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Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra

January 5, 2025

Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 2 Presented by Cobra


January 4, 2025


This document is based on a handwritten note of words overheard by a note-taker at the workshop organized by COBRA in Kyoto, Japan, which were later transcribed. Therefore, please read it with the benefit of your discernment and common sense that mishearing, writing errors and omissions are visible, so these notes are not 100% accurate. Please note that all images in this document have been added at the discretion of the note taker and are not the intention of the main speaker of the conference, Cobra. Please also note that no questions regarding the content of this document will be accepted.

Table of Contents

  • Opening Remarks of Day 2
  • Dreams
  • Q&A Session 6
  • Earth Liberation Alliance
  • Multiverse Confederation
  • Andromedans
  • Galactic Confederation
  • Ashtar Command
  • Angelic Beings
  • Ascended Beings
  • Aldebaran
  • Arcturians
  • Sirians
  • Pleiadians
  • Agarthan Network
  • Resistance Movement
  • Q&A Session 7
  • Galactic White Nobility and Order of the Star
  • Holy Grail
  • Development of Secret Societies
  • Meditation to Remember Your Star Origin
  • Q&A Session 8
  • Q&A Session 9
  • Make Agartha Great Again!
  • Aldebaran Plan
  • Q&A Session 10
  • New Renaissance
  • Ascension
  • End of Kyoto Ascension Conference 2025


Opening Remarks of Day 2

Good morning, everyone! I have some announcements before we start. This is the second day. Again, please turn off your cellphones and other electronic devices. There is no trash bin inside the room, so please do not leave your trash behind. This building is a very high-tech one, and there are many buttons everywhere, but please do not press any button! There is a real risk that firefighters can intervene in this room! Please try to be quiet and humble inside the room during the conference, and also and outside the room as it’s a public space. That’s it! Thank you very much. Let’s welcome Cobra! [applause]

Cobra:Everybody, welcome back!

Before we start, we will align our energies again.

[The same meditation as the day 1]



Has anybody had interesting dream last night, or interesting insights about the year 2025.


1.     I really thought the dream last night was beautiful. Until last week, I have had so many attacks in any level. In the dream, it was like a musical. Everybody was happy and dancing in music. No violence and peaceful. I also saw ascending energies. Thank you!

2.     I was in my company. But I went outside the building, and I saw some clouds in the sky changing their colors into rainbow colors. Then I realized that they are actually numerous space ships. I was talking to the people around watching the same scene, feeling those ships are assisting us.

3.     I was watching TV and surfing internet discovering those secret facts concealed for long time are now revealed. Some facts are really scary, but my family members and my partner(I don’t have a partner right now) were so calm. So we were informed the truth, but we felt totally OK.

4.     In my dream, I saw there is some kind of sliding shower. And Cobra was there, inviting other people. What is interesting was we were all naked! Cobra then said “Come on! We are going to ascend!” So I said “Okay!” [laughter]

5.     I have been doing this activity since 2013. So yesterday, I went to sleep thinking, “I've finally made it this far.” Then, in my dream, my computer started up, and evidence of what I had believed until now appeared one after another in pop-up windows. It was a dream about the Event. People were confused, but we were responding calmly.


Cobra:Okay, very good!

As you can see, there are already messages coming from the future. As we are closer to the breakthrough, those messages are more frequent and more intense.


Q&A Session 6

Before we start the main program, I can answer few of your questions.

Q. At the workshop in Paris last year, you spoke very passionately about resolving the discord among light workers, and I could relate to that. Please give us some advice about this issue for light workers in Japan.
A. The advice is very simple: Stop fighting. [laughter] It’s a matter of decision. The principle is actually very simple. If you do not want to fight, you don’t fight. It is exercise of free will because a vast majority of the conflicts are completely useless and stupid. There is no valid reason, no real issues. Most of the conflicts are your projection. If it was not a projection of your own issues but a real issue, you just need to settle it down. Free will is the rule of this universe, so if you decide not to fight, you will not fight.

Q. Yesterday, you said Pluto will bring more changes and new renaissance like 500 years ago. I have this sextile in my astrological chart. Will this bring myself personally the positive changes?
A. Neptune Pluto Sextile means you need to follow your inner guidance. Practice your spiritual activity. This is your priority for your mission.

Q. Yesterday, you said that the Light Forces had lost the occult war in China. I think this will have an effect on the energy grid, but will it also have an effect on our meditation and light works? For example, will using the Chinese Emerald for meditation harm us?
A. No, no, no. Chinese emerald is very good and is assisting the situation. I meant Chinese energy grid is not good at this moment. You are always welcome to do some energy work or healing towards China such as violet flame to clean China.

Q. Please tell us the locations in Japan where we can connect with Sirius. How about Hakusan?
A. I don’t know that place (Hakusan). But there are two main points. First one is Mt. Fuji. Second one is Ise shrine.

Q. I learned from your article that the Comte de St. Germain ascended in 1784. There are two ways of ascension: one is through physical death, and the other is without physical death. Which was the case for St. Germain?
A. St. Germain left his body, and he ascended without the body. He made so-called Rainbow Body.

Q. There is still a hostage release meditation at WLMM. Are there still any Pleiadians being held captive in the underground base?
A. Not anymore.


It is time for continue the main program. I will speak about various forces which are involved in liberation process.


Earth Liberation Alliance

There are many forced originated beyond this planet. Some forces are in this planet, and the other forces are on the surface of the planet. They are involved in the liberation operation.

Liberating this planet is a big challenge because this planet is a fortress of dark forces. The dark forces do not want to give up simply because this is their last place. They are really fighting for survival.

Other planets were much simpler than this planet. Light forces have been liberating the other planets, and in many cases, dark forces just escaped.

But this time, they have nowhere to go because other planets are already liberated. This means we are on the center of the galactic proxy war.

This war is approaching its completion as light forces are getting closer to the surface of the planet. Actually, they are already on the surface.

This is why there are so many violence, escalation, and wars on this planet right now. This is the last attempt of dark forces to keep control. They know that other options are not left, they know they will be defeated soon. The final defeat is inevitable. This will happen one way or another. Unfortunately, this process for us is extremely unpleasant.


Multiverse Confederation

There are many forces coming to make sure we are successful in the liberation process. As other universes are already liberated, I wish, very advanced light forces came to this universe to assist us, especially clearing subquantum anomaly and lurker. They are very experienced and know how to approach the situation. Because of their assistance, clearing lurker is getting much better within these months.

Their understanding was a missing piece for us. Light forces finally know the timeline how to resolve the situation. They know approximately how and when the things will happen. Of course, there are some minor missing pieces, but they have almost perfect plan.



One of the most important forces are Andromedans. Yesterday, I said our milky way galaxy is a feminine part, and Andromeda galaxy is a masculine part.

Andromedans have been a part of liberation process, especially since last year after we had a dragon activation. They have a lot of experiences of dealing with the black nobilities.

They have defeated black nobilities in andromeda galaxy. And those black nobilities fled to our galaxy and now hiding in planet earth. When the time is right, they will also remove black nobilities to liberate this planet. as they are representative of the divine masculine, they will be one of the main forces of physical intervention.


Galactic Confederation

There is galactic confederation. They are the alliance of different star sytems from our milky way galaxy. They represent the feminine aspect, so their main focus is spiritual guidance and healing of the races that are involved in the liberation process. There is a huge fleet of space ships, now in position in the solar system.

They are now sending healing energy towards surface of the planet. This energy reduces conflicts and heal the situations on the planet. without this energy. The planet would have been destroyed more than few decades ago.

One division of the galactic confederation is Ashtar Command.  


Ashtar Command

The purpose of Ashtar Command is the liberation of this planet, and the ascension of this planet. Ashtar is the twin soul of goddess Astara. Together, they are leading the operation for 25,000 years. They are the ones who are coordinating the ascension plan that I have briefly mentioned yesterday.

There are many members from Sirius who are involved in Ashtar command. Sirian fleet in Ashtar command will be activated in this year.

So huge Ashtar command fleet will be activated above Mt. Fuji this year. The diameter of the ship will be over 100 km. The mothership will be cloaked, but it will send very strong ATVOR ray through Mt. Fuji that will activate whole Japan. The mothership will use ATVOR ray to also activate those galactic cintamani and cintamani stones around Japan. That mothership in Mt. Fuji will triangulate with other motherships. One is positioned in Mt. Shasta in California. Another mothership is positioned in Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. Those motherships will create energy triangle which stabilize tectonic plates, and assist a certain transition which will happen this year. So, those of you who are guided to put cintamani stones in Mt. Kilimanjaro would be very welcomed.

There are also other motherships of Ashtar command positioned in other locations throughout the planet high above the atmosphere during this year. As soon as anomaly removed, they will activate more advanced ATVOR with the purpose of reconnecting the spiritual purpose of a certain members among surface population, whose connection was cut in 1996. Their spiritual connections with Ashtar Command will be reestablished during this year 2025.

[A similar photo like this was presented]

This is a real photo of Ashtar command. I think this photo was taken in 1963-1964 around the Giant Rock in California. That place was where a very strong activation of Ashtar command was taking place. This rock was suddenly splitting, I think it was 1997. If anybody visiting this place might have a strong reconnection with Ashtar command.

As Asthar command is getting closer, many angelic beings will be activated.  

Angelic Beings

Those angelic beings are coming back to the solar system right now. They will come closer to the planet as the dark matter plasma around the planet is cleared. They will expel and clear all the demonic and negative entities.

Then the angelic beings can start healing humanity and nature.

Ascended Beings

[The actual photo was radiating rays of light like sunlight.]

There are many ascended masters returning to the planet.

There will be a very important activation of ascended masters in May this year, around Tibet. When the time is right, I will release more information about it.


Aldebarans are beings of light. They are the main cosmic race in the liberation process. I will be speaking about their plan later today.

They have taken over many missions that used to assign to Pleiadians. They have found that Aldebarans are much easier to handle humanity. Pleiadians will work much closer with light workers and energy grid, while Aldebarans will take care of a majority of humanity.


[note: I think a similar photo was presented]

Then we have Arcturians. They have been working with human mind. They are working on human mind to open to new ideas, expand creativities. They are doing so to balance both spirituality and brain, and release the negative thinking in the same time.

They are very active now working with Templar group in central America. There is a Arcturian base located in Costa Rica, next to an active volcano.   



Some Sirians choose human bodies. Some sirians choose Felidae bodies. And the others choose dolphin bodies. They are very much aligned with Oceans.

Their main purpose is to bring the light to the planet earth again.

The Sirian fleet is not fully reactivated yet, but we will have their activation during this year.

[A photo of very beautiful cloud ship was presented]

This is one example of Sirian ship. This mothership is almost 500km length. Such mothership will soon enter the solar system and will be involved in ascension operation.  



Then we have our Dear friend Pleiadians. They are also coming back here this time.

There was a very important activation on December 21 last year. They reactivated their mothership and entered in earth area. They upgraded tachyon chambers. They came to heal not all, but some light workers. They are working very intensively with the energy grid around the planet. They are working very hard to activate those moldavite and cintamani on the planet. They are healing the nature around the planet. And they have now a very strong connection with Agarthan network.

They created their bases in Agartha as a foundation from which the surface operation can begin. Now the situation in Agartha is completely settled. Now they can focus on the surface liberation.  


Agarthan Network

Then we have Agarthan network now completing its balance until the end of last year. Now they have a full cooperation with Pleiadians.

They are now working with a certain numbers of surface light workers, especially those who are doing emerald meditation. They are asking those who are doing the meditation to continue, because they will eventually have beautiful effects.


Resistance Movement

Then we have the Resistance Movement. They are not fully activated yet, but they will be involved one of the main surface operations. It is too dangerous to execute the plan at this moment. But, once the risk is reduced, they will be on the surface.

Right now, they are focusing on maintaining the balance on the planet.

Some of their forces already started infiltrating the surface. They are preparing certain things for the Event. I will be speaking more about it later.

Now we will have 20 minutes break through which you can check tachyon product, then we will continue the main program. Thank you very much! [applause]

Short Break


Q&A Session 7

Welcome back. I can answer few of your questions now.

Q. You just mentioned some places in Japan where we can connect with Sirius, but are there any places where we can connect with the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, or the Antarians?
A. You mean around the world?
Q. In Japan.
A. For Japan only, it would be difficult because there are not many such locations right here now. There are some other locations other than Japan, but the main focus here in Japan is Sirius.
Q. So can you tell us other locations than Japan?
A. For Pleiadians, I would say, northan Taiwan. For Aldebarans, I would say, Xian in China. For Andromedans, I would say, western coast of the United States..

Q. What is planet earth’s name? and through which stone we can connect with her?
A. The earth goddess has many different names depending on cultures. We usually call her Gaia. I would say this is the most popular name used to call her. The stone that can easily connect with her is rose quartz.

Q. There is also a famous shrine called Izumo Shrine. Is it also connected with other star races?
A. To a degree, yes.
Q. So it is an energy vortex?
A. Yes.

Q. I learned from you that US dollar will be reevaluated (RV) to about 50 percent from its current value after the financial reset. What kind of currency we should choose in order to prevent such loss?
A. Gold and Silver.

Q. I would like to receive Mimi’s initiation of goddess. Will there be a chance to do so when there are future Cobra workshops or conferences?
A. You need to talk to her. I am not responsible for that.

Okay, we will not continue the main program. I will be speaking about something very interesting.

Galactic White Nobility and Order of the Star

[This is not an actual image presented]

Galactic White Nobility is cosmic queens and kings that have very spiritual origins. They have come here from very spiritual dimensions. Throughout the galactic history, they have been the leaders of many advanced star races.

Some of them are involved in the planetary liberation operations. Many of them have decided to reincarnated on the planet earth. So they started joining this planetary reincarnation cycle. In certain circle, they are called Anutara.

Anutara is a very important starry lineage. Many important beings of light came upon this planet. They have key position around the planet, especially spiritual leaders throughout the human history.

In Atlantis, they were called the Order of the Star. The purpose of them is heal the planet, and also recapitulation from the fall. Since the fall of the paradise, they wanted to restore the paradise again on the planet.

Many of the order are from Anutara family member reincarnated in mystery schools in Egypt. Later, they have reincarnated in members of Templars, Rosicrucian, Freemasons. They were very active in France before French Revolution. Right now, they are again very active in some group throughout the world, trying to revive the golden age.

Many of them have lost their connections after the Great Forgetting of 1996. But with the huge astrological configuration this year, the time has come for them to reawaken.

As I said yesterday, we have this very strong configuration on January 6. The mid-point of Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are having a completely harmonious alignment. So right now, is the very time for those people to reawaken, connecting with their higher purpose again.

It is the time for all the light workers to connect with their star origins. Many people in this room now have been reincarnated in other star system in the past. It is the time for all of you to reconnect with your star origins. Remember from which star you are coming from, and bring back those star energies to the surface of the planet.

One way to reconnect with your star origin is meditation. Another way to do so is through cintamani stones and other tektites because those stones are connected with other star origins.

Pleiadians are now reactivating Moldavites that are connected with Pleiades star system. All the moldavites are now reactivated to the next level. Many moldavites were quite shocked in the great forgetting in 1996, but now, they are going to the next level. They did not receive negativity, but they were shocked by anomaly. Pleiadians are now healing those moldavites and assisting the connection of the surface population with Pleiades star system.


Holy Grail

[Similar image like this was presented]

What is happening now is the activation of the Holy Grail. It is a challis made of moldavite, which has many facets. Each facet is connected with a member of Anutara family.

The Holy Grail is a possession of the light forces. It is positioned in a very special place within the Agarthan network. There are a very special group of beings that are working with the real holy grail. They are sending awakening energies to 144,000 members of the Anutara family.

Holy grail will be fully activated in May this year. It will be connected with ascended masters and even higher beings of light.

By the way, this is not a real holy grail. This is a challis made of emerald created in Mughal empire in 17th century. This is made as a wine challis. But energetically speaking, this object transmits the energy from the galactic central sun. This was also used by light forces to activate the energy of Anutara family. This object is still positioned on the surface of the planet.


Development of Secret Societies

I was mentioning before about the Egyptian mystery school. About 3,500 years ago, one aspect of the Egyptian mystery school moved to the area which is called Israel today. One aspect of them then moved to the area which is called Turkey today. They went through Balkan, became Cathars.

The Cathars were connected with the goddess mysteries, and many of them are members of the Anutara family. They have been reactivated in the past few years, especially in France. Many of those members of Anutara family are reincarnated again in France right now. they are bringing back the energy of goddess there again, especially in southern France. This is a part of the awakening process.


Meditation to Remember Your Star Origin

 Now, we will do a short meditation.

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes. Watch your breath coming in and out.

As you breath in, breath in brilliant white light into your being. As you breath out, you breath out the light into your surroundings. Keep breathing like that.

Visualize yourself walking along the path, leading towards woods and mountain. You are starting to climb the mountain.

You keep walking higher and higher in the woods towards the mountain. Keep walking higher and higher above the tree line, climbing through the rocks, towards the top of the mountain.

Keep walking higher and higher among the rocks and snow towards the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a temple. Keep climbing towards the temple.

Now you have reached the top of the mountain. You are standing in front of the temple’s door.

The door opens, and you enter the doorway and walk towards the center of the temple.

In the center of the temple, there is a huge angelic being of light, welcoming you and greet you, and embrace you.

As angel embraces you, you become one being with the angel. You become the Angel, the Angel becomes you.

As you become one, you begin to float to the top of the temple, upwards into the sky, through the atmosphere, up on the stratosphere, into the universe.

You fly higher and higher. The angel is leading you to your star system, your origin. There is a magnetic force which brought you with the angel to your star origin.

As you come down the star system of your origin, you are coming home.

As you are back home, you bring in the energy into your heart. You breathe in the energy into your heart. As you breath out, you breath out the energy of your heart into your home.

You breathe in your star energy, and you breath out your heart into the star. Keep breathing like that.

You are becoming one with the star, your home.

Now it is time for you to return.

 Together with the angel, the magnetic force is bringing you back to the surface of the planet. you are becoming aware again of your physical body. You return back to your physical body, but the energy of your star, your home, is still with you.

You are fully back, aware of your surroundings, you are fully feeling your physical body, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

When you open your eyes, you are fully Here and Now.

…Welcome back. Can few of you share your experience with the meditation?


1.     I saw my star origin is star cluster beyond this galaxy. Among the stars, there are about 10 colonies. My home planet was one of them, on the moon, behind one of the suns. Maybe there was some kind of technology used, but I could not see clearly.

2.     I was wondering where I would be taken to, and as I flew through space, the path split into two. One of the paths led to Sirius, and the other to the Pleiades. I wondered which way I would go, but I just let myself go with the flow, and I ended up being guided to the Pleiades. However, when I was told that I would be returning to my physical body, I strongly felt that I didn't want to go back. So I realized that I had come from the Pleiades.

3.     I was guided to a planet that looked a lot like Earth. I felt very nostalgic. It was like being in a bath, a feeling of comfortable. I didn't want to go home, as I was one being with the planet.


Okay, you can do this meditation whenever you feel guided to connect with your star origin. I know you don’t want to come back to your physical body, but it is important to come back. [laughter]

As you connection with your star origin become stronger, you will be able to connect with it even in awakened consciousness. With the strong connection, you are not difficult to come back to your physical body not anymore.

We will have a short break here again. You can still check tachyon products. When you come back, we will continue the main program. Thank you very much! [applause]


Short Break


Q&A Session 9

I can answer few of your questions.

Q. Are there galactic confederation mothership, Pleiadian fleet above the goddess temple, or Agarthan network beneath the temple, supporting our activities?
A. Yes.

Q. I received a lot of support from many people when I was building the Goddess Temple, but there were also many people who left our group after being heavily attacked. Will they be guided to return to our group?
A. Light forces will assist them doing so whenever it is possible. But as we are in the middle of the galactic war, sometimes it is not easy.

Q. Thank you for introducing many meditation. If you have 30 minutes in the morning and at night, what would be the golden menu of meditations?
A. That would be a very individual choice.
Q. OK, but what is your preference?
A. I just answered. [laughter]

Q. In the northern part of Kyoto, there is a temple called Kurama temple. Is there an entrance into the Agarthan network?
A. I will put it this way: There was certainly an entrance long time ago.

Q. There was news yesterday that a fireball was seen in the sky over Kyoto at 4:40 in the morning on January 4th. Could you tell us what this means?
A. Do you have a photo?
Q. Is it OK to turn on my smart phone? (Cobra says “Yeah!”) Here it is.

A. Oh yes! This is a strong meteorite. This is very interesting because there was a huge tektite came down from the sky in Kyoto many years ago. I think it is in a museum or somewhere now. Kyoto is a huge energy vortex related to various cosmic races. Sometimes, those meteorites are not just shooting stars but were intentionally sent to here as a message. I think this was a message to welcome our conference! [Everybody excited] Please send me the photo.

This is perfect. This is a very good sign for our conference! [applause]

This is also the perfect moment to take a lunch break! [laughter]

We will continue at 3:00. During the lunch break, you still check the tachyon products. Thank you very much! [applause]


Lunch Break


Q&A Session 10

Everybody, welcome back. I have time for some of your questions.

Q. What is the power balance between light and darkness in Japan?
A. The situation is gradually improving these last few years. Now it is getting better. It is impossible to describe it in percentage.

Q. You have mentioned northern Taiwan is the place where we can connect Pleiadian energy. Could you tell us the exact location of that?
A. There are many such locations in northern Taiwan. The easiest one would be the halfway between Taipei and the international airport, there is a hill, and you might find the Pleiadian location there.

Q. You said earlier that there is a goddess portal at the center of the earth, but when I meditate, I often see the Virgin Mary descending to the center of the earth. Could you tell me what her role there is?
A. One of her missions is to heal the earth, and of course, she is using the portal at the center of the earth for that purpose.

Q. Long time ago, you have recommended a book called “Return of Light”. In this book, some Egyptian deities such as Horus and Sekhmet. I wonder if they are the members of Anutara family. And, what is their role in the planetary liberation?
A. Yes, they are.

Q. What is the mission of the members of 144,000?
A. To achieve Ascension and transform the planet.

Q. In the northern part of Kyoto (Prefecture) there is the Kono Shrine (near Amanohashidate). The family lineage of the shrine's chief priest has continued for thousands of years, and is said to be longer than the Imperial Family. Is this lineage a dragon family?
A. I cannot say because I don’t know the shrine by name, but I would say the dragon family is quite present in northern part of Kyoto.

Q. Is Lurker similar being to Yaldabaoth?
A. In a way they are similar because they are taking similar shape and form. But Yaldabaoth has been cleared already. Lurker is still in deeper side because it is in subquantum space.

OK, enough questions for now. We will continue the main program. I will speak about Agartha little bit.


Make Agartha Great Again!

In last September, the dark Tibetan underground network was defeated. In the underground, dark Tibetan network has built a barrier, which was preventing inflow of the energies from the western part to the eastern part of the world. There was a dangerous region that went to a certain locations underground Tibet.

Since the dark Tibetan network has been defeated, this barrier has been taken down. This barrier has been creating artificial division between Buddhism and Taoism. The dark forces were using this division as a programming. But since the barrier has been removed, the Agarthan network can be using positive Buddhism and positive Taoism to heal people. Whenever people are invoking Buddhism and Taoism, Agarthan network can help.

Since the barrier is gone, the Agarthan network finally could complete the network of underground cities. There was a huge activation in Agarthan network in the last 10 days of December last year.

The galactic forces of light finally projected pillars of ATVOR into the Agartha. So Pleiadians were able to materialize inside of the Agartha network. They are now cooperating inside with Agarthans for anchoring light. Another phase of this process was completed today. [applause]

So, they are permanently connected! What they have started to do today activating the underground goddess temples. Some of those temples are connected with the caves which are entrance of Agartha. This is as much as I can say now.

Those underground goddess temples have healing pools. Many healing pools are now being activated.

Maybe some of you are doing Agartha Meditation daily? Raise your hand. [many raised hands] Could anybody shar your experience with that meditation?

1.     It feels very comfortable, like my body is disappearing. I can't see their faces, but the same Agarthan people always greet me on the other side of the pool, waving.

2.     After activation of dragon ley line, I saw dragon flies underground. I saw many Asian people and Agarthans having a party. [I was doing simultaneous interpretation, so I couldn't write it down the detail]

3.     I receive a message at the end of the Agartha meditation, and at this moment, it somehow feels similar to the ATVOR meditation. I began to feel a sense of unity with the Agartha people in my daily life.

4.     There were times when I remembered that I am an Agarthan. Even when I was returning home, I was able to maintain the awareness that I was an Agarthan. My memory is gradually returning, so I think I'll use it for my beloved ones and the planet.

Very good!

We will continue now the main program.



Aldebaran Plan

[The image of a NY Times article with a photo saying “New York times Barack h. Obama arrested for fraud and treason” ]

The Aldebarans started to drastically influence the planetary situation about two years ago. At that time Pleiadians were scared and schedule was behind the plan. So plan had to be changed. So Aldebarans took over simply because they know how to deal with humanity more easily. And they know how to deal with Dracos.

Most of the top politicians are Draconians. Aldebarans have a lot of experience with Draconian. So, they know how to deal with the politicians.

Last time when we reached the critical mass for the petition for divine intervention in December 2021. That petition was legally binding for the light forces to intervene the surface of the planet. Immediately after the petition, like a week or two later, Pleiadians have contacted Putin and some top Russian military generals. The Pleiadians transmitted their plan for the Event and planetary ascension.

What happened was the generals freaked out completely. They understood their Russia would not stay the same way they used to on the ascended planet. The relationship between Russia and Pleiadians deteriorated drastically. Putin also made a strategic mistake to bind with China and attack Ukraine.

Before that time, Putin was listening to the advice of Pleiadians and he was quite successful. He was against the idea of war against Ukraine. But this time, he did not listen. The result is many deaths in both sides. Since that time, Pleiadians only kept minimum contacts with Russian generals just in purpose of deconfliction. 

After that failure, Aldebarans decided to contact the surface politicians when the time is right. In 2020, they have started positioning in the solar system. They started building bases on the moon and under the ocean floors of this planet. They were progressing nicely.  There were bases under water and underground.

In June 2024, Aldebarans contacted top generals in China. They were much more careful than Pleiadians about releasing their plan. But the result was even worse, almost open the interplanetary war in a certain underground secret bases in China.

After some other situations, the only option left was to connect with the top politicians in the United States. So Aldebarans started to support Trump to become the president. After he takes the position, there will be a chance for Aldebarans to contact him and Elon Musk directly. At this moment, the percentage of this plan to be successful is estimated about 40-45 percent.

If Trump cooperates, we can have a quite easy transition towards the full disclosure. Aldebarans can contact Trump and Musk officially, and with their cooperation, partial disclosure can start immediately. With that timeline, this could happen between February or March this year. The information can start to be released on April.

If Trump does not want to cooperate, or if he is not even be contacted, there will be another possible timeline. In that case, Aldebarans have to work against Trump administration. This will be a difficult timeline. But we know that the disclosure needs to happen one way or another.

I cannot speak more detail about this second option, but they will not work with the top politicians anymore. They will work on in a different way to bring the truth to surface people. This second option is much more conflicting, and there is possibility that escalation can happen more easily.

When enough anomaly is removed, they can trigger the Event. Aldebarans are present in many locations underground. They have infiltrated the structure of the surface system. That infiltration process will be completed in few months. When the time is right, they can, I’m not saying they will, but they can emerge the surface of the planet extremely fast.

I can give just a theoretical example. Let’s say you have a small country with 5-10 million inhabitants with few major highways across the country. Usually, those highway passes tunnels that go through hills. Each of those tunnels can be the entrance for Aldebarans to come on the surface. Each of those tunnels can be for few thousands of Aldebarans to come up and fill the highway. So, they can close the highway easily. They come to the surface in human bodies, and shut down the country. They will take over the main TV stations. They just start broadcasting the disclosure. [applause with excitement]

Well, I cannot say this will happen. This is just a theoretical example. This is just to ignite your imagination, a fantasy plan! [laughter]

But I would say this is not difficult for them. The problem is the surface population. People do not want to be unplugged from the Matrix. Another problem is the legal problem. Aldebarans are not legal representative of Planet earth. Legally speaking, it is an act of invasion.

So the actual plan will be a little bit different. There will be a small but important distinction. The plan with the highway tunnels is just to ignite your imagination.

When these conference notes of some of you are circulated in internet, there are a chain of events can be triggered. There will be some people who try to search for the evidence, which will trigger another chain of events. This is a very sensitive topic, so that is all I can say about it.  

Until everything will be ready, we have to continue our boring lives until the point very close to the breakthrough. When the breakthrough happens, the changes will be so fast and so intense.

The Pleiadians have another plan. One part of their plan was already released; that is the Contact Dish project. For those who would like the first contact with Pleiadians, you should have an appropriate property for the contact, and you should telepathically give a permission for Pleiadians to use your territory, because Pleiadians cannot invade your property without your legal permission.

At a certain point, these contacts need to happen, and the governments are not able to stop them. Certain specific protocols will be released at that time for the safety of certain light workers who invoked the Contact Dish project. Certain light workers will receive advanced Pleiadian technology as a proof. They will be able to show these technologies in TV as a proof of Pleadians to exist for real. It will happen in so many places in the same time, and it is impossible to suppress them. When scientists reserch those technologies, they will find out that they are way beyond our current technologies here on the surface of the planet.

Regardless the suppression of dark forces, disclosure at some point is inevitable. One part of the progress in last few weeks is that Pleiadians are not only in underground. They might be on the surface.

We are now on the final stage. It will not be easy, but a very challenging. But at the last, we will be free! This is challenging because light forces have to be very careful. When the battles in the solar system is going on, we are safe here. Nothing happens here. We are just having everyday boring lives while things are happening elsewhere. But now, things are happening on the surface. It is much more dangerous because the conflicts are happening in front of our eyes.

Aldebarans are bringing very advanced technologies to reduce the amount of violence. They have actually prevented many conflicts, wars, escalations, terrorism in last few months. They have prevented many physical attacks and many dangerous things to light workers.

In this very delicate time, I would not release too much information. Only after some operations are ongoing, I will be able to explain what is happening.

The first part of this year, especially February and March, will be a critical period. When we go through the period, it will be getting little bit easier. It is very important for you to use your common sense. There will be a lot of craziness in the surface societies. Many crazy people are doing many crazy things. Common sense will be the key for February and March.

The second part of January as well. It will be quite intense. Just enjoy the last peace period, and things will be very crazy after that. [laughter] Just use your common sense!

We will have a short 20 minutes break. Thank you very much! [applause]


Short Break

Q&A Session 11

I can answer few of your questions.

Q. Regarding the contact dish project, I ended up buying a 20x40m empty lot next to my house in an unintended way. Am I being guided and preparing for the first contact?
A. It is up to your free will decision.
Q. Is the individual first contact before the Event?
A. It is possible, but not guaranteed. Official contact will not possible before the Event.

Q. I also have a question about the contact dish project. If you have a mortgage in your name, is it considered as your property?
A. If you are a legal owner even if you have a mortgage in your contract, you are considered as a volunteer, yes.
Q. How about, let’s say you purchase the land, and you have someone as custodian, can you give this person the right for the first contact? Can this situation override the intention of the person?
A. As an legal option, it is acceptable.

Q. In ancient Chinese folktale, Xi Wang Mu from Tibet has a lion head and tails. Is she a same being as Sekhmet?
A. Similar, because they are both coming from Sirius.

Q. In the book Unveiled Mysteries written by Godfré Ray King, it says the previous life of St. Germain was husband of Virgin Mary, Joseph. Is this correct?
A. Yes. [
Audience’s amazement]

Q. Many Chinese light workers are now in difficult situations. They are separated from their family and lost jobs, and the light grid in China is in crisis. But they are very enthusiastic about this year 2025 because it is their last hope for the Event. What is your advice for them?
A. Use your common sense and adjust to the situation. The situation there is not easy. People there need to keep their eyes open and need to use common sense. But this situation will not continue forever, it will end. Use common sense, and do not exposure yourself in danger. China is in the middle of storm, and this storm needs to pass.

Q. There is a place called Shamballa meditation center around Seattle, Washington. Can this center have a connection with Agarthan network?

A. No. Not a direct connection.
Q. Are there any indirect connection?
A. I would say there is a non-physical spiritual connection.
Q. So, does it help to meditate there during the upcoming chaotic time?
A. Yes.

Okay, we will continue the main program.


New Renaissance

I will speak about a very strong astrological configurations with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that happened last time in 16th century. It is happening again but in a much stronger and more effective way. The New Renaissance will be much stronger than the Old Renaissance.

A huge impulse from the spirit will come as soon as dark forces are removed. One huge aspect of this is the arrival of Goddess energy. This energy can be only entering the surface of the planet after surface population are healed enough. After dark forces are removed, Pleiadians will make sure this healing taking place.

Real goddess energy can enter the surface after many thousands of years. Real goddess temples will be established on the surface of the planet like in Atlantis age.

After the Event, this healing on humanity will happen in their sexuality and hearts. The separation between heart and sexual energy is the main source of conflicts on the surface societies. This separation is actually the real source of wars. People who are happy and balanced do not kill others, they do not get involved in wars, but they heal each other.

As soon as there is enough light present, people start to unplug themselves from the Matrix. This old programming from thousands of years will be broken.

There will be arrival of revaluation of art again. For these thousands of years, art was to express the Beauty. In the last century and a half, dark forces have hijacked the art. Modern art is not exactly beautiful. They are putting a banana on the wall and sell this for millions of dollars. This is not art. [laughter] This is money laundering.

In the New Renaissance, there will be new and real art will emerge to express true beauty and harmony.

Another aspect of this is new science. This new science will involve non-physical planes, which includes spirituality. Many new technologies will be developed. Food replicators, different manifestators, and any kind of devices to materialize will be released.

So-called famous med-beds which do not exist yet will be released.

We already have tachyon chambers as advanced technology, but they are not a med-bed.

From dragon sources, there is another technology came. Chatchai will have a short presentation about this technology.

Chatchai from Thailand: Hi everyone, I am a chief engineer of the Light Mandalas. 7=8 years ago, we came to Japan to present Mandala Astral star to the people in Japan back then. Since then, we continue developing and experienced many sufferings, but with all the supports from Japanese people here, we finally made a breakthrough! This is the final version of the Astral Star! [applause] Thank you! Without your supports, Astral Star and our technological developments would not have been here.
So I came here for giving you a special offer. For everyone in this room here. I would like your old Astral Star back to me, and give you the latest version of it! We will give you a special price down offer from the total amount of cost. This will give me another opportunity for more development. You have already invested a lot for technological development. Now I ask you to reduce the payment amount for upgrading your devices. If you cannot afford this amount neither, talk to me directly. I will find the best way for you to get the final version of Astral Star! Thank you very much! [applause]

Cobra: Okay, we will have the last 20 minutes break, then we will have a very special ceremony here.


Short Break


Ceremony for Anchoring the Goddess Energy to Kyoto Dragon Vortex

Ayumi from Japan: We will perform a ceremony to anchor the energy of the goddess here in Kyoto, the Dragon Vortex. Everyone in the room, please bring down the pink goddess energy here and watch over us.


Twelve priests and priestesses as one group enter and form three circles of twelve. The 12 people taking part in the ceremony stand in a circle, ankle to ankle and hand to hand, to create a perfect fusion and anchor the celestial energy on Earth.

Breathe in. Breath out reciting the mantra ‘MmmmIiiiiEeeeee’ as you slowly raise your arms to the top of your head, perpendicular to the ground. The movement of the arms should be regular and fluid.

Chanting ‘Mmmmm’ from 0 to 90°.

 ‘Iiiii’ from 90 to 135°.

 ‘Eeeee’ from 135° to 180°  (or the maximum angle due to the position of the hands)

you draw a semi-circle upwards linking the energy of the Earth to the Energy of the Goddess through the body and movements.

In order to increase the concentration of the accumulated light within the circle, the priests and priestesses may chant the ‘om’ together 9 times.

Maintain the posture for few moments.

Visualise your heart chakra gradually transferring the flame of your love to the centre of the circle, more and more until it reaches the centre of the Earth.

Bring your feet together, holding hands.

Begin to move slowly around the column of Light. Keep your eyes fixed on the centre of the circle as you slowly turn around it 12 times. The number of turns corresponds to the number of people in the circle.

Place both hands in front of your chest as a sign of gratitude, then slowly raise your hands towards the sky, extending your arms to thank the goddess and her energy. Finally, bring your hands to your heart.

After that, you take a single rose in an orderly fashion, inhale the goddess energy while smelling the rose, sprinkle the water from the rose on your brothers and sisters next to you in the circle, and then embrace each other.

Then, with solemn movements, they dip the rose in the water and sprinkle the goddess energy with love and joy on those who are watching over the ceremony.


Ayumi: Now we could successfully anchor the great amount of goddess energy into Kyoto Dragon Vortex! May the goddess energy spread throughout the planet! We need more goddess energy on the surface of the planet. So, please do this ceremony in your places. Thank you very much for being with us!

Cobra: Thank you. Now let’s stay for few moment in silence to integrate with the energy…


Welcome back.

My notes from what Cobra mentioned later about the Ceremony:
I understood this was a ceremony to seek a balance between the energies of men and women, and any future goddess ceremonies should be performed by members whose gender is only female. The energies are totally different.

We have almost finished our journey. We have been setting our timeline for 2025. Now we are completing this process.

So here, I have something to mention about the Ascension.



Ascension is a process of our final goal. Our goal is liberation from 3rd dimension reality.

During the ascension process, you become one with your higher self, or the Soul. Your attachment towards anomaly and 3D life gets weaker.

Your ascension is always your individual choice. It is upon your free will to decide if you ascend or not.

In the same time, there is an individual process. There is also a group process. To reach whole group of people to ascend in the same time in the future.

Invisible becoming Visible. All the veils and blockages will be removed. The light will begin to enter once again, after the great forgetting of 1996. The real light becomes visible again.

The real light will lead you upon your path towards ascension.

Basically, the process is very simple. You just need to your Soul. Follow your inner guidance. Then your inner guidance will lead you in the path of ascension.

There are few options. If you really want to ascend as soon as possible than anything else, you can go to Himalayas.   

You can find Ashram there, meditate, do your practice, and at the certain moment, you can ascend.

The other option is to stay here among the humanity. And do your missions here towards the group ascension process.

After the Event, Island of Light will be created. Within the Island of Light, there will be group ascension process ongoing in an accelerated way.

There will be advanced spiritual technologies to assist increasing your vibration frequency to reach ascension.

Ashtar command will assist this process very intensively. The project of three ascension waves are actually Ashtar’s project. He is making sure this is going to happen. Other ascended masters will be there to assist the process as well.

End of Kyoto Ascension Conference 2025

So, it is not time to give up!

We are going to meet our star family!

We are meeting our star family in the sky.

We are meeting our star family below the earth. 

At a certain point, we will have access to healing bath rooms in Agarthan network. Those people who are on the surface will have a chance to redesign their houses.


I think most people here know where to find my information. This is my blog, here I post the updates of planetary situation. You can share this blog to those who are open to the information.

We are having Ray initiation from tomorrow. This is a spiritual practice given to the surface population by the arch angel Metatron. There used to be only 7 Steller rays and 6 ascended master rays, but from tomorrow, for the first time, I will introduce the ATVOR ray which will drastically improve ATVOR technology.

Those of you who will be initiated into ATVOR ray will have more direct access to the technology. They will be initiated in level 2 ATVOR ray will be able to use this ray for others. So, hopefully we will have the first ATVOR healers in next few months on the surface of the planet.


For those of you who don’t know about these cites, please take a time to note these links.

Tachyon products: Tachyonis.org

Cintamani stones: Cintamani.space

Galactic cintamani: cintamanigalactic.blogspot.com

SOTR activities: Sisterhoodofrose.network


Many Tachyon products I brought for this conference are not in the site.

I hope more Sisterhood of Roses group and goddess temples will be created.

This is the time for the Return of the Light!

Thank you very much!

Victory of the Light! [applause]


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