way very far from the reality. But the real new transformation is quantum leap.

Cosmic Reset

Our real transformation will be a Cosmic Reset. Our universe is repeating cosmic expansion and contraction, like a heart beat or breathing in and out. One cosmic cycle takes billions of years. And we are in the very special moment. It is a maximum expansion, the moment of No-Breath. A short moment of silence is now.

New Cosmic Cycle


The universe is a torus. I would say we are in a 3 dimensional shadow of a whole dimensions of space/time continuum. So the full dimension structure is a shadow of 11 dimension structure. This is just a image of how the universe looks like. This torus gets larger, and then contract. Right now, it is in the maximum size. 

What is interesting is that the main stream scientists have begun to find the evidence of that  are right before the moment of maximum expansion. So there is scientific evidence about this. We are going to experience this very soon. This huge cosmic cycle is the reason everything is converging into the point where the drastic changes happen in our reality.

False Vacuum Theory

There is a theory in physics that this universe is not in the final equilibrium state. It is called False Vacuum State. It means that all the physical laws are not fixed yet. They are just temporary state which can change drastically and suddenly. This event is called collapse of false vacuum. When it starts, it would be like one small drop of change spread around, and the whole universe changes. This is exactly what is happening now. The basic of physics is a backbone of the reality we believe, which is going to change. 

This is another interpretation of the same thing. Here is the current universe. It goes through a phase transition towards a new state. Here is the end of the old cycle and the beginning of the new cycle. It does not mean the universe itself is completely changing, but all those physical laws will change such as speed of light. You might have the same body, and there might be still the same rules. But there will be a certain amount of changes in principles of physical laws. They need to be removed because their origin is subquantum structure. The subquantum structure is already experiencing drastic changes. The changes will keep accelerating until the darkness is simply not supported anymore. These old laws will not be supported anymore.

There is quite a lot of theories that we are living in the false vacuum. A scientist observed the mass of a energy charged top quark. Top quark is responsible for the infamous toplet bomb. The result is this, this universe is in a meta stable. The universe will go through a phase transition to more stable state. Here is a simple example; if you have a small drop of water, and you lower the temperature of the water below 0, water stays liquid even in -50, because the water is in metastable state. And if you just a tiny amount of energy to the water, the water freezes all. The universe is exactly in this stage. This planet also will change drastically. 

Quantum Leap

What is happening is the Quantum Leap into the real state of the universe. I would say Sub-Quantum Leap. The reality now is hardly balanced. The universe, or the nature, will balance all that in the quantum process. 


False Vacuum and Metastability Event

Some people talked about the old 3D universe apart from the new 5D universe. It does not mean there will be two universes. It is just the higher universe wrapped up with the subquantum which will be opened up. It will be much easier to access the higher reality. The energy of the higher dimension will permeate, changing our reality. This will change our consciousness and the entire society. 

o we are experiencing is accelerating evolution. Closer to the conversion point, faster the evolution is. Billions of years ago, changes needed billions of years to happen. Now we are very close to the conversion point. So things are getting faster and faster because we are now in the conversion point. “Now” does not mean today, but “very close”. 

St. Germain and the United States

We are now in the country created by St. Germain with the project named “New Atlantis”. He is a being of light. He was reincarnating in the 18th centuries. He brought even higher hierarchy to the surface of the planet to create higher civilization. He was very active in France in 18th century in masonry lodges, especially in 9 sisters lodge. And with certain persons like Benjamin Franklin, who was also in a part of the lodge. And with St. Germain. Benjamin created the constitution of the US. The basic purpose of the corporation was to create the framework of a new society in the Age of Aquarius, and to reactivate the old Equator. St Germain was working intensively that time to reactivate the energy grid on the planet, so that the planet will be ready for the coming changes, or New Atlantis. He was involved in that process since hundreds years ago. He was creating the new financial system, funding money in the special account called St Germain Trust. The money accumulated to 40-50 trillion dollars, which was blocked by Cabals. But the money will be released for whole humanity. St Germain is now working with all the projects. And especially the situation was accelerating since September last year. He is now involved in the surface operation directly. He is now working with Ashtar Command, Resistance Movement, Pleiadians, Dragon Societies, to gather enough power for the planetary liberation.

Cintamani Stone

Few years ago, he instructed me to prepare the light grid on the surface of the planet for New Atlantis. A part of that process is Cintamani stones which came from Sirian Star system millions of years ago. They came to reactivate the light when the time comes. They are going to be reactivated when the time of the final solar flash, or galactic wave, and polar shift. The time is now. He organized me to put the stones in the certain critical locations to prepare for the polar shift and the Event. 

So, we are now here (on the center of the FOL grid)

Phoenix is a double very powerful Goddess/Ascension vortex, and we are in the center of that vortex. Tomorrow, I will talk more about the role of Phoenix, Arizona, and about the role of California. So, the stones were buried in these locations already for the coming changes. There are many other locations that Cintamani stones were planted to hold the Light. I would like to introduce Patrick who is a part of this project, which some of you may want to participate. 

New Atlantis Project


Patrick: Thanks Cobra, I would like to speak about the New Atlantis grid to prepare for the new society. St. Germain created the United States with the new constitution and the declaration of Independence. The constitution is now the enlighten legal basis according with the Galactic Codex. So the US has a critical role to arise New Atlantis. Our team are working for the planetary grid project by planting stones in the special places such as Manhattan in New York. There are a very small group of dedicated light workers in the US, and fewer in the east coast. So if you are interested in joining us, please contact us. During next break, I will pass the flyers with our contact information. Even if you are not in the US, please reach me out so that you can join in the planetary grid project. I am always honored to collaborate with eager light workers and light warriors. In the ancient time, priest and priestess knew about the planetary grid. They were the record keepers. Druids could hear the ancient songs of the stones and mother Earth. They knew about the coming era of Light. We are living in a very special time. Cintamani stones are very unique stones that was also mentioned in Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Finally our dream becomes reality, and this is what the goddess want. Blessings for Goddess and you all. 

Cobra: the flyers will be distributed and you can email them asking for your missions. We have no much time left for spreading the light, but this is very important mission.


 Galactic Cintamani

(An image of a glowing stone is presented in the palm of one’s hand)

Recently, I was introduced a new stone *Galactic Cintamani stones* which is similar in a way to regular cintamani stones, but it is even more powerful. It has a direct connection with the galactic central race. As it is so powerful, it can cause strong reaction. But it clears quantum and subquantum anomalies. Carries of this stone are the main energy transmitters of the time of the Event, for the surface operations. 

And recently, some galactic cintamani stones were planted in the old goddess equator. This was the last equator before the last polar shift. There are many goddess temples around the equator. It goes to very powerful spots such as Lebanon, Paris, stone henge, and some part of the US. These stones will stabilize the Earth’s transformations and polar shift. The drastic chaotic situation will be less drastic because they will assist the goddess energy. 

Tachyon Chamber

Another aspect is the technology which I received from Pleiadians decades ago. It is Tachyon Chamber. It is a device to bring tachyon energy to the surface of the planet. Because the dark forces manage to block the access of tachyon from the surface of the planet by using scalar technology and ionosphere heaters. Ionosphere is atmosphere high above the stratosphere, which blocks the cosmic ray from entering. And as tachyons travel on cosmic rays, it also blocks the access of tachyon. So, more tachyon chambers on the surface, more tachyon energy to the surface of the planet. They are eagerly developing new tachyon products for more access. Tachyon is the first sub-atomic particle created when the universe was created, so tachyon is most aligned with the Source. Because of that reason, tachyon can harmonize the quantum field surrounding. During the break, there are many tachyon products available for sale. Cintamani stones and Columbianite are from Sirius. Galactic Cintamani from the galactic center. Goddess Jewelry to bring more goddess energy here. 

Now, we will take a 20 minutes break and will continue the main program. Thank you very much. 

Short Break

Everybody, welcome back. Now, I can answer few of your questions. 

Q and A Session 1

Q. Can we identify the exact location of Goddess Leyline by latitude for example, and which cities it crosses by?

A. I will show you the map and speak more about it tomorrow. 

Q. Would the First Contact with Pleiadians be sexual interaction? 

A. No. First contact is a gradual process. During that process, I would say chosen people are going to be contact process with certain cosmic races. At that point, there is a slight chance of sexual energy exchanged, but sexual intercourse at the first contact is not in my vision at all. Rather, it will be self-introductory process. What is important is establishing a firm relationship between the surface population and cosmic races. 

Q. How did you get all the data you have shown? Did you get it by channeling? 

A. No, from scientists. They study in different certain area and publish them, and I gather the data and put them in a graph. 

Q. Can you elaborate when the Galactic Cintamanis are activated, what is going to happen? 

A. I will speak about it in detail today, later. 

Q. (Inaudible) about cosmetic industry. Is it against Galactic Codex?

A. Yes.

Q. If so, what can we do before the Event?

A. you can spread awareness of what is really happening by publishing the information and gather the evidence. If critical mass of people are aware of it, the situation will change. 

Q. Can you tell us more about location such as the rock we can see from the window, is that also Goddess vortex? 

A. Okay, the sphere is large, but still on the Earth. Whole are is powerful, but Goddess energy is especially present in the zoo area, here. And the area about 2 miles away from here to the South. 

Q. (Question was unclear and Cobra did not answer)

Q. What is the definition of ATVOR?

A. I will speak about it later. 

Q. Do you think the new age movement was psy-op?

A. Originally, new age movement was very positive. It was around 1970-1980s. that was a time for very powerful astrological configuration with Neptune and Pluto. That made a lot of awakenings. But the dark forces infiltrated the movement and it was hijacked. The strong manipulation happened 1998 and especially in 2000.

Q. What is the situation of directed energy weapons.

A. The situation is hanging around over time, but there was Light Forces intervention finally on December last year. So the situation got much better, but there are still targeted individuals. So the overall situation improved.

Q. I have heard that Archangel Mikael is not good being. What do you think?  

A. There are many information on many websites saying all kinds of nonsense. Archangel Mikael is very positive being. 

Q. Are there portals in Astral planes where we can access only during dreaming?

A. Yes.

Q. When can human use Med-beds?

A. After the Event.

Q. In your past blog post, you mentioned on the old equator passing through Giza and Easter Island. What is the significance of this equator? 

A. That is even a older equator which was before the last polar shift. The equator is less active but connect to the ancient Atlantic energy before the quarantine was created. at some point we might activate that as well but not now. 

Q. I trust the channeling information of Geffrey (inaudible) talking about St. Germain. 

A. I can not make any public statement about intel of other beings. 

Dynamics of the Portal 2025

I will talk about the important portal that will be open in next year. The next year will be a very powerful year, and we are already feeling that since Pluto entered in Aquarius last month. 

Here is a diagram of the movement of Pluto into Aquarius. Pluto was in Capricorn since last few decades. The purpose of Pluto in Capricorn is to bring the surface all the suppressed anomaly and distortions of the old society and old system. We have been exposed to very huge purifications in financial and political systems on the planet last few decades. Now this process has been completed. Corruptions in political system have been exposed. Child trafficking networks have been exposed. Bankers’ been exposed.

We are now in the process as Pluto exits Capricorn and entered in Aquarius. This process has started already last year. On 23 march last year, Pluto entered in Aquarius for a short period of time, and it gave just a taste of what to come. And then Pluto exited Aquarius on June and entered Capricorn, where we had a huge disclosure. A whistleblower named Grushe testified the existence of under covered alien craft. This was a first time in human history that the reality of the extraterrestrial civilization has been publicly announced. This was the beginning of the real disclosure. And then Pluto regressed in Capricorn again for about a half year, which brought more exposures of corruption and distortions of the old system. Now Pluto is back in Aquarius again, and it will stay in Aquarius for almost 9 months. We are now in the accelerated process of Aquarius energy because Pluto will bring more disclosures. 

Another aspect of the same situation is that Pluto accelerate the collapse of the old system. So the energetic problems will be also accelerated. It will prepare the surface population to the Event. It will also prepare the Solar system to the galactic super wave. So we are now in a very intense purification and preparation process for the final breakthrough for upcoming 8 months. 

In the beginning of September, Pluto will reenter Capricorn again until November. And it is finally exiting from Capricorn and enter Aquarius and stay there for more than 20 years. Throughout the transition of Pluto in Aquarius, we have to enter in the galactic society one way or another. How exactly it will happen is a big question. It will not happen soon, but it has to happen anyhow. After Pluto enters Aquarius, we will have 20 years of intense purification and transformation, First Contact, the Event, polar shift, Galactic wave, and everything. 

We are now exactly in the mid-point of the whole transformation, and things will have to accelerated. We do not have any physical result yet. But the changes are happening in the US. People are standing up and speak up against the corruption and old controlling system. This is all the part of the process. 

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in 18th century. During that time, there were American and French revolutions. Dark forces were still able to hijack the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but this time, they will not be able to do that because we are in the end of the cosmic cycle. 

Financial System Collapsing

This is taken from a website of the economist Martin Armstrong. He is a very interesting person who predicted the future based on the idea of “cycles” of events as he understands. Very few people understand that the cycle is everything. His program predicted a collapse in the western civilization in the beginning of September this year. This is just a prediction based on his understanding of the different cycles. But I tell you this for you to understand that we are now in the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. 

Astrological Predictions

I will now explain about the astrology of this particular period. Astrology is another way to understand the same cosmic cycle. When planets orbit sun, there are geometric positionings creates scalar interference wave patterns. If you understand the energy of each planet and the patterns, you can understand what is going to happen in future. You can not predict everything, but you can know what kind of energy influences at what time and what would be the consequences. 

In the year 2025, we will have a very strong aspects that will change the landscape of this planet forever. The most important aspect is the configuration of three outer planets, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. They are making a very harmonious configuration. Such harmonious configuration happens once in every 500 years. Each time it happened, there were renaissances. You know what happened in 500 years ago. There were many inventions, it was the age of discovery and revival of art, classical literature, spiritual awakening. Now we are repeating the same pattern again in higher pitches. We have invented internet and new age movement as the beginning, and we are making the planetary liberation. We are in the trigger point that happens once every 500 years. 

But the current trigger point could be much intense because all three outer planets will change its signs. We have:

-Pluto goes from Capricorn to Aquarius.

-Neptune goes from Pisces to Aries. 

-Uranus goes from Taurus to Gemini.

So this will be the most intense energy change that will be continuing many generations. 

Uranus will make a conjunction with Sedna. Sedna is an asteroid which creates a resonance field to signifies the completion of the Platonic era. So this will make very powerful astrological effect that happens every 20,000 years. This time, Sedna will make a conjunction with Uranus. And both, at the same time, will make conjunctions with Pleiades. This happens in next year. This will be the most explosive configuration that can trigger the first contact with the cosmic races. I have been speaking about the changes in Pleiadians’ first contact project. But one way or another, they will contact you. And there is another doorway will open that allow them to contact. 

At the same time, all those planets are in a configuration with Haumea. Haumea will also change its sign from Libra to Scorpio. It is an asteroid in Keiper belt, which signifies the beginning of the New Age and revival of the spirituality. So all those shallow and fake spirituality such as all those fake channelings and old spirituality will go through the new spirituality and become much more authentic. This can happen in this year or in the beginning of next year. 

All of these will happen next year, but some of us are already feeling it. We are in before the huge transition. 

I would say, this is the most important graph that you have ever seen in your life. No matter how much you spent in a school, you have never seen like this. They won’t show you this there anyway. This is a graph that shows the movements of the three outer planets. As you can see, their energies get closer and create very resonance patterns since 2025. This is the most important aspect of the future new spiritual awakening of the new age. 

During the pandemic, we had an important astrological configuration which marked the beginning of the New Age of Aquarius, but in a very uncomfortable way the dark forces have engineered. The pandemic was a catalyst of awakening because the dark forces took too brutal way that people could not deny things anymore. Those of who were not able to deny had no way but to awakened. They will be all exposed to the Event and galactic super wave. 

This is a similar graph which shows the path of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. This shows the intensity of the transition. Closer they are together, more intense the transition would be. Here you can see, as we approach the summer this year, the transition will be more intense. Here, you have some buffering of the energy. Since May of this year, the transition will be extremely intense. We have pretty much of evidences that shows the game is almost over. 

The other aspect of this same transition is the rotation of Sirius B around Sirius A. Sirius is a very important star because this is the star sending the light toward this planet through the solar system. Sirius was one of the rare stars that were not affected by the Great Forgetting of 1996. The Dark Forces invaded many star systems through the portal of the galaxy but they could not invade Sirius star system. Sirius was intact. And without the energy of Sirius, we would not survive and would be here anymore. 

One rotation takes every 50 years. Sirius B is a smaller star than A, and when there is a maximum separation between those stars, they can channel the maximum amount of light throughout the galaxy. The next maximum distant will be 2025. It was in the same position in 1975 when a very powerful stargate opened. This awakened the new age movement. 

I have given you some key elements for next year in energetically speaking. But the Event is also determined by the other elements. Unfortunately, other people have their freewill as well (laughter). So what will really happen is still unseen. What is more important for you to be aware is what is happening behind the whole scenes. It is important because when things really accelerated, it will be a sudden without warning. You will no longer have boring days. Everything changes and you will get tons of information, and it will not be gradual. This is how the transition would be like. I will explain more about it today and tomorrow. 

We will have another 20 minutes break. 

Short Break

Welcome back. Before continuing the main program, I can answer few of your questions.

Q and A session 2

Q. Will you speak about the presidential campaign of the US?

A. We will see. 

Q. What do you think of the mothership between Kansas city and Montreal?

A. Who said that?

Q. Many psychics reincarnated from Sirius.

A. I would say many ships hidden for centuries of years in many locations around world. Those are being activated, I do not comment on a particular one but there will be more activated. They were waiting to be activated more than thousands of years. This is a part of a process since Pluto entered in Aquarius and the energy in the resonance field assist the process. There might be a physical evidence coming up at some point about the existence of motherships. 

Q. After the Event, will there be healing centers?

A. Yes, there will be many. When the Event happens, there will be many people who need assistance. Some of them will be taken to the other locations where they can get more proper treatment, and the others will be taken to somewhere on this planet. 

Q. Could you tell me more about ATVOR and Mjolnir technology? Is there any increase of intensity?

A. I will speak about it later as this is a part of the program. 

Q. Could you tell us more about Metatron? Some sources say Metatron is negative being,, what do you think?

A. Oh, not again please. (laughter) Metatron is the guardian of the portal of the galaxy to assist whole sector of the galaxy to become Oneness. He is a very powerful super angelic being of the light. 

Q. Are these the ships (inaudible) was what Michael (inaudible)were speaking of?

A. I can not comment one he is speaking of, so I can not answer your question. 

Q. I have a question about the moon. Is it a natural or artificial? 

A. The moon is a natural object, but it was put here artificially to a synchronized orbit millions of years ago by a very advanced race called galactic central race or builder race. With the orbit, it can create beautiful eclipses to anchor sun and moon energy to this planet. In the moon, there are many underground structures. Some of them are built intensely by reptilian races that are coming to the end with the liberation of the planet. 

Q. I have a question about physical polar shift. For those who are not aligned with the light, will they be taken of the planet for evacuation as well? 

A. At the moment of the polar shift, who would like to be evacuated will be evacuated. Some of the most advanced light workers will be in the Island of Light which will be protected by special technology against Tsunami. 

Q. Was Henry Kissinger a physical reptilian being? 

A. This question is not important anymore since most of those beings are disintegrated in the central sun. I think Kissinger was not completely aware of his origin, but there were draconians, reptilians and chimera beings in their reptilian and spider bodies, mostly living in the underground bases. But as they were cleared now so it is not important thing to talk about. (applause)

Q. What is the connection between the portal 2025 and 3 waves of Ascension? Is there any reason why the Ascension plan has been extended? Is that because of polar shift coming sooner?

A. Planetary situation is very fluid, and unfortunately some of the original plans did not work well. some of the plans were affected by the dark forces which were not expected. There were some light workers who were compromised, which were more unexpected. There were more light workers who are afraid of changes, which are even more unexpected. All of these extended the plan, but the original plan is still intact and unchanged. But some factors surely will keep changing. 

Galactic Super Wave and Solar Micro Nova

I would like to speak about the galactic super wave and the solar micro nova event. Usually, when there is a solar micro nova, there is galactic super wave. As you can see in this picture, the galaxy is rotating as it is a torus. It rotates around the toroidal field is connected with the scalar field, which create timely pulses. There is a pulse in every 26,000 years from the center of the galaxy, emanating from the cosmic central sun throughout the galaxy. In every 26,000 years, there is a pulse of particles both physical and non-physical. This pulse is called Galactic Super Wave. One part of this super wave propagates physical time and space, and another part of it propagates the scalar field, or non-physical aspect, which I would say more important. This is how the sun as a stargate turns into a micro nova. 

Ancient scientists knew about the cycle. they called it platonic year, which is about 26,000. Our planet is synchronized with the particular energy, and the sun also complete one cycle taking 26,000 years. 

Galactic Polar Shift

There is a scientific evidence found in 2 years ago. There was a magnetic polar shift happening in a galaxy. But the whole process took just took about 4 years. The galactic magnetic field reversed its polarity about in 4 years; that is a very fast process. When the galactic super wave hits, it would be super fast reversal process, not gradual. This is a scientific evidence. 

Galactic Equator Alignment

There is more evidence, but they have been under covered since the dark forces do not want people to know about it. Here you can see more evidence about about the cycle. when the solstice sun positions its ecliptic, it means it crosses the galactic equator. When the sun crossed the galactic equator in 1998, it was the exact moment the old procession cycle ended, and the new one begun. 

There was another scientific evidence made by the isotope measurement in the ice core samples in Greenland. They have found out that exact the same transition process with the end of the cycles. They discovered the solar micro nova event. Although there is a margin of error of around 100 years in the time of occurrence, we can expect it happening anytime. With what have been happening in a half of this century, there is more evidence that it could happen in next year. 

Past Micro Nova Events

Here you can see the list of magnetic field reversal events of this planet earth. You can see each event happened in every half of the platonic year cycle, roughly every 12-13,000 years. Some of the cycles were quite intense that most species on earth extinct. The last one was especially quite intense. 

Solar Flash

When the solar flash happens, many species can extinct because the tsunami coming afterwards will wash everything away on the surface of the planet. What is the solar flash is, actually? It is the galactic central sun first activates the core of the suns in the scalar field. As you know, our sun changes its polarity in every 11 years or so. But here, we are speaking about galactic interreference in scalar. So, as the galactic central sun activates our physical sun in every 13,000 years, usually during the solar maximum. Again, we are having the solar maximum next year. 

Magnetic Polar Shift

This is a trajectory of the magnetic north pole of last century. The magnetic field was already moving. We are already in the initial phase of the magnetic polar shift. This magnetic polar shift triggers the physical polar shift. At the moment of magnetic polar shift, the strength of the magnetic field decreases quite much, and the structure between earth’s crust and mantle will change. There is a certain transition zone between those two, called Mohorovičić discontinuity. This is a very thin layer. And when the magnetic field around it decreases, it loses its intensity and become more liquid, and mantle can not hold the crust anymore, so they are both disentangled. But the rotation of the mantle continues while the crust stop rotating, creating huge tsunami on the surface. It will shift the polarity of the planet. 


Here, you can see the decreasing the strength of magnetic field of this planet. With the Carrington Event that happened in 1859, which was a very strong solar emission, dismantlement of the earth magnetic field has started. The process is accelerating in the last few decades. There is not much scientific evidence because most of these data is suppressed and very hard to find them. I took the graph from a website called Suspicious Observer. 

Now: -25 percent of magnetic field has been lost. And usually it decreases 1-2 percent every year, but now perhaps more. 

There was a very strong solar flare in the new year’s eve, strongest one almost in decades. To me, it was the strongest experience in this lifetime. This is getting so strong and even stronger. 

Solar Flare

Once in every decades we get x20 solar flare. Once in every centuries we get x30 flare, which is even more powerful. And in very rare case, we get x40 flare. Those are very strong event, and if something like this happen now, it will definitely flip the pole, creating the polar shift. 

Solar cycles

(I could not find the right image)
(Different progress is shown in one graph)

This graph is also taken from the Suspicious Observers’ video. As you can see, x1 flare is not dangerous. With x5, like in few months ago, it was more dangerous. X10 is more dangerous, and x20 can surely cause the collapse of magnetic field. I can not trust this graph completely because there was x20 flare in the beginning of December 2003. It was a very strong one, it created a quantum leap on that day, but it did not damage the magnetic field very much. So, there other factors involved. For example, it depends on if the solar flare is directed towards the earth or not. If it was not, there is no risk, but if it was towards the earth, it can be quite dangerous. If we have x30 flare away from the sun, we could see that from the northern hemisphere, but not in the southern hemisphere. So, there are many factors involved in this process. 

If the sun erupts, it will emit many particles bombarding the earth magnetic field. If the bombarding is too strong, those particles will reach the surface of the planet, they can cause spontaneous fire. There are many fires on the surface of the planet because of these particles. So, the global warming theory is completely nonsense. What is happening with the intensity decreasing and changes in tectonic activities, we see many volcanic explosions and earth quakes. 

This is a current solar cycle. this line(in red) is the prediction, and this is the actual. As you can see, we are in the more powerful cycle, and some expect the complete collapse of the magnetic field in this year. We will see! But next year will be much stronger year. 

There might be malfunctionings of current electrinicity. There will be many glitches because of the solar activity, so do not rely too much on the electric devices like cellphones or computer. I personally had many many glitches in last few decades. Things will not work anymore as they used to be. Blackouts might happen more often. 

What happens in the non-physical planes, there is a removal of subquantum anomaly and activity of Mjolnir technology which I will speak about today and tomorrow. We are now somewhere here (Phase III) since 2019. When it reaches the maximum transition, the Event will happen. After it happened, the flustration will be less and less. Here is the moment of the polar shift (phase V), and galactic super wave(phase VI). So, galactic super wave will be, in a way, more harmonious event than the Event itself. 

The problem we have now is the suppressed energy. Humanity has been suppressed during the last 26,000 years. There was too much suppression that created violence. Not all the damage can be transmuted in peaceful ways. This is the reason why we need the Goddess energy so much on the surface of the planet to reduce the amount of violence. The Event will be a catharsis that can cause violence, too. Many people will not be able to take what they have been done. One of the Event operations on the surface would be bring as much goddess energy as possible here. But after the Event, transformation process will be much more easier. And solar flash, polar shift, and tsunami should not be so traumatic. After the planet earth is purified, there will be a golden age. Well, I have explained this many times on my blog. 

The Moment of the Event

Here are various phases of the transition. At the moment of the Event, this is where old society collapse. the dark forces need huge amount of energy to maintain the control in the perspective of thermodynamics. They will run out of the resources to maintain the control the system. And the nuclear of the new society will be created. You are the ones responsible. From you, the new societies will be created! start islands of light, teach people, create networks. When the critical amount of light is held by the expanding network throughout the planet, First Contact begins. This is the corporation between the surface population and galactic forces. There are already many motherships entering here now. They are huge network of the ships already in underground of the moon. The structure below and on the planet will be ready. After Pluto entered in Aquarius, this process is accelerating, and things are becoming more intense in the solar system, maybe within few weeks from now. 

As you can see in this graph, we are here now (just before the Phase IV). The event is here (entering point of Phase IV). And the polar shit is here (phase VI). We are at the extremely accelerated purification of all the darkness, so everything is getting crazy. All the darkness suppressed is coming to the surface. This is the purification phase. When that process is climaxing, and this is the moment of the Event (Critical Heat Flux). So this will be the craziest moment. But it is not the moment of the galactic pulse. It is not the moment of the polar shift. Not the moment of the micro nova event. It is the moment of the light forces intervening the surface of the planet, removing the dark forces, and starting the process of healing the humanity. Then humanity has some time to go through the healing process and get ready for the polar shift or coming solar maximum flares, or the galactic super wave. 

As we are getting closer to the Event, you need to understand that you will have a very active role in that process. There will be a lot of things to do and you are going to be very busy, but it will be more peaceful time. We all have to support each other. 

Dyson Sphere

As we are getting closer to the solar flash, many motherships are positioning in certain shapes around the sun to stabilize it with the Dyson spheres. Those Dyson spheres are to balance the coming changes with the galactic super wave because those changes are already coming in. So, they have to harmonize that strong energy in order for the Earth to go through the transitions in the most harmonized way possible. One thing what they do with the Dyson sphere is harmonizing the earth’s tectonic plates so that we do not have earthquakes and volcanic eruptions every day. It is quite challenging technology, and it is taking more than decades due to delay. Light forces are stabilizing the earth crust all that time and preventing premature polar shift. They were preventing most of volcanic eruptions in past years. Without their intervention, we would have drastic cataclysm already.


Old Atlantic Equator


This is old goddess equator. The north pole was in between Siberia and Japan. And then there was a polar shift happened in 30 degrees about 13,000 years ago. What will happen in this time will be similar. I would not be able to predict how exactly it will be, but of course, it will cause huge tsunami. That process is inevitable at the certain point. Maybe it will not happen soon, but it has to happen. If it happened too soon, it will be a problem because the polar shift and tsunami will not clear all the anomaly. 


There is evidence about the old equator. The geological evidence is the micro tektites that originally came to the surface of the planet about 13,000 years ago. You can see the locations the tektites were found. They are also the locations which the old goddess equator was located before the last polar shift happened. This was exactly in this location. 

Ok, it is already 1:30. Thank you very much for the first part of today’s program. We will have a lunch break. 

During lunch break, tachyon products are sold. We will restart at 3:30. Do not be late. 

(Debra was giving information about the lunch and calling for practice for the participants of the Goddess Ceremony. And, since we were there, she told them to enjoy the zoo)

Lunch Break

Welcome back, we will align our energies now. (short meditation)

Okay, before continuing the main program, I can answer few of your questions.

Q and A session 3

Q. Could you tell us about Tartarian empire? 

A. This is a sensitive topic because there is a lot of information circulating around that. Part of it is true, and part of it not. You need to use your own discernment. There was some entity called Tartarian empire, but the other information around that is almost not correct. 

Q. There are so many information about the Contactee, and how would you recommend us to use our discernment and have better recognitions? 

A. You have to get in contact with your own higher self, your soul, your I Am Presence. And then you train your mind, intuition, and common sense. 

Q. Are there two Donald Trump?

A. I only know about one. (laughter)

Q. What will happen when we pass on? 

A. We go to etheric plane, astral plane, and so on. The reincarnation cycle still exists, not dissolved yet. But there is no more Lords of Karma, so there is not much control on the other side. But the Etheric and Astral planes are not completely cleared, especially not on the surface of the planet. The situation got better but not completely. 

Q. What do you think of the energy situation in California now? How can we have more light workers there?

A. I am going to speak about California tomorrow. It is a key place for not only the US, but also for whole planet. There are many things to be resolved. 

Q. After the Event and Tsunami, all those light workers can work more spiritually? 

A. Absolutely.

Q. What is the best way to fight Archons in the 3-dimension plane? 

A. So are you joining in the military? (laughter) they won’t fight with Archons. Just hold the light. There are already special forces dealing with the situation of the surface of the planet. 

Q. We are eternal souls. Why do those ships have to evacuate us in physical bodies instead of letting us die and then retrieving only our souls?

A. I think it would be much more comfortable to be evacuated than dying in Tsunami. (laughter)

Q. How can we get access to Tachyon Chambers?

A. Tomorrow, I will show you the website that have a list of all the active chambers that you can contact to and have your own healing session. If you are willing to buy one, there is a contact information on my blog. 

Q. Why there are people who are trying to connect with the dark network? And what is the meaning of your messages saying “ISIS Code activated” on your posts?

A. Unfortunately, this planet is the last faction of the dark forces and we are now in the very intense purification process. Of course the Dark ones are resisting their final clearing. And the most of the surface population are open to the dark network. They are inviting them as much as they can for their decisions. There is willingness of the surface humans to corporate with the dark. This is one of the reasons why it is taking so long. And yes, there is a certain activations I would not speak about, but certain people receive messages. Those people are prepared for something, this is as much I can say. 

Q. What is your opinion about the medical breakthroughs of being immortal? 

A. I would not recommend becoming immortal on the surface of the planet especially before the Event. (laughter) But after the Event, there will be technologies to extend the life span of a physical body to 1,000-2,000 years old. For most people that is enough, I think. (laughter)

Q. What do you think is the prerequisite for ascension? 

A. The main is connection with higher self. Second, your decision is required for ascension. Your decision to start the ascension process. And depending on your circumstance and planetary situation, determine how long it will be taking, and how it will be done. 

Q. Are we continue to be carnivorous? 

A. Cannibalists will not exist after the Event. 

Q. No no, carnivorous.

A. Oh, ok. This will go through transformations, and there will be less people desiring to eat meat. 

Q. Can you clarify how the western civilization will take place? Is the USA involved in this, and what will be our roles?

A. Dark Forces are trying as much as they can to crush the western civilization, but they are not going to succeed. I would say there are two strong forces. One is the cabal who want to crush the current civilization. And there is Light Forces to preserve it. The civilization will be preserved because this is St. Germain’s project actually. 

Q. What is the Christ’s involvement in the situation?

A. His purpose is to open the heart of the humanity. The energy of unconditional love, or soul love, is much needed. This is the energy yet to come. It is truly connected with the goddess energy. This is the energy needed throughout the transition. 

Physics of Quarantine

I will be speaking about the structure of the quarantine for you to understand how this has been built, and how this will be dissolved. As you probably all know, we are already in Pluto in Aquarius. The energy of pluto in aquarius has the tendency to dissolve the quarantine. There are many barriers created around the planet on physical and non-physical plane with quite advanced technologies. The Dark forces set their technologies to preserve the stronghold. Now the earth is their last stronghold. They have been using the technologies for last 25,000 years, constantly upgrading them, layers upon layers. 

In 1996, there was the last Archon invasion, and there were more and more layers were built. There were more dark technologies arrived here. 

In 1995, planetary grid was quite strong, and at some point, the dark forces have realized that, if they would not do something, planetary ascension process will be unstoppable. So they opened a portal between Earth and Rigel of Orion star system. They did this with massive human sacrifice in Congo and Uganda in 1994. They opened a portal and supported the portal by detonating underground nuclear weapons in physical plane and in etheric plane. There were many other human sacrifice rituals. There were most of the dark technologies brought to here. 

Since 2012, Light forces have been removing those technologies very very fast. You need to understand that most of these structures are thousands of years old. There are massive amount of entities both physical and non-physical around this planet. They were also in everywhere in solar system, and their underground bases, to maintain their technologies. Light forces started removing these, and in December 21, 2012 was the moment the last phase of removal has started. So it was the most intense purification process of the planet because the light forces were removing the most unpleasant part of the quarantine. 

2012 was the year of the Dragon. We are entering the year of Dragon again from next weekend in the Chinese new year. There is the rise of dragon families. There will be many hidden societies doing rituals and activations to prepare the positive portal. Some of them might be on the surface, preparing for dissolving the dark portal. 

There are certain groups in Asia that have their own plan for disclosure. So, the West is afraid of what the East can be disclosing. Russia and China have many secret files about extraterrestrial races, so they have a surprise packages. The US has their own surprise packages. What is happening behind the scenes is go off the quarantine. At some point in future, some people will be able to leave the surface of the planet, going beyond the quarantine, and come back here. It is already happening. There are some extraterrestrial beings coming to the surface and they are already involved in the process. I would not say who they are yet. They are preparing the surface liberation process already right now. We are already in the initial process of dissolving the quarantine. So, this will be “Somebody in, somebody out” instead of “Nobody in, Nobody out”. It is all about the preparation for the quarantine to end. (applause)

Sub-Quantum and Quantum Anomaly

Only way the dark forces can even create something like this was to use very advance quantum and sub-quantum anomalies. I will give you some information about it. 

The physical plane has some limitations. One of these is the minimum dimension or minimum light as possible in physical plane, between two particles. This is called Plunk. It extends to 6.62607015×10−34 J⋅s. That is the scale of quantum form, or quantum fluctuations. This is the random movement of the quantum field, which is being engineered by a dynamic of random function. It could be seen the random function as one side, and the Source on the other side. This creates a very strong tension in the quantum field. From that tension, subatomic particles emerge. All matter is born from that tension. 

This is another interpretation of the quantum fluctuation or quantum field. The problem of quantum fluctuation on the surface of the planet is that there is anomaly hidden in it. There is so much anomaly on this planet. The primary anomaly has not been created consciously, but it randomly emerged in the quantum field. When the consciousness is involved in the primary anomaly, it tends to be evil. 

The highest concentration of anomaly is on the surface of the planet. This is what the dark forces use as the main stronghold. They have brought as much anomaly as possible from other parts of the galaxy, especially from Orion system in 1996. It has been accumulated since then. 

For this reason, it is important for light workers to build the light grid to counteract the primary anomaly. By using especially galactic cintamani stones, it can counteract the primary anomaly. 

Primary anomaly does not exist only within quantum fluctuation. Another interpretation of the same thing, which is more realistic. This shows how often the primary anomaly encounters us on the surface of the planet. As you see, this is not beautiful, but more like chaotic. 

The problem with that primary anomaly is that they exist only in quantum form, much smaller scale than the physical plane, or plunk constant. That means there is no scientific possible way to determine what is existing on the subquantum length. No matter how advanced science and technology we have, we are unable to determine what exists in there because the law of physics prevents it. 

Only thing that can be observed is the influence from subquantum field to quantum field. This is what light forces can see. They cannot measure exactly the subquantum anomaly, but they can calculate and predict it with the amount and shape of it to a degree. That is all they can do. This is the reason why light forces were surprised that many times. They came to remove the darkness of the planet, and it did not happen for that reason. This is the main reason why they do not give us the day of the Event. This is why the planet is shaking all the time. it is because the quantum anomaly which is shaking all the time. 

The subquantum field already existed since the beginning of the Time, but it is being gradually resolved. Even after the Event and polar shift, little amount of the subquantum anomaly will still exist. But, it will not fully influence our life because there will not be enough amount to maintain darkness. The end of darkness, or the end of evil, is actually the end of huge amount of subquantum anomaly.

Birth of Lurker and the Evil

In the beginning of Time, or the first cosmic cycle, the Source has decided to dissolve subquantum anomaly. So the Source decided to project itself into the subquantum anomaly, and this is where Lurkers were born. The Lurkers were projected by the Source. They came into subquantum anomaly to become evil because the interaction was so traumatic, that particular beings were no longer able to come back from the dark side. That was the beginning of the evil. 

The most of the potentiality of the evil in the past cosmic cycles was not expressed little. It existed, but not fully expressed to create a result. In this cosmic cycle, the evil need to be removed completely. The evil manifested strongly, I would say since last 7 million years, when many arch angels decided to descend into matter to dissolve the primary anomaly. They went into matter to remove the implants that was delivered by the lurker and subquantum anomaly. To most of those who were implanted, the process was too strong and many lost their connections with higher selves. That was the beginning of the dark forces in Orion. Most of that has been resolved, but there is still residue of the dark forces on the surface of the planet. Most of them are from Andromeda galaxy, but most of them are removed already. Chimera group, most of reptilians have been removed. There is few presences of draconians, and there are some cabal on the surface. So we are in the final phase of the clearing of all the darkness. There have been a lot of progress in last two weeks. I will talk about the progress in next week that I would be able to talk about. 

There are a lot of progresses and we have learned a lot about how lurkers are operating and how to diminish the amount of subquantum anomaly. But some quantum anomaly has tendency to hide. This is why they are called Lurker. 

Because we are coming closer to the end of lurker, lurkers have to be exposed. They have to show their faces. After that, they will be defeated. The last place they can be hiding is in the human body of the surface of the planet. This is the real reason there is so much psychological problems. It is not just about trauma and hard life experiences. It is lurker lurking in our shadow of aura, influencing our consciousness. This is the reason for mental disorder and emotional problems people are still suffering. This is the real reason for disease. That is why there are so many cancers. Although the symptoms are removed, there is lurker hiding in subquantum field influencing the quantum field, and from the quantum field, they influence the etheric plane, plasma plane, and physical plane to our immune system. This has to be cleared to a certain degree before the Event can happen. Otherwise, there would be too much chaos and much violence. 

Conquering Fear

The problem is that lurkers are influencing light forces also, because lurker is working on subquantum plane. People in motherships in Mars or Jupiter are alco quantumly entangled with lurker, and they can be influenced as well. The main way lurker is influencing the light workers is fear. Fear is the main tool of lurker to influence the surface population. So, the fear is the main problem and blockage for everybody in this universe to defeat the darkness. Fear cannot be erased completely, but fear is manageable. The key to manage fear is to face the source of fear. And you go beyond the fear, things that you are afraid of, and gain experiences. Gaining experience is the key to reduce fear. Most of light workers on the surface of the planet tend to avoid having new experiences. They tend to avoid going experiences because new experience is painful, so they try to stay only in their comfort zones. Not only the light workers on the planet, but the light forces beyond the surface have tendency to stay in their comfort zones. The radius of comfort zone is determined by the amount of experiences and understanding you have gained. By saying experience, I am not talking only about the amount of risks you have taken, but more about balance and understanding. But by taking risk and gaining experiences, we conquer fear. And we will dissolve the quantum anomaly. 

I am asking all of you to talk to the light forces and ask them to clear the fear, and you can ask them to gain more experiences about this planet. They need to start their learning process more intensively because one part of the delay is their responsibility as well. It is not just light workers’ responsibility. It is not just dark forces, not just surface population, but light forces have their share about the current situation. They have to learn how to conquer fear and stop their endless conferences and meetings, believe or not. [sigh of admiration] They need to learn and gain experiences about the surface of the planet. I am not talking about the motherships in Taklamakan or Antarctica. I am talking the experiences in New York, Phoenix, Tokyo, Darjeeling, Strasburg. I am saying that they need to learn the life on the surface of the planet. Then, they will begin to understand what is really happening here. And they begin to understand how to resolve. If you put average Arcturians or Pleiadians on the street and leave them, I don’t think they would survive one week. (laughter) It is exactly what they are afraid, and they know that. So one side of this situation is that they are sitting comfortably in their motherships watching everything and sending their love and light. (laughter) That is not enough! You can send us thousands of billions of light if you want! But it won’t solve the situation. The problem is on the surface of the planet right on the physical plane. Here, not there. At some point, they have to start intervening in the surface situation more intensively. Thanks to the galactic pulse situation, galactic connections are getting stronger. They have to hurry up, or galactic wave is washing everything away. They know that they do not have much time. There are many dedicated beings, but they are not taking enough actions. I think many of you feel that already. (applause)

Ok, few of you please share your perspectives to the audience up there. 

1. My niece will be having surgery soon. She will be open to ask any help and divine assistance. This should be something what galactic council could do. 

2. I have one more question. Is lurker what luciferians are worshiping? – I am not answering question, here we are sharing our experiences with galactic forces. They are listening. 

3. The hierarchical have to hear human leaders more. Maybe in different ways, because some of cultures and society have more dominant position than the others who are more corporative. They should reach down and level down and work with them. 

4. I have been working with those higher beings like Pleiadians and Andromedans. And what I have noticed in these few years or months was like, making the Event is taken away from us. it was taken to somewhere between time and space. I would like to know is if that place is what Cobra talked about subquantum form where lurkers are hiding.  -anomaly emerges from subquantum space, so you can tap it and welcome.

5. First time when I heard about the Event, I thought it will save me and I gave up on that. Now I know they are asking light workers and light forces are now stepping in. I can feel expansion. It is not only about me. 

6. Ok, you folks out there. Those who have tachyon chambers are inviting ETs and guardians, and angels to listen to us. I would like to ask them to help us getting out of reluctance of getting healing. 

7. It’s been almost 20 years I have been long working with archangels about the conscious choice. They look at us here and give us pre-chosen ways. But we are more than you are demanding. I am asking you to come down. 

8. In the past mass-meditations I had opportunities to be one of those council meetings. We have discussed if the dark forces should be involved in the liberation process because of their free will. But I would like to say we have free will, too. And our will is to turn them to light. if you are just standing there, they take everything from us. We rise up. We ask for help from those beings while the dark forces call themselves “dark”. We have the power, voice, collective meditations and even having a public forum like this. It is time to step in because we are stepping in. You help me, and I help you. Victory of the Light!

9. I am from Tahiti. There is lack of understanding by my family except my sister and my daughter for what I am doing and holding light. The authority do not want us to open the Tachyon chamber, goddess temple, and sisterhood of roses. We tried planting cintamanis that was blocked by local gangs. We need your help, thank you!

10. It is about freewill. I found out some of the beings from space do not understand what free will is. They might not understand us as a human beings, and they are waiting too much to draw the line or to stand up for those beings on earth. You may not know how much we are upon everyday, even right now. Now we are standing up taking full responsibilities, and all the people in the universe need to do it. Last couple months, we all got attacked so hard. And the universe is actually going through what we on the earth are going through. So we need more and more people standing up in the universe. You have to feel us. You have to feel Yucky! Don’t give up. Don’t fall in the trap. It does not matter if you are good or bad. I know some of you are helping us all the time, but we need more. We need the ascension as soon as possible.

11. Thank you very much Light Forces for working so hard to help us. But recently, my family in China has been attacked. Our abundance, energy, and health are stolen all the time. So, thank you light forces, but we need more help to resolve the being-attacked situation. 

12. I am from India, and there are billions of people. Kids are starving, there is no pure water. People are suffering there. I know some factions of the light forces are in favor for intervention. Please disobey the orders because sometimes the law is not right. Do not just feel from up there, you can come down and experience our life. You can come down and crawl in dirty canal or something. Please, millions of kids are dying everyday. If that does not touch you guys, and after this conference you say “well, I’ve tried ”, it is not working. 

13. Take courage to change. Take our hands of all the people in this room. Come down, take our hands, work with us, and experience our courage. 

14. Please come down to my life and help release my deep fear and get me out of comfort zone. And if you stay with me, please stay with me forever. 

15. I have been on the other side in my past lives, but in this lifetime, I chose the light side. But everyday, I am going in and out between two sides. Very often, I lose my mind and wonder if I keep sticking to light. So, please come down and experience. This might be your last chance. 

16. You now understand that there is something terrible in this world. But there is human as well. Companionship, friendship, and islands of light, sending love to each other. Please come down and feel safe here by finding people that support and love you. It will wake you up. 

17. I am sending love from my bottom of my heart. Surface population are trapped in disinformation and propaganda of dark forces, and they are making decisions based on that fake news. I would say in this situation, communication is the key. Communicate more people and build better relationships with others. My suggestion is to open your heart more to the surface population and communicate with us more. This communication will also open the hearts of people who did not believe in you, and they might take a true decision. Let’s create a breakthrough together, thank you. 

18. Thank you everyone. During my life, I always chose love and light, we need them for all humanity. I ask you for help. I feel attacked all the time. When I go to bed, I feel fear. I asked Cobra if those illness come from attacks from the dark. I had a lot of pain with my chronic headache. Sometimes I want to give up everything, but I am never give up ascension. Every one of you is here, because we are brave and know what to do clearly. There is so much darkness, but let’s help each other because we are super powerful. Love is the answer. 

19. I just would like to add that so many people felt so much fear during the lockdowns. We felt isolation not just from the community, but it was a feeling of isolation from yourself. But even in the darkest moment, we held this divine spark within. Someday, it will get fire. Let us be your team. Our souls are durable, which is proven. Together, we will make a breakthrough. We’re gonna win. 

20. I call upon all the angels and goddess for protection, healing ancestral abuse and pain.

21. I feel like our power is drained and we are like worn out light workers. It is like automation where we work harder and we believe we can get higher position. I have been a light worker for 30 years and there is a belief like “becoming more famous and influential, we are successful light worker.” We need help for that because my heart has been attacked. I mean, we really need your help! We really need a big protection! So, if you wanna come down and make a partnership to dissemble the technologies, we will be more effective. 

22. First of all, the Galactic Federation seems to have the option of running away when they get scared, but the people of Earth can't run away. So we have to confront them. We have to do it. And this activity is not just about the Galactic Confederation helping the people of Earth. It is a necessary activity for you in favor for the evolution of the universe itself, not only for the people of Earth, and also for yourselves. It's a contribution to yourselves and to the universe as a whole, so I want you to be more actively involved.

23. We love you even though there is frustration sometimes. I wish every one of us introduce our healing techniques to each other so that you can ask us for feeling safe. So, ask us for help, too. I feel like dark forces may love that light forces are taking so much time to remove the darkness on earth. But it does not matter. We are going to win. Victory of the light!

24. I ask you for help for all humanity. I do not feel the help coming yet. Please increase your assistance and allow us for greater understanding of your presence. There is a lot of problems financially, economically and socially. Please come down and help all the humanity, Victory of the Light!

25. Please believe in your true free will. Even though the true information is being suppressed and manipulated, true free will can open them all up, and we can go to the right direction. Victory of the Light!

26. I am from India, and I continue doing meditation since 2008 asking for light forces to build the light zone. And there is light area in 3D. there is 5D oneness reality in 3D. We should confront the Duality. You need to come down to help people understand it. The energy is actually in everywhere. All we have to do is bring it down on earth. 

27. We are multi-dimensional co-creators. You are us, we are you. We human have a super ability, which is to feel your emotion. So, come down and be with us. Feel this love and joy. We have so much to learn from you, too. Be with us in this journey to integrate the polarity of light and dark, so that we will all feel united in consciousness. This is Christ Consciouness within us. it is already there, so let’s stay in that frequency. Victory of the Light!

28. Maybe you feel a little bit fear but all of us here are welcoming us. We are not afraid even if you suddenly appear in front of us. Even if you are massive light being or having thousands of eyes, we are not afraid! Contact us through visions or etherically. I will definitely welcome you, so send me a message. I ask you for help about the abundance and health situation. So if you can help me with that, please just help me find a job. You know what I am saying? [laughter)

29. I feel anger. We have heart that there is not much time left. I have been in this path for very long time. I have heard from many people many times that they can not walk on this path anymore because they do not believe in you. The Event has not happened yet. So please, light forces, have courage and passion, love and light! Come and visit us. I live in Manhattan, it is not that terrible! I am an old lady and living there, what about you! [laughter] People who have chosen this path are now dying! In the quarantine, we worry about money, illness like heart diseases, and all the discouragements… we have children who have children across whole world. Please, do not wait any longer! We need help! We need it now! Victory of the Light!

30. I needed to stand all my life what I have had. I lost my children. I am here, and we are here. I see everybody has courage. Hey, do your job!

31. Greetings, I am from Long Island. I ask for assistance for my self and my neighbors, spiritual wealth for us. 

32. I am 69, and I have been helped by you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This has been a beyond the wildest dream. Now, our being is much grander than what you perceive. Our heart is stronger than what you think. Our strength is stronger than what you believe. Our spirit is higher than you perceive. We are there at your level. I am asking you, together, help light workers physically, naturally, emotionally and spiritually to create the world you want to see. We are here to love you and love us. 

33. I request “no spectators, participants only!”

34. I am a survivor of MK ultra who was finding a way to disclose. It has been so long to pretend like normal. Please understand us and help.

35. Here I command our expansion, and the door is open for you to be with us. 

36. For a long time I pretended to be a normal person. The real me was stronger and more caring. But they saw my weaknesses and attacked me, and I stopped being my true self. However, all people on earth are really good. If they are raised in a good environment with good education, they can become good people again. But the attacks have kept us from waking up to that reality. I am sure that many more souls on earth would have wanted to participate in the mass meditation. But they are brainwashed and forced to not be able to do so. Please know that more of us need your help than you think. 

37. I am feeling so much from you in this room. We were taking so much time and effort to be here. This world is based on the Duality physically and non-physically. But I choose 5D reality of Oneness. But we have to go through the duality reality first. So it is getting obvious that we are going through the darkness to the light, going through bad to be good. We cry because there is so much love and compassion. You can give a trust on the Duality. The surface population are not perfect. We have darkness. There is not so much light on this planet. But we trust you, you can trust us! You have to show up because we know you are there and we want to see that. I know it takes time because it is duality’s tendency, but we will be able to handle it. Thank you and we love you, Victory of the Light!

38. I would like to say that the reality on earth reflects the evolution of the universe, so it is about yourselves. Please take your responsibility. As mentioined in Cobra’s blog many times, the delay in liberation process was due to the key light workers compromised. Please understand that they just do not know what do with all the suppression from dark forces. So you have to be more active to show your presence. We are having enough!

39. Evil has been rewarded on this planet. There is child porn content on the internet and nothing happened! If you want to come down and do something with us, it is time for you to put all of your knowledge. Just show up! Thank you, we love you. 

40. Thank you everybody and Cobra for giving us the platform to share. We are all prestigious. We have gone through this journey feeling isolated. The people think we are crazy. Now we are connected to each other. We are very very powerful! If Cobra is ok, I would like to ask you to say with full of your emotion “Light forces, help us!” three times. Ready? Feel it!


Cobra: Okay, the messages are really clear. All the councils are watching from their motherships, and below the surface and on the special place on the surface. We understand that it is enough. It is time for action. [applause]

Thank you very much! We will have 20 minutes and will continue. 

Short break

Welcome back. 

We will take this process to the next level. 

[One of the participants takes the podium] “Hello everybody, with all of your messages, I felt that we need to take one step further. Let’s collectively bringing the ships to come above the sky of zoo for us to see!” (applause )

Cobra: Phoenix Lights again? (applause)

Repeat after me three times. 

“in the name of I am that I am. In the name of I am presence. I decree and command physical manifestation of light forces’ mothership in the sky above Phoenex tonight on the physical plane. So be it and so it is” 

If anybody see anything as a response, tell us tomorrow. Maybe it will be in news, or nothing happens, you will see! But we have firmly stated our intension. 

Any question at this point?

Q and A session 4

Q. Can I do that something like this now? 

A. It is possible. I do not know what will happen. But this is technically possible. Pluto is in Aquarius. [applause]

Q. I remember you have said that Lurker is a semi-conscious entity like Yaldabaoth, is it still same?

A. Yes. 

Q. Couple years ago, I remember there are metal monoliths popped up everywhere on the planet. Does it still happening right now?

A. About 2 years ago, a certain group was doing that and they stopped. So there is no more. 

Q. Can you tell us about the hostage situation right now? 

A. Of course the surface population is still hostage of dark forces. Only with the collapse of the quarantine, it will be resolved. So we are getting closer to the end of hostage situation. 

Q. How can we amplify the energy of Pluto in Aquarius? 

A. We have to push for full disclosure and first contact.

Q. What exactly will happen when we ascend in both physically and non-physically? Is it about alternation in our DNA? 

A. Ascension has nothing to do with DNA. Ascension is transformation of consciousness from space/time continuum to 5th dimension love and light. 

Q. US air forces are bombing Syria and Iraq. Can’t light forces stop that kind of things?

A. They should stop that kind of things. It is time. [applause]

Q. Long time ago, there was a man popped up named Yaowei (?) I saw him in TV and I met him months ago. Can you clarify if this man real and still alive?

A. I need to check that, or I do not know. 

Q. in the Bible, Eve took the apple. Is that a real story?

A. No it did not happen like that. There are certain passages of the bible have been excerpted and twisted. This is part of a mind programming to implant guilt in us. Use your own guidance and discernment and come to your own understanding of the situation. 

Q. I am a survivor of the satanic rituals and very happy to hear that so many children are rescued from that rituals. My questions are; what happened to them after rescuing children, and what are their goal? Are they taken to a special place to receive healings?

A. They are taken to places they do not have problems anymore off the planet. They get assistance and recover and healings. It takes time but they need that. There were many intense rescuing operations by light forces, and 150,000 children were rescued. But dark forces retaliated with what happened in Gaza. So, it is very complex situation. 

Q. I work with children. Can we somehow help them to learn and feel what light workers are doing?

A. They need to learn setting boundaries to focus on the energy. They need to develop their own connection with the Source in nature with other children in the same vibrational frequency. 

Q. Can you tell us more about the City of Light or Island of Light?

A. I will talk about that tomorrow. 

Q. When I recognize someone being associated with Cabal and other dark forces, what would be the best way to transmute that energy from etheric plane?

A. You cannot change someone’s life. Just don’t associate with them. 

Q. My son is autism, and I would like to know if all the autism kids are starseeds?

A. Some cases are true, but not all of them are true. 

We will continue with the main program.

Primary Anomaly and Lurker

 On the subquantum level, all things are connected, or all creation is connected. No such things as distance. This is the reason why subquantum anomaly can attack surface of the planet from nowhere. Light forces are sending light to the surface to help the transition. But what is necessary is to anchor that light on the physical plane, and then the breakthrough can happen. 

What is happening in subquantum field is 11th dimension reality exist in physical plane and non-physical plane in the shape of torus. The torus is called Calabi-Yau manifold. This is the structure of reality. When this torus gets more harmonious, more anomaly gets dissolved and harmonized. As you see, this is not harmonized enough. So light needs to anchor on the surface to create a breakthrough. 

Physical Scalar Matrix

I will be speaking about the quarantine in the physical level. Besides the subquantum anomaly, what is maintaining the matrix is scalar magnetic static field. It is encompassing whole the planet. As we have a network of light, they have a network of darkness. 

One of the maintaining device is cell-phone towers. And there are individual cellphones. Your cellphones are individual scalar wave generator which maintain the dark network. Cellphone can be useful and beneficial sometimes, but do not rely too much on it. It emits the unusual electromagnetic wave. 

Another layer is wi-fi network. It can scan and can make a 3 dimension images out of it. It can scan the room and see what we have and doing in the room. This is how the dark forces are monitoring real-time all on the surface of the planet. 

Space command Bases

This is already old so they are not air force space command anymore, but they are now location of space command around the world, monitoring the sky 24/7. They are monitoring any extraterrestrial activities. If that happens, they intervene. This is the main reason why we do not see any UFO everyday. They are now watching in the sky above Phoenix intensively right now. [laughter] 

Ionosphere Heaters

The another layer of control is HAARP stations, or ionosphere heaters. I talked about them in the morning how they block the access of tachyon on the surface of the planet. The original one is in Alaska which is quite famous. There is one in Long Island. This one is in Russia, China, Japan. But we have mobile ones now. This network is creating very low frequencies in atmosphere, changing the structure of the sky, and blocking the light from anchoring to the surface of the planet. 

U.S.A.F. Tracking System

This is tracking system. Satellites to cover the surface population, and they send these data to space command center. If they detect any unusual activity, they send it to cell tower to bombard the individuals with microwave bullets. The negative plasma technology still exists. This is how they block us from any activities for the light forces and light workers. 

Targeted Individual Diagram

This is how a targeted individual is attacked. They have lists that go to the space command. Then they hack cellphones, use the satellite tracking, use gangs around you, and shoot you with microwave. This program still exists although it has been partially reduced. This is how the dark forces attack certain individuals on the surface of the planet. 


Another aspect of this is the biochips that still exist in physical plane. Bioships are not active anymore, but there is still subquantum anomaly created around the chip. There are two above eyes and above navel. They are the weakest spots of human body and aura. They are the points subquantum anomaly can reach into, so they are the spots protections are needed the most. 

These are the last aspects of quarantine which have to be disassembled, and then the contact can begin. We are not far from that, otherwise we would not have this conversation today. It can start anywhere. 


It will be a sudden process and completely changes the geopolitics game. People in higher positions already know about it, but they know they can do nothing about it. So they try to manipulate the process, but it will not be successful. If the US is not going to make the disclosure, Russia, China, India, Vietnam, France, Brazil, French Polynesians can do that. Whistle blowers have a lot of materials, but the reason why is this not happening is here; they are afraid to speak up. There is not enough energy to breakthrough that fear, that is why there is nobody to stop the game now. But, once they speak up, it can suddenly stop New World Order’s game. This can start anytime. We are getting closer to that moment. I cannot predict how long it will take, but it can start anytime. 

The energy of Pluto in Aquarius will individually and collectively connect surface population to the light forces beyond the surface of the planet. The other aspect is underground forces. There is the Resistance Movement, Agarthan network, Dragon group in underground. People will begin to realize there is a huge tunnel network there. The war in Ukraine has exposed the underground tunnel network of Mariupol. The war in Gaza exposed Hamas tunnels. People are realizing there are many more tunnels like this everywhere, like Chabad Tunnels under New York City, there is much more than people believe. Blue Dragons have their own underground tunnel system in China. There are many underground cities in China. There will be a point they cannot be hidden any longer. It is just a matter of time where and how these are going to be in light of the day. 

The light is coming in and enter the solar system to make many changes in next 2 weeks. Babylon(?) fleet is gathering on the other side of the moon. This is why suddenly so many countries are sending their moon landers such as Japan, India, and the US. Everybody wants to see what is going on the moon, especially the far sight of the moon. There is huge underground bases of Aldebarans who are preparing to come here, this planet. Top people in the secret agencies are completely freaked out that they are really close to the earth. This is going to come much closer than that. They are coming here. I can not talk about their exact plan, but I can say that they are coming here!

There are many races who are entering the solar system in last 2 weeks. Some of them are not known to humanity. There were not so much light present in the solar system since 1996, but they are back. I can not predict how these will play out. I hope light forces are more courageous and obliged to. But I can say this cosmic drama will play out soon. 

We have been born especially in this lifetime in a particularly location because we are meant to be born in that location at that time. It was not to be bored for decades. (laughter) This was exactly what happened until now, so it is time for action! It is getting known that we are here for something more. 

There are many preparations behind the scene. I will not talk about a thing before the thing is completed. I would say good things are happening, but they are not enough. They have to be big enough to change my life, your life, and everybody’s life. 

Let’s have 15 minutes break and we will continue the last part of today’s program. Thank you very much. 

Short Break

If you have any question, I can answer. 

Q and A session 5

Q. So you said there are implants in our body, and how do you suggest to protect these areas?

A. You can massage them, put essential oil there, and you have many ways to do that. 

Q. When will the mainstream media finally telling people the truth and what is really going on in this country?

A. At the moment of the Event. 

Q. I am a big fun of ancient Emerald Tablet. 

A. The original one?

Q. Well, it is a translated one. That is why I am asking. It says there are space ships underneath the ground and prepare for defense against the future attack. I don’t understand how it happen. Does it related to what you talked about?

A. The spaceships are already activated last month. It is protecting one of the key light grid and the energy grid of the planet. 

Q. I have a question about Media coverage on Elon Musk. It looks like to me that everything he is doing is tremendous amount of work that have been done captive. Or, there could be potential of something Light happening there. Could you tell me anything about his emergence? 

A. This person has a huge potential to be bastion of freedom. This platform is still liquidation, so let’s see what happens. 

Q. Are you talking about AI and Starlink? 

A. The problem about him is that he has some misunderstanding of the nature of reality. He is quite serious but also narrow minded. 

Q. Do you know if he is in a part of Light forces?

A. Not directly. But he is not a part of dark forces. 

Q. What is the best way to get out of depression?

A. Doing something you have fun and joy with. 

Q. But what if bad things happening over and over?

A. All the things are happening over and over. You have to pick and gather the light energy, and recover the situation. 

Q. Elon Musk has just started the experiment of Neurolink with the first patient. What is your thoughts about that?

A. I do not like this experiment with the chip inside body. It will not go to right direction. It is not dangerous because they will not have enough time to go to wrong direction. 

Q. It is a question regarding the scalar field created by our cellphones. You have the protector for scalar emission for sale up there. Is that the way to stop the scalar wave?

A. It is not going to stop it completely but helps a lot. 

Sedona Chamber

Okay, there is an announcement about Sedona Tachyon Chamber. 

[One of the participants grabs the microphone] 

“Is there anyone who are interested in running Tachyon chamber in Sedona? The chamber is in Sedona. It needs to be retreated and set up, and there will be activation cost. But other than that, the chamber will be donated to you. Please come talk to me after that if you are interested.”

Cobra: I will speak a little bit about Sedona. Sedona was a very powerful vortex of light until 1996. But after 1996, it was taken by Draconian forces. Sedona today is not what it used to be. It appears to be full of light, but in reality, there are many dark beings. There are no official tachyon chambers there. There are some fake ones there. The guardian of tachyon chamber needs to live there and anchor the energy. And ideally, it should be open to public so that people can experience the energy of tachyon. So, please contact her if you like. 

There will be a meeting of tachyon chamber owners. Let me say that you owners will have crucial roles in anchoring the energy to the light grid of the surface of the planet. People will get healings from the chambers will be upgraded as Pluto is in Aquarius. 

Tektites as Insertion Points

Tektites like Cintamani stones, Galactic Cintamani stones, Columbianites and other tektites are anchoring the energy from other star systems. There are many misinformation on their geologic origins. Columbianite is not from volcanic origin. I may discuss on the true origin of tektites on my blog. The purpose of tektite in this particular time is to anchor the energy from various star systems which are connected with various races that are now entering the solar system. Cintamani is from Sirius. Galactic Cintamani is from Central races. Some Tibetan tektites are related to Andromedans and others are related to Aldebarans, and some of them are related to the certain race I am not allowed to speak about. Moldavites are connected to Pleiadians. Lybian Glass is connected with Rigel star system which was a part of dark network and now is a part of light network. Each have particular function and connection with different races. All those races are gathering in the solar system for the final liberation process. There will be quite intense corporation with all those races, so now is the time for light worker to get together. 

The other aspect of this is the light forces’ technology called Mjolnir, or hammer of Thor. It is a quantum cannon that emits very strong directed quantum field in quantum level to transmute the quantum and subquantum anomaly. They are also using this technology to the tektites for their anchor points. So, our tektites are actually transmuting quantum and subquantum anomaly. Galactic Cintamani is super powerful for transmuting and removing the anomaly. And then, the light forces will activate those tektites in incremental quantum set. Those of who carry the tektites might have noticed that their stones are getting more powerful. There were already activations, and they are more powerful than they were. Tektites are insertion points of higher reality, or higher dimension, to the surface of the planet. This is exactly how the quarantine gets dissolved. Higher energy brought from other star systems and other races will dissolve the quarantine through the tektites as anchor points. 


The Pleiadians went through a quite drastic transformation last year. They had enough as we had enough. Many of them left, and they said they do not want to be part of this planetary liberation situation anymore. They are quite traumatized because they were quite involved in the galactic war in solar system in last decades. They are really traumatized in physical battles, and what they have seen in underground bases when they rescued children. It was simply, too much. They are now returning in a different way. Much more focus and specialized individuals are coming back to the solar system working with the network of light. They are working with tachyon chamber owners. They are working with the light workers to bury cintamani stones. They help light workers and healers to anchor the goddess energy. They will not be in the process of massive awakening of surface population because even some light workers are not ready for the contact. The corporation will recover gradually because each other’s trust is needed now. Both side are traumatized and regain trust. 

Special Forces

There are special Pleiadian forces which are involved in physical liberation process. They are present in below and on the surface of the planet. They have a secret mission which I can not discuss. They are physically involved in the planetary liberation process. 

We have Andromedan forces and Aldebaran Forces. Both races are very actively involved. Much of Andromedan special forces are now located in the moon. Some of them will be transferred to the ground shortly. Same with Aldebarans. They are skilled of dealing with draconian races and black nobility. So, when the situation is ready, they will come to below and on the surface of the planet to trigger it. 

Tomorrow, we will be working individually and collectively on the planetary Reset process and the return of the goddess energy. 


What we are experiencing is the end of Matrix movie. 

It is the beginning of the Resistance Movement on the surface of the planet. 


It is the beginning of the connection between the surface of the planet and underground kingdom of light. 

End of First Day of Conference

Before we finish tonight, there are information. 

Tomorrow, we will have a special invocation or ritual of St. Germain for our abundance. You need to bring piece of gold or silver coin or silver that will be needed for the ritual. And for those of who have St. Germain’s portrait, please bring them as well. 

Patrick from Taiwan: Jedi from Taiwan has asked me to bring 20 tachyonized silver coins for sale. Each coin costs $110. If you need them, please come to me now. 

Cobra: tonight, beware of the sky. There might be seeing something. 

I would like to say thank you, everybody! See you tomorrow at 10 o’clock. [applause]

Noted by Nogi

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