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Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra

Phoenix Ascension Conference Day 2

Presented by Cobra


Feb 4, 2024 (Sun) 

Noted by Nogi

Disclaimer before viewing

  • Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. 
  • The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the note taking process. 
  • Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be answered.

Table of Contents

  • February 4, 2024 (Sun) Opening
  • General Announcement of Day 2
  • Energy Alignment
  • Spaceship Sighting
  • Q and A Session 6
  • Planetary Reset
  • Collapse of the Old Society
  • The Revolution
  • Goddess Energy for Peaceful Transition
  • Q and A session 7
  • WEF Reset versus Galactic Reset
  • Digital Financial System
  • New Financial system
  • Abundance in New Reality
  • April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
  • November 5 Election
  • Q and A Session 8
  • Q and A Session 9
  • California and Arizona
  • Manifestation Process
  • De-Manifestation
  • Let it go
  • Ceremony to Manifest Abundance by St. Germain
  • Q and A Session 10
  • A Galactic Wave of Love
  • Meditation of Light
  • ATVOR/Ascension Protocol
  • Light Body
  • ATVOR Exercise
  • Bubble of Light Protection
  • Return of the Goddess
  • Goddess Temple
  • Feminine Sexual Energy
  • Goddess Ceremony
  • End of the Conference

February 4, 2024 (Sun) Opening

General Announcement of Day 2


Welcome back. Today is the second day of the Ascension Conference in Phoenix! Are you guys enjoying yourselves? [applause] Good! anyone saw a ship last night? [few raised hands] OK. Maybe someone in the group will share their interesting stories today. Again, my name if Debra. Let’s go through few reminders before beginning. For those who have not purchased the lunch buffet, there is extra seat available. Tachyon table is available during the breaks. The silver coins Patrick has mentioned last night are all sold out. There will be tachyon chamber owners’ meeting. We will have a very special goddess ceremony at the end of the day. I would like to remind the goddesses that we are wearing all white dresses end of the lunch time. flower crowns are available. No photos nor video are taken in this room, this is very strict policy written in the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 

We are all good! Let’s present Cobra. We are very excited, thank you! [applause]

Cobra: Everybody, welcome back! 

Here is a quick question. Did anybody see a spaceship? 3..4… oh my god! Ok, its perfect! You will be sharing the stories little bit later. 

At this point, you need to switch off your cell phones. You can use cellphones outside, but not here. No photo, no recording, but you can write down on your notes. We will start now.

Energy Alignment

I would ask you to relax. 

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. As doings so, relax. 

As you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your being, and you breath out brilliant white light. Keep breathing like that… (the same meditation as the first day)

And whenever you are ready, please open your eyes. 

Everybody, welcome back. 

Spaceship Sighting

Anybody who would like to share your experience with space craft last night? Everybody would like to hear that. 

  1. Yesterday in the morning, I had a very interesting download. And in the evening, I was using my pendulum to communicate with the Andromedan commanders. I called upon the ATVOR to connect with the motherships. I was in balcony to stare the sky. And I saw multiple color of light. So I told my roommate here to come to look at that light to confirm. She also saw the same light. It was very interesting experience [inaudible] I am calling to the light forces to be more courageous and do things right and take an action, please. 

  2. After the conference last night, we were meditating for short time, calling the ships. We did not see anything. This morning, before the conference, I was walking in zoo, and I saw a glowing object in the sky for just few moment. I thought that they wanted to say they are here. 

  3. Yesterday I was guided to look at the sky. So I asked somebody some hiking place where I can go to meditate. I arrived there and just did what came up in mind. And then I saw a flying object. They were moving in a straight line, glowing whitish blue color 2 times. It definitely was not a star. Then they sent me some vibrational wave with the blue-white light. And there were yellow color ships appeared. They were repeating to stop and go fast. It sounded fun and positive. 

  4. After the conference yesterday, I came back to my Air B &B and was watching the night sky from the window. One of the stars started moving. It went up and down, dancing. And then, I felt like my heart is going through the beam into the ship, dancing with them in the ship. 

  5. This morning, I searched any news talking about another phoenix lights in mainstream media. I found one news on a TV channel which posted an article about some objects are in the air of Phoenix, which was posted an hour after the conference ended. 

OK, as you can see, there are some responses. Not many sightings, but I think in this stage, it is better in this way. They need to be careful, but as we are in the vortex, it made easier for them.

You can keep doing this after you go back home. They are closer, they will appear more regularly. So now is the time to connect them. This is a good start.

Before we start the main program, I can answer few of your questions. 

Q and A Session 6

Q. Yesterday, did you say the United States are the trigger of the entire planet? 

A. I will talk about it later.

Q. And how about the goddess vortex in Phoenix?

A. This zoo area is goddess vortex. And Ascension vortex is in Tempe area. 

Q. Yesterday, you mentioned some of the negative plasma implants are removed. Will every implant in all humans be removed before the Event?

A. They have been removed. What is remaining is primary anomaly which are behind these.

Q. Are they in physical body?

A. No, but physical biochips are remaining.

Q. So we are still affected by them?

A. To a degree, yes. 

Q. Ok, so there are no more etheric implants.

A. Exactly. 

Q. How Arcturians are involved in planetary liberation process?

A. They are here to bring the idea, working very much in mental plane. They are working with arranging for surface population to get true information. They are a part of the galactic confederation. They are specially corporating with Aldebarans and military campaign on this planet. 

Q. I would like to know more about the situation of Sedona. 

A. It is very complex situation there. There are 7 main vortices in Sedona, and many secondary vortexes there, and they are all contaminated and need purification. There were black magics and all that, they need to be purified, and light workers need to anchor pure intention there. 

Q. Do you have any information about what happened in Florida on 1st January this year? They talked about “all the situation settled” or “final destiny” something like that. I would like to know if you know anything about it. 

A. My sources do not confirm if they are real. 

Q. For example, if I had $5,000, which would be more effective, buying and burying one large galactic Cinamani with it, or buying and burying as many small Cinamani as I could afford?

A. It depends on the vortex, and it is impossible to answer this question generally. 

Q. With the US being the trigger, how can we contribute by planting Cintamani to smooth the transition?

A. Yes, this will help a lot. I will discuss on that today. 

Q. Could you tell us about what happened in Maui?

A. What happened in Maui last year was unfortunately, a directed energy weapon attack, which was quite horrible. 

Q. Can you tell us about the changes in Hierarchy? St. Germain’s position recently has changed. Lucifer has returned to the light. Could you provide us some information?

A. The being called Lucifer was captured by Light forces many years ago. When he realized what he did, he volunteered to go to the central sun. St. Germain step into the position as a coordinator of the planetary liberation process in October. So there are many changes. Galactic Confederation is working quite intensively. Ashtar Command is responsible for the planetary liberation and working together with St. Germain. They are the leader of whole process in the solar system. There are more higher beings beyond our solar system such as Metatron as I mentioned yesterday. The king of the world Sanat Kumara and other beings are not located in here. They have different focus and are working from the higher dimension in various location throughout the galaxy. They are all working with the energy from the center of the galaxy. I would say their structure has gotten more efficient, reflecting the actual situation. 

We will now go on the main program of today. 


Planetary Reset

I am going to talk about planetary resets. It has various aspects, and one of them is that the old society has to collapse because the old society is not along with the principle of the Light. 

Collapse of the Old Society

This collapse needs to happen so that new society can get born. This will be a guided collapse or guided revolution, and it will be rebirth of society. This is the situation before the corona virus event. The system apparently functioned. But when the resources are almost gone, dark forces made up coronavirus situation to buffer up. This was before 2019, this is 2020-2021, and we are now here (before the crush). They have used up all the energy and running out resources, so at some point, the collapse is inevitable. 

The Revolution

There are various timelines that can happen when the system collapses. Here we have social pressure which is accelerating and intensifying, dark forces are nearing the final moment. The pressure is actually is human Kundalini energy. They are trying to press it down, then the energy gets accumulated on the people. At the certain point, the energy that has been accumulated in people and the pressure that Cabals are doing go to the equal level. That is the moment of the revolution. That is the moment of the change. That is the most important moment of the whole process because that moment determine what will happen after. So, this is the most chaotic moment, but it can be the moment of new rebirth. The light forces know that this moment will come, and they are trying to guide the timeline to the most favorable as possible. They know it and understand the energy and dynamics very well. They know how to work with human kundalini energy. There are various factors that affect human kundalini energy; some are inner and the others are external. The external factors are the activity of galactic central sun and our physical sun. Every time we approach the solar maximum, human kundalini energy gets activated. The sun will emit corona mass ejaculation, and the particles from the sun activates human kundalini. This is why we have more revolution and more protests during the solar maximum. We are expected to be in the solar maximum next year. 

More drastic pressure on kundalini energy, sooner kundalini energy explodes. It is always very fast process. If you check the history book, you will notice that all the revolutions were very fast events. The actual moment of change is about few days. But as soon as it happens, it changes all the political, industrial, and financial system completely. 

Goddess Energy for Peaceful Transition

The moment that happens is the most important moment. All the sisterhood of the roses need to meditate and bring goddess energy because the moment has the huge potential of violence. You have to meditate to dissipate that violent energy by channeling goddess energy especially at the moment of change. So, I am asking all the SOTR groups to meditate and channel goddess energy when this happens to stabilize and harmonize the change. We have reached the point the moment of change is unpredictable. This is the moment SOTR should be ready. You do not need to wait for the messages on my blog. Whenever it happens, you need to organize and start meditating to bring the energy of harmony. That will not block anything, but it will smooth out the transition. 

Dark forces realized that the game is almost over. So they are trying to create another nuclear war which is not going to happen. But they want to manifest much more chaos and world wars. Whatever they try to manifest, there is already enough awareness on the planet, but there is still not enough understanding of the old system. Dark forces are using mass media to broadcast the images of violence and wars. People are exposed to those images, and they talk about it, they are visualizing and manifesting it. There is a new movie coming up in the United states called “Civil War”. This is on purpose to create civil war, and this is what they want. They want people to imagine it, visualize it, be afraid of it, and pay attention to it. That is a depression. This is not what optimal timeline is. The optimal timeline is the ascension of the planet. 

This is the reason of the recent increasing activities of the sisterhood of roses. The Goddess energy is the most important energy needed at this moment. I need to stress that again and again. The most important energy is the goddess energy. The goddess energy needs to be more and more on the planet. There have to be self-organized groups who work for the energy of Peace, which is the most important at this moment. 

We will have a 20 minutes break and will continue the main program. 

Short Break

(Debra's daughter appeared on stage and told the participants that she was happy to see so many young people at the conference because she feels that young people are so into social medias that they are losing more and more of their spirituality. And she told everyone that she would hold a meeting later to exchange contacts and many ideas next break. )

Debra: Thank you, you are the fore-leaders of the future. You are so important to this world, and it is important that you guys are united. 

Okay, I can answer some of you questions. 

Q and A session 7

Q. As you mentioned the United States as a trigger, I was curious about your opinion on Candidate Kennedy Jr. I know he has been under quite a lot of pressures, which made me think he is a good guy. 

A. He is not a main player. He is just an interesting addition to the whole process, but he will not be able to change whole situation. We have just Biden or Trump now. (laughter)

Q. We understand how goddess energy is important. My question is, are some other goddesses in the universe?

A. Yes, of course. 

Q. Second question is, when we make mass-meditation, how do you know how many people are participating?

A. I have my sources. 

Q. When discussing the implants, you mentioned that lurkers hide in shadow of our aura. Did you mean our personal shadow?

A. Yes.

Q. My question is about covid-shot. Do we need to concern about the exchange the effect of the shot?

A. No.

Q. My question is about Island of Light. What are the conditions they are made upon? Is there has to be on a vortex?

A. They will be created when the time is right. When people can live and work harmoniously with each other. This is the first step to co-create and co-exist, then they are going to the next step. 

I think it is enough questions now, so I will be speaking about 2 versions of the Reset. 

WEF Reset versus Galactic Reset

Bad guys and good guys have their own version of Reset. Dark forces on this planet are not creative. They have other people to work creative work for them. The idea of Reset came from my blog and other sources about 10 years ago. All those dark forces who were reading my blog wanted to use the idea, so they stole it and twisted it, and they came up with their own version of reset. This is broadcasted through mainstream media. But what they want to reset is everything. They want to digitalize our life. 

They want everybody to use and stay with cellphones. They want us to use digital currency because digital life is completely trackable. They can track and analyze and manipulate each of activities with cellphone. But remember that we are living in physical world, not digital world. 

Light forces want to divert our attentions from Here and Now physical world to their spiritual world that they have created. All those tech-companies like Microsoft and all those social media like Meta are far from spiritual world. They want to hijack your mind. Social media does not encourage our creativity. You receive vast amount of content and process them every day, and you just focus on that. It is time for the most awakened ones to detox from it. You do not need to be completely offline, but you need to find a balance between physical world and your digital life. 

Digital Financial System

Top echelon of the dark forces know that the solar flash is coming, they have been trying to crush the financial system and preparing the total observing system, which is digital financial system. If the collapse happens on the current financial system, what they would do is to ask you to download apps on your phone, and bank accounts and all are installed in your phone. But fortunately, people are becoming aware of this and resisting. So, another strategy we could do is to use physical cash as much as possible. Try to avoid credit cards and online payment because every online transaction supports their controlling system. Physical cash is physical manifestation of abundance. All online transaction remains in mental plane, so whenever you use it, you are not accelerating your abundance. If you use physical cash, you are assisting physical manifestation. I will speak of this later. 


Dark forces want to create their own digital financial system, but the Resistance movement has created their own version of digital financial system which will override the dark system happens. Whenever they try to cause financial collapse and introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies, they suddenly notice that their system not working because the system is taken over by the Resistance. The RM has far more advance AI technology that penetrate their underground bases to the surface, taking over the internet and banking system. This will be done instantly. When the dark forces introduce the crush, it will be done, and when people open their account and discover that there is more money in it. 

New Financial system

The new financial system planed by light forces is backed by physical gold. Some of the gold come from Philippines, some from Malaysia, some from Dragon families, some from the RM that were originally confiscated from Rothchild family. All the gold that were undermined will be the foundation of the new financial system. 

Abundance in New Reality

You need to understand that the abundance on this planet is very very tiny fragment of the real abundance beyond the surface of the planet. if people find diamond like this big (4 inches), they do not need for their life anymore. And, there is a star 50 light years from here which is whole diamond. Can you imagine how much money it worth? 

This universe is full of abundance in both physically and spiritually. But on this planet, because of the quarantine and the law of entropy, poverty exist. Mass without abundance can be controlled; mass with abundance cannot be controlled. 


This statistic shows people have more money are happier. Money gives options. With money, you can exercise your free will more freely. This is what Cabal knows, this is why they want money from us. 

After the Event, the abundance will come back to everybody and solves so many problems. What is important is people who have that much abundance need to be prepared. They are used to being poor, and suddenly they get overwhelmed with the energy of the abundance. All of you in this room and other spiritual people are also not used to handle that much money, so they need to be able to take your right decision. I would ask you to get psychologically ready for using the abundance for the life of your higher self. It can be truly beneficial to your life. 

April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse


Now I will be speaking about the situation in the United States. There will be two main events that will determine the future of this country happening this year. The first one is the total solar eclipse April 8 this year. You can see here the totality of influence of the eclipse. In this area, there will be total solar eclipse. This event has important role for destiny of this country. This will be the moment of decision for the USA as a whole, what the future will be. This will be the moment for all American citizens to make a collective choice about the future of this country. 

This is light forces’ idea, but I would like to suggest people living in this country to organize a mass-meditation for people in United States only. Only American citizens participate the meditation at the moment of solar eclipse. The purpose of the meditation would be to make a decision for this country to become New Atlantis again. [applause]

Make Atlantis great again! [laughter]

I am not organizing this because it is not my purpose. This can be organized for the purpose for all citizens of this country. 


It is also important to meditate along with the total eclipse. You can google it and find the related places. Light forces want people to organize, find a place, and meditate with the solar eclipse. 

Another important aspect of this is Goddess equator goes very near the path of the total solar eclipse. They are almost the same. What is going to happen with the eclipse is activating the old goddess equator going through the United States. It will activate the energy of New Atlantis. 

The light forces also asked as another operation is to bury as many galactic cintamani stones as possible along with the ley line before the Eclipse. Those stones will assist the process. This will be double activations of galactic cintamani stones and decision of the group for the future of this country. 

I would say St. Germain was quite unhappy about how the situation deteriorated in the United States in the last few decades because his original project was choosing this country as a leader in the Age of Aquarius. Now the situation has been rectified. That is why I can give you some instructions now. 

(Ephemeris-like table was shown)

This is the astrological situation of the United States for next few months, projected by the birth chart of the United States (Jul 4 ,1776 5:10pm). Astrological situation of the US in this year is actually very good. I am surprised myself as well! [laughter] There is so much information out there saying the US would collapse in this year. Actually, what can happen is a very opposite. The foundation is good, but it has to be reactivated. It can be reactivated at the moment of solar eclipse. As you can see on the table, some transits are really good around that time. All of them involve the free will. Jupiter (inaudible) is really good aspect to bring decisions for abundance and the new beginning of better life.

November 5 Election

Second moment which will decide of this country. As Pluto will exit Aquarius and enter Capricorn on September and renter Aquarius on November 19. The election will be just two weeks before the final Pluto in Aquarius. In other words, this is the very last moment for dark forces to create chaos. They are going to try to make civil war around the time of election. Reliable sources have been monitoring the time of the election day. One plausible way is Trump will win; this is very likely to happen. There is another timeline that election will not happen. From the RM, it is quite similar information, but they said if the election happens, this will be hijacked and Trump will win. There is another situation which Cabal try to assassinate Trump. Trump has very strong protection, but there is slight potentiality that can happen. The purpose of Cabal to do this is triggering a war in this country.

But light forces have their own surprising plan, that can trigger something that I am not allowed to say now. The purpose of light forces are making this transition as peaceful as possible. They want to enable the election. The time period between the election day and November 11 will be very interesting. We have a very good transit at that time. This will be a surprise. With the astrological aspects at the time, we have feeling and spiritual inspiration, so the time of election will not be predictable. This can be brutal moment as well, so light forces want us to meditate to bring balance and invoke justice. The sisterhood of roses will unite and meditate at that time to invoke the Goddess of Justice Jūstitia. 

If light workers do their job, it will anchor the light, and whole timeline of the planet will go quite easier and more harmonious. Of course, light forces need to make their own job done. They need to become more active on the surface. They need to bring more protection for light workers and whistle blowers. There is so much materials and evidences about disclosures in the United States. So many space crafts have landed here, and so many sightings in Arizona. There are so many evidences about the underground bases. All of that need to be released to public. 

Any questions so far?

Q and A Session 8

Q. Is it still good to go behind Trump, isn’t it correct?

A. It is your own individual choice. I would say Trump is a Gray Hat, and Biden is Black Hat. 

Q. Solar Eclipse goes to Quebec in Canada before going to the US. So how can we Canadian ask for help?

A. You can also meditate for Canada with people in Canada. 

Q. Should we American citizens meditate from home for the Solar Eclipse instead of going to the place where we see the total eclipse?

A. It is up to you.

Q. Will you give us any instruction for the mass meditation?

A. I can assist if asked, but I am not organizing it. 

Q. Are people like Trump and Biden real persons? 

A. Yes, they are people like you. [laughter]

Q. I am being guided to Mexico. Do you know any place the line goes through?

A. Yes, just google it and you can find the path of eclipse.

Q. Oh, it is about the old goddess ley line.  

A. Somebody else, not me, has researched and has the information. 

Q. The meditators are American only. Are they have to be born in the US, or do they have to have citizenships?

A. They need to be citizen of America. 

Before finishing this part, I would like to invite Chinese people who are presenting the application of networking light workers around the world. American people can also use that app for easier communication. 


[The presenters explained the audience what this flyer says]

Now we will have a 20 minutes break. 

Short Break

At this point, I can answer few of your questions. 

Q and A Session 9

Q. Do you know any good protection technique from the shedding of covid shot?

A. Many people do not worry about it. 

Q. I saw the picture of the old equator that goes to Mexico. I went there on December, but government officials closed that area. Was there some activations or ceremonies there at that time?

A. Unfortunately, they know that and they closed it for blocking the information. 

Q. This morning, Benjamin Fulford said California will have huge Earthquake and Tsunami attack. Will light forces protect us and the vortex there?

A. To a degree, yes. I will speak about California later.

Q. Do you have any intel about when the Chinese communist [inaudible] will die before the Event? [laughter]

A. I cannot answer to this question. [laughter]

Q. What is the situation of Mt. Shasta?

A. it is slightly better than Sedona, but it still needs more pure energy. 

Q. How should light workers protect themselves from primary anomaly?

A. Main thing is to connect with your higher self. More you connect to your higher self, the more you are protected. 

Q. Someone said Heart chakra of the earth is blue path. When you mentioned New Atlantis, I thought maybe the New Heart chakra of the earth is located somewhere around there? 

A. Many people have different perspectives of the same thing. I would not put too much attention to this. 

Q. Can you share us anything about the underground of Denver Airport?

A. This is old news. This place has been cleared few years ago. 

Q. So, is there a city of light underneath the airport?

A. This is actually a stronghold of the Resistance Movement. There is a small city of light. 

Q. Will there be New Lemuria activation?

A. Lemurian energy will also be reactivated especially in subcontinents in Asia and in pacific oceans. 

Q. Are there stargates in the US?

A. What kind of?

Q. Are there new ones coming in?

A. Oh yes.

Q. My question is about Cintamani Stones. I live in minor village in the US where not many stones are there. Could you give us contact information? Oh! [He just found the right person, and everyone applauded.] 

California and Arizona

Okay, at this point, I will speak about California and Arizona. The original ascension plan of the light forces for transitioning to the Age of Aquarius was to trigger the activation of Age of Aquarius from California. So, many souls reincarnated in California since WWII. They are born in various locations in California especially in inside the vortex. There are three main vortices; first one is in Los Angeles. It was activated few centuries ago where Lady Mary was incarnated. Spanish name of Los Angeles means “Our Lady of Angels”. It was quite active, but after WWII, when Ashtar command entered the solar system, his energy was anchored in that vortex especially in Santa Monica area, Panamint Valley, and Edward Airforce base. They were the main anchoring point for the ascension process of the whole planet in 1953-1954. 

Another important vortex was in San Francisco. Spanish name for this city is Saint. Francis, who was a reincarnation of Kuthumi. So, his energy was anchored in there, which was started from WWII. 

The third important vortex was in Mt. Shasta. I would not describe what happened there. 

Those three vortices were to prepare since WWII, to start the Age of Aquarius. In 1995, we were very close to planetary breakthrough. The vortexes were activated, and the activities of light workers living in those areas. We were very close!

Unfortunately, decisions of certain key light workers in those areas blocked the process. Then, there was Archon invasion in 1996. Those locations were invaded by reptilians, and Congo was invaded. LA was the main entrance vortex, so they wanted to suppress the ascension. 

Light forces had back up plan, which was triggering ascension in Arizona. There were other soul groups reincarnated in three main vortexes in Arizona: Phoenix, Tucson, and Sedona. Those souls are not all activated yet. Some are awakened and have done their jobs. Some entered in the RM. But the others are still not activated yet since that was a backup plan. 

The attack on California vortexes in 1996 was so intense that almost collapsed the light grid there. Light forces have decided in 2019 to reactivate the California network, and they started surface operations to reactivate the vortexes. There were special activations of Chinese Dragon family in San Francisco, which involved the secret society in California. But it escalated and caused physical conflicts with people dying. So, light forces canceled the operations. Dark forces were trying to make civil wars and light forces have blocked them. The main orchestrator from dark side was Michael Aquino. He suicided himself last year in December. Since then, light forces are successfully reactivating the vortexes. 

Certain souls have been reincarnated in Arizona will be all activated again at the moment of the solar eclipse. The main vortexes stay the same: Phoenix, Tucson, and Sedona. It would be great if there is tachyon chamber fully active in Sedona. It would be also good to have SOTR in Sedona and all those locations at the time of solar eclipse. I cannot talk about it all because there are still classified matters, but I would say light forces are now focusing on California and Arizona as triggers of Age of Aquarius. With lots of damages, I do not know how all the operations will come out. The situation is very delicate. Just beware of the situation in those area in next few months. Interesting things might happen there. 

Because of the collapse in California late 2019, it caused pandemic possible. Some light workers in other countries made wrong decisions that accelerated the collapse as well. The huge potential of California has not been fully reactivated yet. It is still not safe. For those of you who are in California and Arizona, anchor the light as much as possible because it is the key moment. 

There are some progress of some forces of special races within solar system. They are positioned in far sight of the moon with military technologies. It is easier for them to conduct operations out of scope from the earth since they are on the other side of the moon. Certain military operations of Aldebarans have completed few hours ago. It has removed the most of dark presence on the dark side of the moon. There are still remaining darkness, but they will be cleared shortly, I would say in next few weeks. Aldebaran fleet is coming closer to the surface of the planet. They will be positioned in earth orbit. And at some point, Aldebaran military personnel will be positioned underground and on the surface of the planet, and below the oceans. I cannot tell what will exactly happen at this point, but interesting things will happen. 

Aldebarans have a lot of combat experiences against draconian races. The energy of draconian races are the backbone of current financial system. The most souls of politicians, bankers and lawyers are from Draco. They came to the earth many years ago. When the event happens, Aldebarans will take care of them. They know how to deal with them. 

Andromedans came from the same galaxy as Black nobility. So, Andromedans know how to deal with them very well, especially families of Orsini, Aldobrandini, and Paravicini. 

There are many other races taking part of the same operations. They have declared a special rules throughout this solar system about who is coming in and going out here. This place now is a special free zone. Before that time, certain races were curious of coming here, but dark forces made it impossible. But now the souls with in the solar system will liberate our solar system. [applause]

The surface commander is St. Germain who has a lot of experiences after many reincarnations. There were other persons which carried the same soul as Comte St. Germain. He was a French minister of war. So his past reincarnation was general. He knows how to deal with it. At this point, military operations on the surface of the planet should be accordance to Galactic Codex. 

Other situations in the solar system are under control. There are some progress, and some are not much. As recently reported on my blog, there is dark network which is located under India and Africa. A part of the network is located in the solar system which are mostly cleared. 

The last remaining battle field is below and on the surface of the planet. we are getting close to the moment. 

I think there is enough information about that. Now I will be speaking a little bit about manifestation process. 

Manifestation Process

Manifestation process is very simple. The basic principle is very simple. I spoke yesterday about the toroidal shape of the universe. Actually, manifestation process itself is toroidal stargate, where the idea of the spiritual plane goes through the star gate, and manifest in physical plane. The only thing that is blocking the manifestation is subquantum and quantum anomaly. For light forces who do not have such experience do not understand why do people on earth have such difficulties to manifest the abundance. For them, it is such simple steps; decision, invoking energy, and manifesting. Life is very easy for them. But here, we have that interference, taking us much more time to manifest what we want. 


The basic principles are very simple. We have three steps. First step is decision. To make a decision, we have to be very clear about what you are going to manifest. If you are confused what you want in the middle, you will not be able to manifest it physically. If you are very clear about it, it tends to manifest exactly as you wanted.


If my decision was like “I want a ascension conference someday in somewhere…” it would take much more time. If I wanted “Ascension Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on February 3 and 4” this is what happens. More focus you are, people will know what you want, and it is easier to manifest in that way. 

Second step is invocation. It is about invoking emotional energy for that decision. Fantasying about it, visualizing about it, desiring and yearning it. All that emotional invocation brings down manifestation from mental plane. 

Then we need physical action in physical plane. Without physical action, manifestation remains in mental and emotional plane. You need physical action to manifest what you want. I am not speaking only to you in this room, but also to light forces. I am teaching St. Germain how to manifest [laughter]

By repeating those steps over and over, manifestation is 100 percent guaranteed because it is the natural law. It depends how long it will take. It will take time to manifest because we are in the space/time continuum and there is so much anomaly here. I can manifest a bottle of water in few second. I needed few months to manifest this conference. To manifest the Event, I need decades. If I change my mind in the middle, nothing will happen. I need to focus on the decision every second. The key is “never give up”. You make decision, invocation, and action. And then you repeat and repeat, and everything can be manifested. That’s it!

Unfortunately, leaders of Cabal know the same principles. They went to mystery schools and learned about the same process. They are applying this law and became successful. But, you can be better and more effective than them. You can be more focusing than that. Your manifestation skill can be better than that as long as you are dedicating to the Light. it is easier to manifest and taking less time if you work for the light. it took 200 years for them to manifest the financial system, but it took only few decades since the operations started for manifest the Event. So, it is about 10 times faster. We are 10 times more effective and powerful if we work for the Light. Their strength is number; they are using most of the surface population. Our strength is the connection with the Light, and the Light will win. It is inevitable, it is a part of physics of all dimension. It cannot be otherwise. There is quantum equations that explains with the allow of time goes to the future, entropy dies out and the light will win. It cannot be changed since it is the law of physics. The Light will win. We have free will, and we can make decisions. 


You can apply for de-manifesting something. First, you make a decision of making something out of your life. if you had a cancer, you make a decision “I will remove this cancer from my body for my entire life” Then you invoke your emotion for the decision. And you take a physical action. 

You can cancel the contract between you and dark forces because everybody on this planet had to sign the contract with them to be allowed to come in. The key is canceling and demanifestating that contract. Your free will can make a decision to change the situation. They would say “you have a contract with us. you have to work for us.” but after canceling the contract, you just say to them “go away”.

(This sentence was read three times each by everyone in the audience." Only "So be it, and so it is" was repeated three times each.)

Let it go

When you have too much oposition from subquantum anomaly, and when it becomes too much chaos, you just want to drop it and let it go. Do something else and restart with a new decision. Make it stronger and start new manifestation process. How we manifested this conference is one example. There were huge amount of oppositions when we started manifestating it. So, at some point, we needed to just drop it, and started a new cycle, and then it was much smoother. If I would not have done that, I would not be participating today. 

Other technique of de-manifestation is, when you have to ocomplex situation with many elements, do not try to solve everything at once. It is simply too much and you are not able to do all. Just focus on a tyny part of the problem that you can handle, and resolve one by one. When you solve on problem, it creates resonance field that tends to resolve the rest of the problems. You solve one problem, then you go to the next one, and you repeat that process and send repeated signals to the quantum field, that will harmonize the entire situation. 

It is time for lunch. We will start at 3:30. 

We are going to start with the ritual of St. Germain. 


Lunch Break


Do you have silver or gold with you? Anybody has a portrait of St. Germain with you?

We will make a circle around this table. 

Ceremony to Manifest Abundance by St. Germain

Hurry up! It is like Airplane boarding. [laughter]

Okay, this is not a circle. This is chaos. Everybody, go back to your seats! We will do that again.

Group A, come in to make a circle, one by one, and hold hands. We are now boarding group B. [laughter]

One big circle, as big as possible. And group B make smaller inner circle. And Group C make one more smaller inner circle. 

Okay, we will do a ceremony for abundance. We will call upon ascended being St. Germain. 

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. 

Now we are invoking the presence of St. Germain. Repeat after me:

“I am invoking the presence of St. Germain to bring abundance to me, my loved ones, and all humanity. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is.” (repeated 3 times)

Now, visualize the presence of St. Germain standing above your crown chakra. 

Visualize his presence in light body descending from crown chakra into your physical body until you feel you embody St. Germain. His light radiates from your energy body. You are becoming St. Germain.

You are St. Germain. 

I am St. Germain. {repeated 3 times}

Place your item on the table here one by one and go back to your position. 

Silence. Remember you are embodying St. Germain. 

Repeat after me:

“I am invoking the presence of St. Germain to multiply the abundance on the abundance table thousands of thousands of times for the benefit of ourselves, our loved ones, and all humanity. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is.” (repeated 3 times)

We are stay in silence and align with the energy of St. Germain and the abundance. 

Open your eyes and take your object. No talking, and stay salience. Let the energy flow. 

Visualize again this abundance is flowing to whole planet. 

We now thank St. Germain for the ceremony. 

Now, go back to your seats. 

Anybody want to share your own experience? Especially those who have participated in this ceremony in past workshops or conferences. You can share your result with everybody in this room. 

  1. I have participated in this before in past conferences. I am a typical credit card guy, and I almost have bankrupted [the most part inaudible due to lack of microphone]. But once I accepted change, I felt it is all OK. So this ceremony worked for me. I appreciate that I am feeling “it’s OK” now. 

  2. I participated in this, too. My finance never got better. But I am infinite universe creation. So, instead of having a lot of money, I am satisfied spiritually. The universe is celebrating me. It is also OK to have a lot of money, just flow it. 

  3. This is my first experience in the ceremony. I felt divine masculine energy throughout the ceremony. That was fabulous that this energy protect and allow women to accept the energy of abundance. 

  4. I feel thankful to St. Germain even though I am not millionaire, and most time I have never felt I have enough money in my life. I have been in 10 Ascension conferences. Each time when I hear the announcement of the conference, I find that $5,000 has mysteriously accumulated in an account that used to have only $500. If you are true to yourself, the money will come pouring in!

Ok, we will have a short break. 


Short Break


I can answer few of your question. 

Q and A Session 10

Q. Myanmar has been a military regime for a long time and has not been democratized, but are there many vortexes there as well?

A. There are, but not purified and activated. 

Q. Is there any divine masculine energy vortex or ley line in the US?

A. There are, but they will be all activated when the time is right.

Q. Pleiadians used to corporate with Russians, and now is it Aldebarans who are cooperating with them?

A. I can only say Russians are not cooperating with Pleiadians anymore. The corporation has been almost completely collapsed. There is still certain communication, but not as much as before. And, no cooperation established between them and Aldebarans, except few brief messages saying “calm down” to the international conflicts, and that’s all. 

Q. There are writing in Sanskrit about ‘congress’ which are actually ‘knowledgeable’ instead. 

A. I will find out, but not now. 

Q. Is there any progress on the vortexes in Bukavu in Congo?

A. Yes, a lot of progress have been done and it is expanding beyond Congo to other sub-Saharan areas. 

Q. What is the energetic state of Romania? 

A. The same as others. There are many important vortexes in Romania that we need to work on. They are activated to certain degree but not enough. There need to be more SOTR groups organized. 

Q. How about in Florida? 

A. It is better there. 

Q. Let me clarify, is the timeframe of the ascension process from 1975 to 2075?

A. No, I did not say that. 

Q. Oh, what about the Event?

A. The Event is before the solar flash.

Q. When is Jesus’ birthday? Is it in spring? 

A. It appears to be. 

Q. When exactly?

A. Around Equinox. 

Q. Can you comment of the war in Ukraine? Is it ending soon?

A. Again, the situation in Ukraine is occult war between light and dark forces. I would say there is 30 percent possibility of the war ending soon, in 2 months. 

Q. What is your knowledge of Lyra races?

A. This is a tricky question because there is a lot of information saying this is where humanoid is originated from. But, this is just one of main locations where humanoids emerged. The place is actually more focused on the Angelic origins, not so much on human races. Only the connection between humanoid and Orion is embodying Angelic body in humanoid body. 

Q. I also have a question on Myanmar. There are so many human trafficking on Southern and Northern part of Myanmar. Do light forces know and do something for that issue?

A. The problem is there are many reptilians reincarnated in human body that are not cleared yet. This is why it is taking so long and not solved yet. 

We will now continue the main program. 

A Galactic Wave of Love

I will talk about the coming galactic wave of love. I already talked about scientific aspect of the wave, but this as an aspect of huge wave of love that will be emanated from the galactic center throughout the galaxy. Even with the huge wave, there will be no anomaly left. There are many ancient prophecies about the wave of love. There are many secret groups waiting for this. This will happen when the enough amount of anomaly is cleared. The surface of this planet is the focal point of the wave. One of the key places is Arizona, believe or not. [applause]

Why Arizona? Arizona has long history of Pleiadians’ presence. They were quite active in this area for the cosmic energy to anchor. There are vortexes in Sedona, that need to be activated as much as possible to anchor the energy not only for the US but for whole planet. It is important to ground the energy for the US that can be trigger for whole planet. 

Meditation of Light

To be able to anchor the energy, it is always important to connect with your higher self, or soul presence. We are going to do a short meditation which will make you be able to connect with your soul. I hope everybody has 7 main chakras. There is 8th chakra 5 inches above head, which is called Soul Star Chakra. We will be connecting with Soul Star chakra in this meditation. 

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out.

Visualize brilliant white ball of light 5 inches above your head. Put all of your attention into the sphere of light. it is your soul star chakra. It is your entry point or portal for your soul to enter the reality. 

We invoke the presence of your soul by singing sacred “OM” 

Put your attention to soul star chakra, and the soul reply to yourself “OM”

Put your focus on your heart chakra, and from your heart, call upon the presence of your Soul. “OM”

Put your awareness once again soul star chakra. Your soul responds to your personality. “OM”

Heart to Soul “OM”

Soul to Personality “OM”

…(This process is repeated. By my count, we had chanted OM 34 times!)

We stay in silence and intergrade the energy into your body. 

When you are ready, open your eyes. 

Would few of you like to share your experiences during the meditation?

  1. I felt brilliant white light coming from my soul down to my body. I felt the heat of waves of light. 

  2. I felt attacked and heard a voice of some entity. I would like to say the beings that attacks me that we have free will. We are not against you but you are not welcome. In our body, in our voices, we have this Love. You will not succeed.  

  3. I felt I lost track of who is responding who. But I thought that is the point. Losing track of who is responding who, and we merge as one being. Fully integrating my soul into my body. 
    Cobra: Very good!

  4. I felt the sound of OM was kept amplifying. 

  5. I felt like we are raised higher to a temple in Himalaya, singing OM among the monks. I also heard children laughing outside in zoo, and I thought this is perfect.

  6. I felt the significant amount of light is coming and going directly between Heart chakra and Soul star chakra. 

  7. It took me a while to come back. I have chronic headache. I felt the light coming into my heart chakra. And I saw purple green light going through my whole body taking the pain away with love. Then I opened my eyes, and my headache was gone!

You can practice this meditation whenever you wish to establish the connection with your soul. The connection with your higher self is the most important key factor in the planetary liberation. This is why I share this meditation with you. 

Now I share with you the ATVOR technology.

ATVOR/Ascension Protocol

 ATVOR is advanced technology of pillar of light. Light forces use this technology from higher dimension to lower dimension, also from motherships to a planet. ATVOR is upgraded several times because the condition of the surface of the planet is not the same as every planet; the energy signature on surface is very unusual and distorted. ATVOR needs to push through all those layers of distortions and harmonize them. Recently, it has merged with Mjolnir technology. Light forces are implementing quantum cannon with Colum of light. They are now sending here special frequencies to clear primary anomaly. This is getting more and more effective. Light forces are increasing the intensity of Mjolnir. When it gets to the full power, it can heal someone very fast, and I can help ascension process. At some point, this technology will be used to teleport people from the surface of the planet as final evacuation. 

Each of you has individual pillar of light around you all the time, that pillar will be associated with certain platform or mothership located in lower orbit. Each of you have that platform, the motherships will always send you pillar of light, and the operator will help your life situation through the pillar of light.

The problem is there is too much anomaly on the surface, and tiny fraction of light can reach you on physical plane. Another problem is, when light forces try to help you in your life situation, there are other human beings. Those human beings, unfortunately, have their free will. And unfortunately, there are vast majority of people with free will who are against the light. a very few human beings are guided into the light. That I why sometimes light forces fails their operations. There are people who do not want to corporate with them. I know this is a very frustrating situation for both light forces and light workers. 

Some people felt healed, and some people felt nothing. There are various experiences that shows ATVOR is more effective if we are in nature, away from artificial things around. It is easier for you to be in nature and invoke your soul to intervene the situation or problem you are having. There are simply to so much anomaly, especially anomaly connected with Lurker accumulating inside your shadow. When they are cleared, ATVOR will be much more effective.

Light Body

Advanced ATVOR can activate your light body for you to ascend to higher dimension. When you become superconductivity, you ascend from the portal into higher dimension, and you become an ascended being. That is the ultimate stage of the ATVOR technology. 

Ascension process is both spiritual and technological processes. Spiritual process is about expansion and transformation of your consciousness. Technological process is about raising vibrational frequency by ATVOR technology. Ascended beings will help you to ascend with that technology. This toroidal field is your light body’s structure. Every extraterrestrial craft has the same toroidal field as their engine, but in more advanced way. The center of the field is your own central sun. This is where ATVOR is operated to bring higher dimension into you. The center of vortexes is stargate, where inversion happens. From there, higher dimension converges into physical matter. 

Ashtar command is alliance with many extraterrestrial beings, both ascended and non-ascended beings of light, to liberate this planet. 

Ashtar has entered solar system in 1953. This is now the final stage of preparation for planetary ascension. 

St. Germain is working on the surface of the planet in the same way as Ashtar working in the space. They are all coordinating for this planetary liberation. The ships of Ashtar command have greatly expanded throughout the solar system, and they will expand more in next few months. 


At the last stage of final evacuation before the polar shift and galactic super wave, mothership teleport people on the surface of the planet with ATVOR technology. The energy of beam will be quite strong. People need to be just relax. The beam will magnify your fear during levitating. But apart from that, everything will be fine. Those who do not want to be evacuated will have different experience. Tsunami will extinguish 99 percent of lives remaining on the surface, except the Island of Light which will be protected by advanced technology. But other than that, all those which do not have higher frequency will vanish. 

Those who are teleported by motherships will be sent to the place depending on their spiritual level. According to the new plan, those who are more aligned with light will be sent to the planet in Pleiades. Vast majority of humanity will be teleported to a planet in Aldebaran star system. The earth will go through transformations. After the pole shift, only those who are aligned with new frequency can live on the planet. This place will be a true paradise. This planet has huge potential. It can reach perfect balance and can be beneficial for people who can appreciate the nature. They will be guardians of this planet. 

ATVOR Exercise

We will now do a short invocation of ATVOR. For those of who purchased the ATVOR crystal (I bought a columnar aquamarine. They are very high quality and I love them!), hold it in your hand. 

Light forces also asked me to introduce a new initiation, which will be called “ATVOR ray”. When you are initiated, you can access to ATVOR more easily. When it is ready, it will be presented in future conferences. 

Ok, we will do the ATVOR invocation now. 

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. 

Now visualize a color of sky blue pillar of light coming from the sky going through you to the center of the earth. And visualize a pillar of light in the same color coming up from the center of the earth into sky. 

Visualize a mothership directly above you as the source of the pillar of light that is descending from, and the pillar of light from center of the earth is going to the mothership. 

As you breath in, you breath in the energy of the space ship of Ashtar command into your heart. 

As you breath out, you breath out the energy of your heart into the space ship.

Keep breathing like that. 

Each time you breath in, you say silently “Ashtar Command”.

Each time you breath out, you say silently “Ashtar Command”.

Slowly, you become aware of your physical body, and when you are ready, open your eyes. 

You can share your experience of the short meditation

  1. I was emerging with the light and actually felt the vibration of it with every cell of my body. 

  2. I had difficulties to imagine the color of the Ashtar blue ray. I was wondering myself how am I connecting with Ashtar command without knowing the color? 
    Cobra: You can just connect to the energy.

  3. I actually felt teleported to bottom of the ship. I could not get into the ship, but it was a cool experience. 

  4. I could get into the mothership and met multiple races with different shapes. I saw a huge blue- white hexagon shaped crystal in the ship which I thought is the engine of the ship. 

  5. I had a feeling of being invited on the roller coaster or something. 

  6. I felt the energy so intense in my body. Wow!

The light forces are using sky blue colored light and white light. They are testing which one is more efficient. In the earlier version, I used white light, but recently, I use sky blue light. you can choose which one fits for you. But I think sky blue light is more effecting to transmute primary anomaly. 

There is also an invocation of the pillar of light which you can use sky blue light, too. 

Repeat after me: 

“I call upon the pillar of white light to descend upon me and to form around me. 

I call upon the presence of the I am that I am. 

I ask the presence of I am that I am to join and merge with me.”

(repeated 3 times)

Bubble of Light Protection

I will introduce another protection technique using the same technology. You can visualize a bubble of sky blue light surrounding you, and make the short invocation or suggestion to manifest a protecting field around you against any negative energy. You can use this invocation. (repeated 3 times)

At this point, I can answer few of your question. 

Q and A Session 10

Q. In the interview on June last year, you mentioned the time frame between the Event and the solar flash is very short which surprised a lot of people. But in the recent update, you said there will be a quite long period between these two scenarios. What is light forces’ perspective on that right now? 

A. The situation is very fluid. It changes all the time depending on situation, and there is free will which is involved to decide the outcomes. Recently, they found the accelerated version would not work well because of the free will of surface population. For that reason, the plan has been expanded until the final solar flash. Again, this is not the final version, but it is just a current understanding, which might change again. If the Event happens very soon, we understand that the humanity can enjoy liberty sometimes to prepare for ascension process and balanced galactic super wave. 

Q. Are light forces can regulate the galactic wave with their Dyson spheres?

A. They can regulate it, but they cannot stop it. 

Q. Patrick: You have mentioned as we bury cintamani stones in ground, it anchors angelic being in that area. How about holding the stone and invoke the angelic beings, and can we actually enforce and work for the planetary grid?

A. Exactly.

(Here are some special questions and comments by Patrick about the Cintamani stone)

Qestion by Pat: When we bury cintamani stones in the ground, it anchors an angelic being to the planet, so if holders of the cintamani stones hold the stone and pray or send blessing to the planet and to humanity, will the cintamani angels hear those prayers, and will the blessings be sent directly to the energy light grid of the planet?

Cobra: Precisely.

Pat’s insight (This part is added after the conference):

I am really hoping that this is understood by many people, because that direct contact with the stones and actually sending the blessings and praying all these things are very potenet ways to work with the cintamani grid, and I think this is desperately needed right now, it’s what my intuition tells me, because this is one of the basic reasons why we created the grid, because my intuition tells me the cintamani stones act as physical anchors, so they allow these angelic beings to operate in the physical plane in the way they could not operate before this grid was set up, now everything is in place, these stones are dropped on all the  continents, they are in the oceans, they are in the sacred caves, and now they can really have a profound effect on this physical reality, but they still need us to initiate that because we have a direct connection to the surface situation since we are working and living and breathing in the surface and interacting with the surface population. 

Q. Dark forces are able to operate anomaly with their technologies, and why light forces cannot do the same technology to cancel out the effect?

A. Technologies dark forces are using are different. They are more clue and somehow work better with anomaly than what light forces have. But the technology of light forces can work better in etheric quantum subspace. Technologies of dark forces are using resources for the surface of the planet, and their spaceships and whatever technologies they are using have very little operational ratio beyond solar system. 

Q. My understanding is after the physical polar shift, the people protected In islands of light and few people coming back to the earth. What would be the role of those beings?

A. They will be stabilizing the energy of the planet because the energy of the planet after the polar shift will be very intense. 

Q. Can light forces be bombarding to all those who are hiding in their bunkers?

A. We have a hard situation on the surface of the planet. They are hiding because they are afraid of light forces. But the dark ones will attack us if light forces remove them now. 

Q. What are the Archons looks like? They are reincarnated in human body but how they look like before that?

A. Some of them look like snakes, others look like spiders, insects and other animals. 

Q. What technologies or techniques should we do use for healing cancer? Which is more reliable Western medicine or Oriental medicine?

A. It is not so much about technology but purifying our energy field as much as possible. Meditation to align with the light is beneficial. You need to find a balance between technology and spiritual works. A balance between western and eastern medicine is the key. 

Q. How should we get together the people from Arizona and California?

A. I already gave enough instructions today, so just follow those. 

We will have a short break and continue the last part of the program. 

Short Break

(Debra announced ladies to have a short meeting regarding the goddess ceremony.)

Return of the Goddess

I will be talking a little bit about goddess energy. This is the most important energy today on the surface of the planet. In the universe, there is always the perfect balance between feminine and masculine energies. But on this planet, the balance is very much distorted. It is time now to bring the goddess energy back. The goddess energy is pureness that brings love, compassion, beauty and harmony. The energy that exists in higher planes. The energy is present in Galactic center and throughout the universe. It needs to come back here. the easiest way to bring it back here is the human reincarnation on the surface of the planet to open the portal to the universe, and we can anchor the energy to the planetary grid and our own physical bodies. Throughout the human history, the energy was almost all the time present until the series of Archon invasions. At the last invasion in 1996, the energy was completely erased from the surface of the planet. it begun to come back in 2012 with the Venus transits in the Sun that happened in 2004 and 2012. The portal opened again, and the goddess energy begun to enter. 

The goddess energy is soft, not hard. Softness is not weakness. It is extremely powerful. It is the most powerful energy in the universe. Goddess energy is like water; it works slowly but very effectively. It is the energy to defeat Cabals. [applause]

One aspect of goddess energy is energy of beauty. But this energy is very much distorted in mass media. Understanding the beauty is lost because the suppression on beauty in human history was so intense. There were suppression on art, music, dance, and feminine physical body. All the mysteries and teachings are lost. Now, the art is ugly. Music is not music anymore. Dance is not dance anymore. There are many many distortions how we manifest the beauty today. Mass media is dictating how women should look like. This is up-side-down. The way feminine body should manifest is from heart, or soul presence. The beauty of soul manifests in physical body, not from fashion magazines. [applause]

As I talked about the portal 2025 and the return of goddess and the rise of new Atlantis, or new renaissance, the energy of beauty will be brought to the surface of the planet because the architype of beauty is eternal. It is in higher dimensions, coming from the Source. It will manifest in physical plane. 

Sisterhood of the rose was created in purpose of bringing back the goddess energy. To the surface of the planet. many groups were formed around the planet in last decades with the special assistance of Isis Astara who was a high priestess. [applause]

She is guiding from the other side even more effectively. Many people have experience of her presence, having contacted and inspired. This is the real sisterhood. The energy of real sisterhood does mean no jealous, no conflict, but just harmony, corporation, and inspiration. That harmonic energy will be present on the surface population especially among the light workers. That will be one of the key success of the return of goddess energy. 

Goddess Temple

Few years ago, light forces have instructed me to start activating the goddess temples on the surface of the planet. Some temples are already open to general populations. The conditions are very simple. You need to have a physical space, then open it few times a week to public so that people can experience the goddess energy taking place inside. You can play music, meditate, dance and any other activities to manifest the energy. Some temples are open in Japan, Europe, and the US, They are spreading around the fresh goddess energy. 

There are still physical goddess temple exist on the surface of the planet after millennia. But the goddess temples now should carry new and fresh energy. You are more than welcome to create your own temples. Anchoring the goddess energy on the physical plane is the most important now. 

Feminine Sexual Energy

The matrix on this planet is quite strong. The dark forces have been building thousands of thousands of layers on the planet especially about feminine sexual energy. It is the key to the planetary liberation. The suppression is so strong, and it is the key reason why the liberation has been so delayed. In short, it is about activation of human kundalini energy. Surface population is not ready for that. Almost nobody is ready for that. This is the main reason why it is taking so long. So, we are now taking moderate, not so risky, but very slow process. The amount of the goddess energy on the surface of the planet is one of the main factors how fast it will go into the new age of Aquarius. 

This is again the old goddess equator. The ley line will be activated if many galactic cintamani are planted and many SOTR are formed along with that line. The goddess energy can be fully present on the surface of the planet. 

At this point, I would like to invite SOTR group who prepared a beautiful ceremony. [applause]

Goddess Ceremony

Debra: Thank you for the invitation, Cobra.

The goddesses will be invited in this room after we watch this beautiful video. 

Ayla Schafer “Rose” Official Video

The goddess ceremony comes from the book “the Return of Goddess” recommended by Cobra. 

(I have the descriptions of this beautiful ceremony omitted from my note in English to show respect to the participant goddess. Please read the book or attend the future meeting to learn more the ceremony on your own)

Thank you! We have almost at the end of the conference, but not yet. 

I would like to say thank you, the organizers. Debra, Mimi. I would like to say thank you, Patrick and Terry. Thank you light forces. Thank you for goddesses who made the beautiful ceremony. Thank you everybody to come here who put so much effort and time from so far to be part of this conference!

End of the Conference

We are almost there, so don’t give up!

We will unite with our star family after all those years. We are almost there. 

This is our future! If you want to manifest a bathtub, made of rose quarts or clear quarts, or Both!


For those of you who do not know my website, you will keep receiving the information regarding the planetary liberation. You can share this with anyone who understand. Do not share with someone who are not open for it. [laughter]


For those who are initiated in Rays level 2, we have monthly session. Level 2 healers can participate in every full moon. It will help you in the spiritual path. 

For those who wish to buy tachyon products, cintamani and galactic cintamani stones, and those of you who would like to create new SOTR group, these are the websites. 

Tachyon products: Tachyonis.org

Cintamani stonesCintamani.space

Galactic cintamanicintamanigalactic.blogspot.com 

SOTR activitiesSisterhoodofrose.network

The light is about to return after 25,000 years! The light stays with us forever!

We will unite with our galactic family! With all galactic races! We will meet our star brother and sister!

It is now the time to activate our missions, here in the US and around the planet!

It is time to share the light!


Everything was impossible until someone did it. 

We will make impossible possible!

This conference ends tonight. 


And, I wish you all Good Luck in your future journey! 

The time is now! 

♪Victory of the Light 432Hz

(Cobra was singing and dancing on the stage with goddesses. It was another super conference where we all felt The Event is really getting even closer!)

Note taken by Nogi

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